Batman fanfiction tim lonely In the mansion, he'd have Alfred puttering about. "What - I saw on the three o'clock news this girl was - ""OK!" Cass giggles lightly at Dicks upset tone as Jason bursts into a fit of laughter. He ruffles Tim's head, being mindful of the scars on top. Today he moves more like Tim, methodically and with some kind of weight on his shoulders making him slow. Sep 1, 2019 · Dick thinks Tim is losing it, and his insistence is going to make Dick jump out a window. (Okay, I see it both ways – Tim being ready to go solo in Dick's eyes or Tim being fired. He was the representative this time, as the Foundation's goal was to raise money for school science fair scholarship prizes in the Gotham slums. Bruce and Tim first encountered an apparently resurrected Jason Todd in Batman: Hush. Tim seemed to give up at that moment and made to sit where Steph had just gotten up from. Because if you dare tell me you are worried about Nighwing, with all his secrets and training, being one of the bad guys, Batman or not, I'm going to kick you out of the Nest and ban you for "Y'know I get that Tim is supposed to be cool," Jason continued, "but he isn't the type of guy I want to be hanging around with for the rest of my life in prison. Batman - All Media Types (45644) Batman (Comics Tim Drake is Batman; Tim Drake-centric; Tim Drake is Not Okay; BAMF Tim Drake; My First Fanfic; Lonely Tim Drake; Everyone is Dead; Implied/Referenced Character Death; Summary. Author's Note: This is another story that I thought up in the middle of the night, and had to type up while it was still fresh. /Nightwing, Timothy D. " Knowing she's the reason It's been this way since his family eventually left when he brought her home. ". "Tim! Tim, for God's sake, Bruce!" The boy took of the mask, setting it on a table with a punch. So, without further adohere you go! Please remember to rate this and message me! Appreciate the comments! The three of them landed in the middle of a robbery and the girl dressed as Robin finished off a couple of robbers and tied them up. Jan 22, 2025 · Tim wants to avenge the childhood of this Robin that he never met, a calmer and somehow more settled version of the boy he once only knew through comics and fanfiction. And then it was time for some more Zumba. Tim's Tech Savviness Tim watched with mild disinterest as he attended one of the Wayne Foundation Charity Balls. /Red Robin, Damian W. The Breaking Point. She made Tim make love to her again. #####BREAK LINE##### The next morning, Tim awoke to pounding on his bedroom door. No terrors of the Joker and Batman hunting him down… and really he had never liked the mattress he had in his apartment so he wasn't sure why it was so awesome right now. ) Disclaimer: I don't own anything associated with Batman comics. Can Batman resist her manipulation, or will he succumb and become Charlie Quinn? Tim Drake-Wayne smiles with all the strength of a dying star, shares Dick's enthusiasm when he suggests plans to spend time together that Tim knows will never be followed through on, lets himself be hugged with only a token eyeroll that disappears when Dick teases him and ruffles his hair. "It's ok," I said, sitting up slowly with my hand on the back of my smarting head, "my Dad's out of town, I'm the only one in the house. Cassandra, Damian. " Tim came foreward and Dick trapped him in his embrace, cuddling him fondly. And waits. Chapter 1 (rough draft) Summary: Richard Grayson wakes up alongside a strangely familiar gorgeous woman, a badly scarred bird boy, and a thirteen-year-old who's freaked out by all the strangers in his bedroom. He watched for a few more minutes, but all they were doing was a painstaking process of drawing a bunch of symbols on the floor in such a tedious way they didn't look like they'd This isn't my favorite style of writing. Dick and Steph flank him, listening intently and occasionally commenting. I was just wondering how you escaped the big guy. He's probably had the 'Bruce is disappointed in Tim' speech and decided there's not much he can do until Bruce has calmed down a bit. On the night the Joker is born, a lonely little girl is found in the Axis Chemical Plant. Ordinary Tim Drake loves keeping an eye on Batman and his sidekicks. "Are you going to take Robin back, it's not the same without our Rob, we miss you," Bart told him. Not Beta. Warning(s): Typo is my most loyal fan, spelling mistakes because English is not my mother language, Possibly OOC. One night, Harley shrinks Batman and turns him into a little girl, aiming to train him to be her sidekick. "Well, I should go. Permanently. Tim was always a bright kid, between all the Robins he was probably the smartest, it was no wonder he was offered a spot in Ivy University's genius program, and yet he gave it all up for the Batman legacy, to save the Belfry, a team that had fallen apart because people were afraid of what Batman had become… of what he could become. Her eyes meet his. I don't know - I tried to express the life of all our favorite characters through sparse pictures and words, I guess you have to know the DC universe - pre rebooting mostly - to get all what was insinuated. Tim's feeling lonely. "Tim, go!" "What-" Barabara sprinted at Drake, lifting him over her shoulder with ease, and raced to the door. He's used to the quiet of working alone. . Either way, it’s easy for Tim to be a concerned citizen and for Batman to start investigating. At least Tim looked wanted when he was around Richard. With careful and practiced hands he quickly cleaned and bandaged the wounds on his chest before carefully binding the ribs. Disclaimer: Batman belongs to DC Comic. But Stephanie still wasnt satisfied. aka. "Thirteen. " "Still young. May 13, 2017 · Tim didn't say anything for a while, just watched as she got more and more uncomfortable in the silence. The details about Jason's death are taken from Batman #426-429 (Batman: A Death in the Family). " Bruce continues in his rapid-fire typing, and when Tim takes a few steps closer, he can see dark under his eyes, stark against the red rims and vivid blue. A little to the left, father – Batman – smiled at the girl-Robin and Nightwing ruffled her hair playfully before grapples were shot and they vanished momentarily from sight. "You got a Tim fiddled a bit with the cowl's communication device, switching between frequencies, trying to pick something up. "Tt, Drake could you be anymore useless. " He looked at Tim in the opposite cell on the other side of the prison chasm and Tim waved enthusiastically at him when he caught Jason's attention with a high-pitched 'hi Jason!'. Even at three years of age, however, Tim was smart enough to realize how how much older Tony was now and how different things were in the fourteen years it had been since Tim had originally been She can hear Tim's gentle footsteps before she sees him. "Tim, listen to me," Dick hissed in his ear, tightening his grip and pinning the smaller boy's arms to his sides. "Come on! Bruce punched Tim. He is sitting next to Damian at a little table. (Written for the Batman Bingo 2020) With careful and practiced hands he quickly cleaned and bandaged the wounds on his chest before carefully binding the ribs. Maybe Bruce Wayne bleeds through to Batman just long enough to be noticeable. AKA, Dick fired Tim. "-and got ready to pull it. "Yes," he said. Jan 22, 2025 · Or maybe it’s just that, in this world, Batman is a little bit softer. (Written for the Batman Bingo 2020) Cassandra got behind Tim and slid the strap-on into his ass, pulling back on the leash as she did so. " Well, yes he probably could. "You got a Aug 23, 2024 · Nightwing shakes his head as he reels Robin into another hug, using the arm around his shoulders. I never really tried it before, the past events merged in with present and stuff. Tim grabbed the drug dealer's arm, forcing it behind his back and watched as the man cried in pain. The suitcase closed with a snap, drawing a small sigh out of Tim as he rested both his hands on top of the large case resting on his bed. o Jack had been too ashamed to approach his son at the time, but he had seen the grin on his face as he goofed off with the young man who looked just as happy to be in Tim's presence as Tim was to be in his. Tim gently removed Jason's pants but stopped at removing the boxers. A Batman fanfic by Raberba girl. How is it then that life pushes him in the path of Batman's family and Bruce Wayne himself? “Tim, don’t—” In one universe, Tim Drake is isolated, neglected, and drowning in loneliness. " Tim adjusted his grip on Jackie as the kid and Bart played. I can think properly and relax. I will add more one-shots in the future. Taken in by Bruce Wayne, also a lonely soul, she finds a family. Begrudgingly, of course. She dove into an alcove with a blasted wall and dragged Tim with her until they were safely outside. Any type of feedback is appreciated but please, if you're going to criticize, at least make it constructive. With his breathing gently slowing, Jason thought of his family. One Shots, mini-series, and headcanons, life for the Waynes is always interesting to watch, especially since they can't leave crime fighting behind them. Robins and Other Flightless Birds - “It begins with another Bruce, looking around his cave and asking, “So where are the kids?” Ignores the DCnU reboot A tale of two Robins wrapped up in an Asian-style horror story. "Come on! She began laughing; using her hands to signal to him from misunderstanding. Steph pinched his nipples and had him lick her pussy. Aug 23, 2024 · Nightwing shakes his head as he reels Robin into another hug, using the arm around his shoulders. The two had a strong bond from what he could see. She loves Jason and she wouldn't leave him even if Tim offered her the world. Tim groans. When he realized that the others had been right about B, about what Batman stood . However, when someone else walks into the room, I go into a mental defensive mode. Just like how he somehow wound up being Batman's greatest nemesis - his therapist. Timothy Jackson drake, son of Jackson Drake and Janet Drake of the Drake kingdom of the North was married off the the son of Bruce Wayne of the Wayne kingdom of Gotham and Talia Al Ghul, daughter of Ra' Al Ghul, king of the Al Ghul Empire of the south-eastern arid deserts. Summary: Here is Batman's categories of potential adoptee. Dick makes Damian Robin. Tim and Cassy were who he went to when he wanted peace and quiet. Packing was never an activity he enjoyed, and figuring out what he would need for the trip he would be taking had been a hassle almost as exhausting as tying up loose ends with Batman Inc, the Titans, and Wayne Enterprises. First child rights," Dick said as he twirled away from her reach. Tim finally refused to join, so she invited all her friends for a Zumba party. No nightmare tonight then. He enjoyed the sex in the shower afterwords. Batman was brooding over this constant hovering, but didn't stop it from happening which was a curious thing too. And really, that's what they were, right? Even with all the shit he'd tried to pull. Second. When he saves the life of a member of the Batfamily, Tim expects his life to stay the same. Dick was here, sure, but he didn't know why and he couldn't even talk to him yet. The lonely, calico kitten meowed noisily up at Damian and Tim fought back a deliberate smile as Damian's eyes took in the sight of the furry creature with an onset of fondness. /Robin - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,617 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 196 Tim ripped the weapon from his cape and raced to his mentor, much against his better judgment. Tim's missed her. Tim hadn't met Dick Grayson until three months after his third birthday, so of course Tony and Batman were the only people Tim would be familiar with. When Tim finished with the last goon, he turned to his father and brother. He felt warm, he felt safe. "Harder Tim!" She screamed. " He is smiling at me yet again. Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, and Alfred Pennyworth were present in the occasion to mourn the loss of the former District Attorney. He would like to remind whatever higher forces are out there that he is still only 12. Genre(s): Humor/Action. " The girl rolled her eyes, stuck on baby duty while all the boys got the cool jobs. A retelling of Tim Burton's 1989 Batman. He could use the Batcomputer, at least that was something. Chapter twelve. He's mine to carry around. difficult. The flashback scene of Batman rescuing Spoiler is from Batman: Gotham Knights #58 (Batman: War Games). Tim's not lonely. Twelve?" She bristled a bit. Tim's face broke into a smile before managing to grab the dealer's gun and pointed it to the guy's head, his finger on the trigger-"Bats don't kill!" "…Well, I'm no Bat, dumbass. Leslie's explanation to Batman in Stephanie's hospital room is inspired by dialogue from Batman #644 (Batman: War Crimes). Jun 5, 2019 · I imagine that after Tim and as technology and information availability increased, Bruce would have taken even more precautions to discount the "theory" that he was Batman. Rare, but something he needed from time to time. Tim leaves. "I was withConner. "Don't kill me, please!" Two weeks later, Damian has at last accepted the fact that Grayson is here to stay. "Excuse me?" "I saw you at the park!" "I believe so. "Now", Bruce said softly, eyes locked on Jason's, "now, I'm at peace. She began laughing; using her hands to signal to him from misunderstanding. Or maybe he just didn't like to think about having let Batman down. He felt homesick, and lonely. Tim's heart thundered as the pieces clicked together. " Steph said as she stroked Tim's cock with her foot. "I'm not Robin anymore, especially with Dick as Batman…he actually thought I'd…" Tim shook his head Batman - oh, god, Batman was there, but it wasn't the him, it couldn't be, not here - and so was Nightwing, who had both arms wrapped around him, pinning him to the hospital bed despite Robin's struggles to free himself. . Jan 31, 2025 · All of the bat children are there. But it's too late. You can assume that Robin and Batgirl's travels were largely similar to Batman's in Batman #639-640 (Batman: Under the Hood). As previously mentioned, Tim and his father met up during the gang war in Robin (1993) #130 (Batman: War Games). Bruce used to leave him all by himself, to figure out a puzzle, a riddle, that's not worth Batman's attention. Go home. "Let's figure out a name for him first. He can't do this. " Batman threw a batarang and the projectile imbedded itself in Epoch's armor causing his weapon to spark menacingly. Ignores the DCnU reboot A tale of two Robins wrapped up in an Asian-style horror story. You shouldn't be out here. Aug 30, 2013 · I think Tim Drake is addressing me. However, when he returns to Gotham City, it's Damian Wayne who discovers he brought along more from his trip overseas than just his luggage and mission report. A fleeting flurry of emotions rushed across Damian's face. /Red Robin, Richard G. " Batman frowned. After the Batfamily falls, Tim Drake decides to take up the mantle of Batman. " The crestfallen look on her face was enough to melt a bit of the Batman persona he was putting on, and he sighed a Tim didn't mean to become the notorious thief Red X; it just sort of happened. Dick knew what she was trying to do so he held Bruce tighter much to Tim's irritation at being interrupted at annoying Bruce. ' He thought to himself. Tim remembered the weight of his hand on his head, the comfort it had brought. It was barely the beginning and Tim was already starting to lose it. In another, Tim Drake is dead—a beloved son whose loss shattered the Bat-family, turning them colder and more dangerous. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Jason T. Perhaps he, like Tim, was remembering that night on the roof. Hah, those boys. A clown and a robin. My stories are usually based off the 1960s TV show but I'm branching out. I don't have anything against Batman, but Nightwing taking care of his younger siblings, Jason, Tim, and Damian, is just so cute. A scene involving the reptile comes on and by tim response it's clear that he's scared. Cass nodded in agreement and laid on her back, pulling Tim Oct 28, 2023 · They turn to look at the source, and it was Barbara Gordon. ' "Where we going?" Tim asked, dodging slobbery dog kisses and wondering excitedly what adventure could await him with his dad and his new furry friend. Tim just scoffs and then Damian starts ranting. Dick is there to help. Dick's probably just busy with… you know, being Batman, wrangling Damian. Damian had tried to scare the boy away (oh, how he tried) even going as far as describing in great gory detail about all the things that will happen to Grayson if he stays in this family and the 'family job', causing the young boy to grow deathly pale while seemingly close A/N: Hi! This is my first time attempting to write any heroes other than Batman/Bruce Wayne and Robin/Dick Grayson. He kinda understood when Dick demanded of Batman to change the plan, given how protective Nightwing was lately. " Damian commands. So he leaves. Tim reckons it won’t be too hard to get Damian the protection and care he deserves. It sounded hollow and desperate—a chilling combination. Jason realizes that tim probably is afraid of them finally when they're maybe watching an episode of fear factor. Tim glanced at the unfinished English report for school and then back at the case files. (No, no, no—not funny. I like saying Tim got fired, though, because then I can write stuff like this and pretend there's some canon feels in there. "Just break anyone's nose if they try anything unseemly with you. "Maybe we should let him have some fun, he looks a little lonely down there. Chirp - Tim starts helping Batman much earlier, though his efforts are not always appreciated. The feeling that even if he messed up, someone had his back. He sighed and got to work binding the swollen ankle. Bludhaven can get pretty damn lonely. Instead, he pulls the chair closer to the fire, reads, listens. Damian had tried to scare the boy away (oh, how he tried) even going as far as describing in great gory detail about all the things that will happen to Grayson if he stays in this family and the 'family job', causing the young boy to grow deathly pale while seemingly close This is a story about Tim Drake who was once Robin aka Batman's sidekick and then turned into Red Robin. Tim is sitting in Bruce's chair, typing rapidly and moving the controls as he explains something. jASON SETS THIS UP FOR THE FAM ON PURPOSE BEVASUE HE WANTS TO CONFIRM WHETER OR not tim has a phobia. Tim fiddled a bit with the cowl's communication device, switching between frequencies, trying to pick something up. Tim had Damian pinned on the ground with a foot to the throat. Enjoy your dinner. " "I was kidding. "Aww Timmypoo, you made a new friend!" Jason is coming towards us now. "Behind you!" Tim didn't mean to become the notorious thief Red X; it just sort of happened. "Nightwing? wait, you know that too!" Dick said glaring at his siblings, Bruce nodded. "You are…for how long?" I shrugged. Dick takes on the Cowl. o Tim's not lonely. " "But you didn't have yours!" Tim Alfred had screamed Bruce's name frantically and the scene he ran into was not pretty at all. "Then again what can be expected from a weakling like you" there is was, the face scrunch, the involuntary twitch that Drake didn't even know he had, the twitch that told Damian his words were annoying him, hitting a sore point, and he smiled. "Hey, no, I love having you here. Two weeks later, Damian has at last accepted the fact that Grayson is here to stay. Tim realizes now how much he needs her. "You're far from your nest, little birdie," rasped a voice, low and guttural. Jason decided that was the best word to use. The dog didn't like Jack, but she wagged her tail for Tim and followed him happily into the backseat of one of His dad's cheaper cars, the Cadillac affectionately referred to as 'the beater. Bruce could see Tim press his foot down a little harder and the color started to change in Damian's face. "Nuh uh, Steph. Yeesh, you are so paranoid. "Epoch is behaving erratically. /Red Hood, Richard G. :) In this story, Tim is Robin. There wasn't really a reason for it that Tim could see, just Bruce's anger. She was with her father Commissioner Jim Gordon, who carried a bouquet of flowers with a sad look on his face. "Damian!" Dick shouts appalled. But a dark secret threatens to destroy everything Aug 30, 2013 · I think Tim Drake is addressing me. I absolutely LOVE Batman and especially all the Robins. I imagine that Tim Drake, being a child of technology, and basically Bruce in miniature, and prone to working himself to the point of exhaustion because he has anxiety Tim Drake-Wayne smiles with all the strength of a dying star, shares Dick's enthusiasm when he suggests plans to spend time together that Tim knows will never be followed through on, lets himself be hugged with only a token eyeroll that disappears when Dick teases him and ruffles his hair. Tim shook his head. He will have to forge his own path and decide what kind of protector of Gotham that he will Chapter 1. Join one 'retired' Batman as he raises his kids all together while trying to still save the world with this version of the Justice League. Dick, I need you to convince him to let me carry him down there. They are huddled together around the batcomputer, looking at a blueprint and commenting on certain aspects of it. Tim Drake goes to Japan for business, both for Wayne Enterprises and Batman Incorporated. " "Are you a stalker a something?" "Um. He's definitely setting a bad example. Damian is . Different. " Tim snickers as he shakes his head and fully leans into the hug, which is something that older Tim hasn't done in a long time. Tim scrambled to his feet, taking in the figure looming over him. ) Dick is probably rubbing off on him. "Cover!" they heard him shout. ' Mar 14, 2024 · Current theory is Ra's wants me isolated and easier pickings. 'Tim, how can you be uncomfortable around people?' 'Well, you see, other portion of my mind that I'm talking to because I'm lonely, when I'm by myself, I'm in my comfort zone. The very belated post-Batman 71 fic that got a bit out of hand. But the roaring quiet, the emptiness is disconcerting. Red helmet. T for paranoia Jason, Tim, samples. Busy. First. So Tim is here, facing a less-than put-together Ra’s al Ghul. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family - Timothy D. " Batman said as he ran forward to confront the villain as Artemis used the villain's distraction to land a few kicks. " Said Tim. Tim shut his eyes and in less than a minute, was out like a light. Tim Drake shows up at Jason Todd’s apartment, bruised and broken, with no words for the wounds he’s carrying. x. 'It couldn't hurt. "Behind you!" A Batman fanfic by Raberba girl. He remembered how Dick had told Bruce that Tim had done well that night, not mentioning the little mishap, and Bruce had nodded approvingly at Tim. 'It wouldn't hurt to just rest my eyes for a minute. Jason and Tim grinned and jumped at the orders, almost racing to get them done. Like they were brothers. She can feel in the vibrations that Tim's surprised. "I mean sleep in the same bed, been feeling lonely in this big mansion of yours. Clomp, clomp, clomp on the mats. Batman slowly removed the hand from my mouth when he saw the alarm leave me eyes. As much as Tim wanted to interrogate Duke now, Duke was dressed as the Signal, and Tim had no desire to barge in wearing his civilian attire with a stranger present. That way, it will be more difficult for Alfred to kick him out of the penthouse. He'd thought about itWhen he'd moved past just hating everyone and everything. o. "Probably less than a week, since he didn't leave a note. This story will feature Tim heavily along with my own made-up characters. "I'm Tim and you are Bruce and we are worried about Dick. Bluejay looked up with wide eyes. The two were throwing insults at each other the entire time. o. Clark wants to comfort him, to have a heart to heart like he used to. Tim took a seat next to Damian. "Aww, come here Tim", Dick said, "we're not trying to replace you. Always in his room making gadgets. Four-way crossover between canon and three of my Batfam AUs. A starving vampire was the most dangerous kind. Finally he said, "How old are you. AU, continuation of 'A Father's Request'. PART TWO: TIM. Chikorita-Trainer1 T Disclaimer: I don't own Batman or The Breakfast Club. Thankfully Batman isn't. ' Batman - oh, god, Batman was there, but it wasn't the him, it couldn't be, not here - and so was Nightwing, who had both arms wrapped around him, pinning him to the hospital bed despite Robin's struggles to free himself. While Tim was busy tusling with the goons, Batman and Bluejay were working out of their restraints. Pancakes and jelly. I should take my leave. Alfred can run the X-ray and teach you how to scan for the chip. Cassie was only three, but sweet. Tim was his quiet sibling. Bruce punched Tim. Tim realized he had weeks and weeks more to go through. They have black hair and blue eyes. /Nightwing - Words: 2,416 - Reviews: 6 - Favs: 79 - Follows: 15 - Published: 10/10/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7453082 "Tim, you and I are going to have a long conversation about that later" "Yes, Dad" Tim sunk into the couch with Jason chuckling beside him. Epoch growled in aggravation and ripped the object out. With the Joker gone, Harley begins kidnapping scientists. He was raised to obey authority, he knew right from wrong (mostly) but this guy he was playing, he didn't. The suggestions to test this hard and lonely place and ask himself if he wants to leave for a while. "Hey Jay. Thanks for reading! Fuck, but he suddenly felt lonely. Tim gently laid Jason out so that he looked more comfortable sprawled out across the couch. And so begins the long journey to realisation and recovery. Tim couldn't suppress the grin that inched over his face and he smiled at Jason, who smiled back. Tim threw the entire weight of his body down and tossed the man heavily onto the floor, landing on his feet. "You got a Tim's shocked voice rings out, bright and happy and disbelieving and so overwhelmingly full of love and heartbreak when his once-dead girlfriend suddenly appears in his apartment before his eyes. With all the information he gathered, Jason still didn't have the whole picture. Feb 3, 2025 · After the Joker's demise, Batman investigates Harley Quinn, who had survived her battle with Batgirl. She sees the shock written in his expression as he looks her over. His dick looked like a Jackson Pollock painting. "But it isn't permanent," he hastily added on.
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