Ballistic tips for deer hunting I have bagged huge numbers of deer and hogs with the STW and Ballistic Tips only at ranges at 300 yards or more with devastating exit wounds. I don't want to switch from a 165 to a 180, because I am shooting consistent Jan 4, 2010 · One of my hunting buddies has used 120 ballistic tips in his 7mm08 Encore for years and had excellent performanceAs I understand it, the 120 BT has a heavier jacket than some BT's and is designed for deer sized game May 25, 2008 · I've shot two deer with 150 gr ballistic tips out of my . I'm wanting to get your take on the Remington Core-Lokts vs. I've recently been considering taking it out west for a mule deer/elk hunt, where a little more penetration from a 165 would be great. Hit the humerous but didn't penetrate into the chest cavity. I tried regular 150 grain Ballistic Tips and got worse grouping and higher pressure when using the load. Nov 6, 2012 · The latest generation Nosler Ballistic Tip Hunting Bullets (not the Varmint version) have been toughened up and really perform quite well. Oct 31, 2007 · I don't blame you for getting rid of the ballistic tips - they were NEVER intended to be used like southern deer hunters use them. 308 at 3000-3200 fps was the go to deer bullet for several hunting buddies and I for many years. If shooting extremely long range (further than 400 yards) I'd prefer the ballistic tip for the higher ballistic efficient. Dec 22, 2004 · I shot three deer with the 25-06 the last two days. Complete pass throughs in shoulder or anywhere. you always hear of "they never exit", but i also hear the deer drop in their tracks more too. They were going 2675 at the muzzle, both shots were under 150 yards. From 6mm to . 308 Winchester with perfect results on whitetails. Sep 22, 2008 · Used a very similar bullet but with a 280 cal years ago. I practice out to 400 yards with excellent results. One was at 125 yds and the other at 300. This was a very, very, big Mule Deer. 25-06 for her first deer season. ) en route to the target. Pass through on hogs about 75% of the time, the other 25% were head/neck shots and were DRT. 010 thousandths thicker jacket than the 140. 5 shot. I saw one that a buddy of mine shot with a 7 mag ballistic tip, had a nasty, paper-plate sized surface wound on the shoulder that didn't kill the deer. Still, I think the 110 grain Accubond you mentioned would be an excellent bullet for the mule deer and antelope. Ballistic tips in a 7-08 for hunting deer or black bear? I've heard some good and some bad about them. Ballistic Tips for hunting. 0 grains Retumbo I was getting 2975 fps from the Silvertips. Oct 12, 2009 · The only Balistic tips I have used was at 200 yards, 150 gr. The one with the Norma was 250 yards. Look for patterns in the data. 20 hours ago · Some states require larger calibers or minimum energy levels for hunting deer. The 260 will be in its element at distances out to 4 or 500 yards. 02$. Nov 20, 2008 · nosler makes a ballistic tip hunting bullet, and a ballistic tip varmint bullet. 300 WSM. Oct 21, 2003 · The small calibers don' t seem to have enough umph to get them in the deer before they do their thing. 308 Winchester, Sierra 150 GK, Sierra 165 GK and the 168 Nosler Ballistic Tips. Just my . A friend of mine is shooting a 270 and has had HORRIBLE problems with them. 300wsm at 290 yds. Nosler Partition (Ballistic Tip) when using Max. The only time we experienced penetration problems was when the bullet hit an intermediate obstacle (tree branch, etc. Nealc; Dec 8, 2024 Mar 6, 2025 · Frankly, for one bullet for mule deer and elk, you would better served with the Partition, the AccuBond, or the E-Tip in the 30-06. Jul 5, 2007 · The 165 gr BT is about perfect in the 308 Win for deer hunting. 5x55, and it worked fine, exiting the 160 Lb buck on a broadside shot. or 120 gr. Quick Load shows my load with an140gr AccuBond to be 2722fps & 50,791psi which translates to be at at sea level and 500 yds, 1872fps & 1005ft. The 100 grains were going about 3040 fps and the 115 grains at 2935 fps. energy. From the . I have personally used the 150 at just over 2,700 fps and the 165 at just under 2,600 fps from a 20" barrel . Mar 13, 2020 · I plan to use my 7mm-08 with either Nosler 140gr Ballistic Tips or Accubonds over 49gr of RL19--with muzzle velocity of average 2840fps. I've taken Sambar deer with one shot out to 251 yds. I use the 120 grain ballistic tip exclusively in the 7/08 and have never been disappointed. A plain old ballistic tip or partition has been the deadliest bullet I've used by far. 243" to . Way too fragile for my liking. I like 7-08, . Ballistic Tips have a thick jacket and I have taken game up close and far, and its so accurate. I reload and simply can' t find another bullet as accurate as the nosler ballistic tip. 22 250 55 grain ballistic tips and v maxes for deer hunting?? #3843138 12/13/12 09:57 AM: Joined: May 2007. That 100 Ballistic tip is a real "bomb" at 264 Win Mag velocities!!! I have shot one deer with the 129 Hornady IL in the 6. The ballistic tips I speak of have thin, tapered jackets, a lead core, and a heavy jacketed, boattail base. 257" 110 grain and 7mm 140 & 160 grain flavors myself. Mar 21, 2014 · Anybody use the Nos. 308 Winchester shot. He said "same thing" and I said "is not". You should be able to get to 2700-2800 fps. 308, I took a cow elk and a bull moose. The Ruger shoots 100 grain bullets well. I followed the blood trail for about 75 yards (she dropped just over the creek). Feb 12, 2010 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - ballistic silver tip bullets? - thinking of trying some silver tips for deer/hog, anyone ever them in 308 or 30-06 some say thay dont hold up very good & come apart, anyone ever rocovered one There's a big difference in a traditional ballistic tip, for example, and a long-range hunting bullet like a Federal Terminal Ascent or Hornady ELD-X — both of which have polymer tips — but more on that in a bit. however i had made up some 60gr nosler partitions specifically for deer hunting and i didn't have them with. Just today I tried some regular Ballistic Tips coated with HBN and was very surprised with the results. Nov 22, 2016 · My experience is that Nosler ballistic tips in 270 130 gr, 7mm 140 gr, 300WM 125 gr, 6. Neither bullet penetrated into the Nov 8, 2014 · A long time ago though, they weren't separated into hunting and varmint categories. Feb 12, 2010 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - ballistic silver tip bullets? - thinking of trying some silver tips for deer/hog, anyone ever them in 308 or 30-06 some say thay dont hold up very good & come apart, anyone ever rocovered one Nov 16, 2005 · I've seen Mule deer taken with Ballistic tips from a 308, 30/06 and 308 Norma. in fact all me 5 deer I have shot with 150s, ALL WITH ONE SHOT they work really well in 270 Oct 17, 2009 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Ballistic Tips? - I used the 180 grain ballistic tip in the 300 winmag for a while. I asked for a box of 30-06 Hornady 150 gr. I shot two deer with them one in the lungs and one in the heart and ended up finding both deer within 100 yards of Jan 15, 2011 · IMO to be able to judge the true effectiveness/success of any bullet is how it performs on big deer. Mar 1, 2025 · White-tailed deer hunting videos are very popular among hunters. If the bullet drops 2 inches at 100 yards, aim higher. Mar 6, 2025 · Frankly, for one bullet for mule deer and elk, you would better served with the Partition, the AccuBond, or the E-Tip in the 30-06. The bullet entered just behind the shoulder. The 130 gr remington express core lok i shoot in my 270 have never let me down through probably 30 deer. A bit messy but I'm used to it. I' ve killed tons of deer with ballistic tips out of my 7mm mag. The deer, I am told, are not giant trophy bucks (I couldn't afford that hunt!) Mar 9, 2025 · The ballistic chart shows how the bullet travels. The deer slid about 15 feet in the snow. Best Bullets for Deer Hunting with a . I am going to use Varget loaded close to max. He's had to track two deer and lost a third deer. Performance is a known quantity. Sep 19, 2008 · On my bench, I have 150-grain Partitions and 165 grain Ballistic Tips, and I have RL-22 and H4895 for powder. Larry Apr 9, 2016 · I have three brand hunting bullets on my shelf for whitetails and hogs that I want to try for the . I've been shooting the Grendel for over 10 years and have tried almost every bullet available. Range will be only 25 to 100 yards. Using 68. One with the 115 grain Balistic tips and two with 100 grain balistic tips. Hornady SST 162 gr SST 7mm worked too. SST Lt. At the sight of coagulated blood which was coming out of its mouth tells me that the bullet did tremendous shock and damage it its lungs. 308 and 30-06. 140 gr. Jan 20, 2010 · There are better rounds - ballistic silver tips aren't necessarily the best and in many cases ranches and hunting operations will not allow you to use ballistic silvertips on hogs, Right or wrong, agree or disagree - the perception is that ballistic silvertips don't provide sufficient penetration, maintain sufficient mass, and don't kill as readily as other rounds. Why would you risk losing an animal, with such a small caliber and bullet weight? Much better choices out there. Nov 24, 2013 · Not wanting to leave it at that , I decided to mount a 120 and a 140 ballistic tip side by side in epoxy and machine the bullets half way through the bullet and measure the wall thickness my self. Nosler Ballistic Tips in my Ruger . I purchased a box of Nosler 140 grain Ballistic Tips to handload for this pistol; however, after reading some postings here and on other sites, I am beginning to have some concerns about using the ballistic tips. Jul 30, 2019 · Bottom line: they want the bullet to hit exactly where they aim, quickly put the deer down, and do those things without fail every time. Oct 16, 2009 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Ballistic Tips? - I have to agree with mackesr . No I did not test Nosler Ballistic tips or the Barnes X or triples at that time the Barnes came out after so those deer I shot with the Barnes bullets were Texas whitetails of a similar size and construction, with the same dramatic kills but one extra advantage I got an exit every time and no more bullet explosions. If you are going to be shooting deer size game then ALL your shots must be over 200 yards to get any penetration. While the Ballistic Tip is a fine bullet, and great for deer; it isn't designed for the maximum weight retention, but for more rapid expansion, as compared to the other bullets mentioned. Sep 18, 2014 · I went with the Nosler 125 BT, as I couldn't get the accuracy I wanted with the Barnes 110. Posts: 1,180. thanks Sep 25, 2023 · Engineered to produce match-bullet accuracy combined with reliable, clean-killing characteristics at extended range, this just might be the best long-range deer bullet made. I hit the deer in the center of the lungs. The second deer was shot at 170 yards running straight away from me up in my tree stand. OP Dec 24, 2003 · Ballistic Tips (BT's) were designed by Nosler for violent expansion / explosion and medium penetration on light skin type animals like deer. Pro Tracker. Nov 25, 2013 · Of the bullets you listed the E tip would be dead last. I was using the old soft points that had the silver tip. 243 have done everything I expected of them. I've seen this on several deer. It was my first Ballistic Tip in this rifle and It made an entry and exit and unfortunately no recovery. Loads, (don't remember the combo now,something with 4895, I would imagine)I neck shot a huge buck, in the neck @ 30yds. Jun 2, 2010 · I got lucky and drop him dead. First 2 we had problems finding cause the bullet didn't exit. At 100 yards both rounds hit in the same spot up and down. Nov 17, 2005 · My first deer was shot at 93 yards. Dec 22, 2014 · My experience with ballistic tips, is a huge shock lots of jellied meat. But on the other hand are Berger VLD 180 gr hunting bullets 7mm take bullet after bullet after bullet to take down deer. May 12, 2014 · Impact velocity should be below 3000 fps with the Ballistic Tips for the hunting bullets. On deer, Same entrance as exit, insides get mushed up so bad the blood doesn't leak. The deer went about 25 yards with a blood trail on both sides of the deer. Lately, Hope has been shooting the 7-08ai with the 120 TTSX at about 3180-3200 fps and has taken two wall hangers here in mid-MO in the past 3 seasons. For most normal hunting situations it's not going to make any difference which bullet you are using. he was easy over 220 lbs. 308. 28 nosler with 160 ballistic tips. See how the bullet drops over time. If you don't hit bone with a ballistic tip at least with small coastal deer, you better be a good blood trailer. The 95 NBT is my #1 hunting bullet in anything from 6mm BR and up. They share tips and tricks on tracking and hunting deer. 223 Why Bullet Choice Matters. Jun 14, 2011 · The AccuBond bullet is one of my favorites but I live in condor country in the repressive state of california and I came across the Hornadys' before the E-Tips. They work very well and kill deer quickly. Every bullet weight and muzzle velocity is optimized for maximum effectiveness on Deer, Antelope, and Hogs. I know there are some pretty impressive velocities possible with RL-22. into the cornfield from me. I've been very impressed with the . Sep 24, 2017 · Using 120 grain ballistic tips I have takes several deer beyond 500 yards in my 7/08 pistol and they performed well (DRT) at the remaining velocity. I shot a few deer within 30 yards and had core jacket separation each time. 243, the 120 just doesn't shoot in my rifle anywhere close to the BT. Back in the days of my . Core-lokts are terrible bullets for heavier boned/muscled Oct 28, 2013 · I've killed hundreds of deer with Nosler Ballistic Tips: 85 and 100 grainers from 25-06 and 125, 150, and 165 grainers in . I shot a Doe at around 35 yards. Great expansion AND penetration. 223. Nosler Ballistic Tips again this November you are right. It will be used almost exclusively for Whitetail deer in Indiana. If you guessed I will be using the 95gr. I prefer the 100 grain bullets over the 120-125 at the lower velocities that the Grendel offers. The elk took about 2 steps and was dead, broadside shot and an exit about 1" diameter, this was at about 70 yards in the timber. Apr 17, 2010 · The 125 Nosler Ballistic Tip in . This helps you understand the bullet’s path. May 17, 2005 · Ballistic Tips (BT's) were designed by Nosler for violent expansion / explosion and medium penetration on light skin type animals like deer. 308/180 grain bullet on up, Ballistic Tips feature heavy jackets and are primarily intended for use on large animals. We found the base of the bullet in and around the spine. The polymer point up front is designed to smash into the lead core, creating rapid expansion upon impact. 5 120 gr, 257 115 gr, and 6mm 95 gr all work like a dream in getting bang flop. Tip, rib cage shot behind the shoulder on a Mule Deer, the bullet vaporized on impact, blew out a section of skin about 6 inches x 6 inches. Aug 24, 2009 · Nice, because I to have a Tikka T3 left hand Lite, I to use 150gr ballistic tips Mine to shoots very well…. I'm switching to it this season for use in my own 7mm-08 after getting a number of positive recommendations on it from folks who've used it for that purpose. Big deer. the former uses the plastic tip for controlled expansion, while the latter uses the plastic tip for violent, explosive expansion. So, we like to have as much energy expended in the animal as we can. texas. They provide a visual guide to techniques and strategies. Dec 7, 2013 · Every deer I shot, the BT went clear thru. the deer was facing away at an angle, about 100 yds. Since she'll be shooting a small grain bullet, which one do you think will give her the most knock down Aug 22, 2020 · Been a Ballistic Tip and Accubond fan, never fails me when it comes to hunting. Y. Sep 6, 2006 · So don't use the Ballistic Tips in close range when shooting 3500 fps, I feel comfotable shooting close range at 3000 fps or less. Apr 23, 2009 · I've been shooting 165gr Ballistic Tips, through my 300 WM, for about 16 yrs now. Nov 2, 2014 · We (wife and I) have shot one or the other bullet out of various 7mm rifles - 7-08, 7-08ai, and 284 win for several seasons in a row. One 5x5 whitetail was coming in at a dead run straight at me, and I hit it twice in the sternum. These hunting bullets, called “controlled expansion bullets,” are specially designed to expand to a certain point—depending on the speed of the bullet—yet hold together so they maintain momentum and penetrate adequately even if they encounter heavy resistance. Watching these videos offers a unique learning experience. That is failure! Also Rem. Jan 21, 2022 · About 90% of the deer and hogs I have taken in my life have been with 150 Grain Nosler Ballistic Tips from a . Mar 12, 2006 · The 7mm 120 gr Ballistic Tip is very popular for deer hunting among those who've tried it. The other with the 165 Ballistic tip in a Handload at about 150 yards in the 30/06. Oct 2, 2007 · I was using Winchester 95 grain Ballistic tips. Hornady endowed it with a thin, consistency-maximizing jacket; a state-of-the-art composite tip made of erosion-resistant material, a low-drag boat-tail and profile and Jun 26, 2020 · A third type of bullet is a blend of both these bullet styles. 323 May 12, 2014 · Impact velocity should be below 3000 fps with the Ballistic Tips for the hunting bullets. hated them with a passion. These older Speer bullets are not popular today, but they are very accurate and kill big deer well. The drop is in inches. You can see expert hunters in action. The lungs appeared to be peppered like one would expect with No. Aug 23, 2003 · I shoot the Ballistic tips in both 100 and 120 grain weights, but use them only for "big" varmints like coyotes and feral cats. Back then, they were just Ballistic tips. Ballistic tips. Dec 2, 2010 · Once a wounded deer crosses a line fence, it are generally "lost". The bullet caught behind his right rear rib and exited the left front chest Jul 20, 2004 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - winchester ballistic silvertips - has anybody here deer hunt with the 130 gr silver ballistic tips. J E CUSTOM Feb 13, 2016 · The 120 grain Ballistic Tip at 3,025 fps did its job nicely. instant kill, damn poor bullet performance Oct 30, 2004 · So far the 95gr. In my experience ballistic tips were pitiful. 1. 30-06 deer hunting, I quit the 150gr. ALL the hunting versions have thicker skin and expand more like a partition. However, deer aren't armor plated and there isn't a deer in North America that will survive a well placed . Very accurate. Typically golf ball to baseball sized exit holes on deer with heart/lung shots, and exits on high shoulder shots about half the time. post any results on these bullets. 323 Mar 19, 2011 · I personally have not used the Ballistic tips in a 300 mag, but I have used the 168 ballistic tips in a . Jul 7, 2008 · Re: BTHP vs. Nov 6, 2012 · The . No shoulder shots for me as there is too much meat damage. Mags. Also, the hard-to-find Sierra 100g Semi points will fix a lot of your issues, but they are scarce. instant kill, damn poor bullet performance Either one will kill deer. i am going to try, for the first time, some 150 grain nosler ballistic tips for my 7mm mag this year. Jul 6, 2019 · The maximum recommended velocity for the Ballistic Tip Hunting bullet is 3200 fps. Both deer's chest cavities were a mess of bloody pulp. The best I could get was 3"-4" 5 shot groups with the Barnes at 100yd. She center punched him through the front shoulders at about 120 yards. Always check hunting regulations before using a . Aug 30, 2023 · How do pointed softpoint bullets compare with ballistic-tipped cartridges in the field? Which bullet is better for real-world whitetail hunting? See full list on gameandfishmag. At longer range I suppose they would not quite keep the same trajectory. The . I've heard too many stories of ballistic tips blowing up and not killing the deer, especially at close range with a magnum caliber. 280rem, 7mm, 7Rum. 308 seems to be a different story! My friend who processes my deer, saved my bullet for me and affirmed the bullet track. A friend of mine lost a doe a couple of weeks ago. Both were lung shots and almost instant kills. I am shooting a 280 Remington with 140gr. The 120 had a . So for us, hunting deer in this area, rapid energy dissipation is more important than the deeper penetration needed for larger game. Tissue damage was extensive. Ballistic Tip hunting bullets are available in diameters ranging from . My granddaughter shot a spike this year with a Ruger mini 14, 223, using Nosler 60 gr ballistic tips. (That old 120 grain Core-Lokt bullet was a wonderful choice for Grandpa's time! Mar 15, 2021 · About 90% of the deer and hogs I have taken in my life have been with 150 Grain Nosler Ballistic Tips from a . After one season I bagged them. Each row has distance and bullet drop. 85g Speer btsp is a great deer bullet, so is the 90g Speer. The ballistic tip is likely to make a bigger hole but less likely to exit. Oct 24, 2008 · The Accubond is not a bonded core ballistic tip. Watch YouTube, huge impact after 8ins bullets wound channel is no more then the diameter of the bullet. bullet,,,heck some of my 17 HMR rounds are ballistic tips,,,kill hogs and deer We engineered the Ballistic Tip Hunting bullet to be very predictable and extremely forgiving. Typical weight retention is 50-60%. For most calibers shooting fragile BT's, you're better off using heavier projectiles with bigger Sectional Density's (SD's) than you would normally use for a regularly constructed bullet. Nosler Bal. The lighter, smaller caliber Ballistic Tips are optimized primarily for use on CXP2 size animals. I bet you'll find an accurate load pretty quickly with it. The exit hole was about the size of a quarter. More times than not with ballistic tips deer usually are dropped in their tracks, but on the few occasions that they run, blood tracking is more difficult. en route to the deer and had fragmented on the intermediate barrier. I'm a little concerned about Ballistic Tips fragmenting at the high velocity of close shots,what's your experience Sep 26, 2015 · I killed my first 5 deer back in the early 90's with a 243. Which bullet would you pick for whitetail / hog hunting? Range is less than 300 yards. I'd say give it a try, I plan to. I am one to try all the newest latest greatest bullets and by far the 17 dollar Dec 24, 2006 · Out of over 100 deer shot with ballistic tips of various calibers and weights, we had a few that had appeared to "blow up" on impact. 7. bucks in the 180 pound plus class. bullet,,,heck some of my 17 HMR rounds are ballistic tips,,,kill hogs and deer Nosler Ballistic Tip ammunition is loaded with the accurate and reliable, Nosler Ballistic Tip Bullet. I believe it is the ideal bullet for deer hunting in our area. The 260 is very close to the performance of a 7/08 and if the 260 AI is used, it is almost a ballistic equal to the 7/08. Sep 19, 2023 · Before loading up 100 shiny brass cases, it is necessary to select the appropriate Nosler Ballistic Tip Bullet for the application. There isn't an elk alive that will survive it either for that matter. He was shooting a . Whether you’re after Whitetails, Blacktails, Mulies or Pronghorns, Ballistic Tip bullets deliver the kind of accuracy, consistency and down-range punch required for putting down that buck in any situation. The distance is in yards. Oct 12, 2004 · I have a Thompson/Center Encore with a 15" barrel in 7mm-08 caliber. When checking the deer the bullet entered just behind the Sep 6, 2006 · So don't use the Ballistic Tips in close range when shooting 3500 fps, I feel comfotable shooting close range at 3000 fps or less. It is similar, but has a much thicker jacket and as you stated and as is stated on Nosler's web site, it can be used at slightly higher velocities than the Ballistic Tip Hunting bullet. lbs. My dad bought some 90 grain ballistic tips from advanced bullets in temple ga, after that we didn't have any Sep 15, 2014 · Soft points, for sure. Making for easy recovery. A proper hunting bullet should: Mar 13, 2025 · The solution is to go to a bullet of a different design, not a vld type of bullet. I have used them on deer with no problems, but never on a bear. the two will perform drastically different on deer. I shoot a 30-30 and I've had great success with these rounds out to 150 yards. That is the first 223 bullet, that I have seen that went though the deer. 223 with 62 grain ballistic tips. We used the 150 and 165 also, but eventually settled on the 125 as ou favorite. 223 isn’t the most powerful deer hunting cartridge, so using the right bullet is crucial. the Nosler Ballistic Tips. SST are great bullets as well, I have shot game with them. All with good shot placement. Jul 22, 2019 · Classic hunting bullet. I've shot a deer with a 180 grain accubond from the . what kind of hole do they leave and the knockdown power. well i got lucky but shot placement is critical for small calibers. The deer jumped when hit ran for about 15 yards and stood there, then ran off. Nov 26, 2006 · I recently got into a discussion with the manager of a large gun shop about ballistic tip bullets. I have shot a few deer through the lungs with the 120 that went a bit farther than I like with a less than spectacular blood trail. If impact velocity is over 3000 fps they come apart like a varmint bullet. Deer aren't extremely large, thick-skinned, or tough animals, so good deer hunting ammo requires different performance than ammunition designed for much bigger game like moose or African plains game. Nosler Ballistic Tip ammunition is loaded with the accurate and reliable, Nosler Ballistic Tip Bullet. One reason I use it is the accuracy. yukons95 OP. Big blood trail. 5 shot groups at 100 yards from the bench run between 1/2" to 3/4", and I was pleased with the velocity I obtained from my 22" Ruger. com Nov 2, 2014 · The barnes is a great bullet and we use it for deer in our . Use the chart to adjust your aim. He ran about 20 yards and piled up. Due to the explosive nature of them on deer, nosler made Ballistic Tip Hunting and Ballistic Tip Varmint varieties. However, after more careful investigation, we always found that the bullet had hit an intermediate barrier (tree branch, 2x6, etc. Went about 30 feet. Ballistic Tips shoots excellent in all of my rifles. Also I've seen a video where a guy shot a nice buck in the front shoulder at about 350 yards and the bullet blew up, the guy was able to get another shot and put the deer down, after he did some tracking Sep 17, 2008 · Anyone have experience with shooting a black bear with Nosler Ballistic Tips? I will be deer hunting in an area where there is a small chance of seeing bear. and had the bullet literally disintegrate. Shoots like a match bullet for accuracy, has a good BC, holds together well, expands at a distance, and has been deadly. Nov 24, 2011 · What are the thoughts on Winchester's Ballistic Silver Tips and White Tail hunting. I shot a bit high but i was lucky. Nov 16, 2006 · I've gotten my daughter a . 30 caliber in weights of 90 to 220 gains, Nosler offers a Ballistic Tip Bullet in wide range of options to fit your specific whitetail-hunting need. Oct 20, 2014 · I've found as a pretty good rule of thumb that deer shot good with a lead core bullet usually run 20-50 yards and leave a good blood trail. I said no, I want the Hornady SST bullet with the InterLock ring and not the Nosler Ballistic Tip. Feb 17, 2012 · All of the above is with the coated Ballistic Silvertips. The bullet hit the center of the neck about 4" from the head. Feb 5, 2002 · Whitetail Deer Hunting - Ballistic Tips - Never ever had a problem with NBT,s in 7 rem mag,30-06,or 270. . and he replied "the ballistic tips".
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