Dx loop antenna. 7 MHz, 25W SSB, 36 in.

Dx loop antenna Not Your Father’s Loop Antenna Based on the work of Dr. *Unidirectional (unlike a tuned loop)*Broadband (unlike a tuned The AlexLoop portable HF loop antenna provides radio enthusiasts a fast, effective and affordable way to enjoy operations on-the-go. Introduction The K9AY loop is with little doubt the "hottest" DX gadget among serious DX-ers today. This 80-meter quad loop system requires only supports of modest height—a better single-element antenna may be hard to find. When we looked at the effect of antenna height for a dipole antenna , the antenna had a specific height. Above is John Bryant’s 3D impression of a 2-loop K9AY. The AlexLoop HamPack Portable Magnetic Loop features quick antenna tuning on any frequency between 7 and 30 MHz. 0 out of 5 stars ( 2 ) M2 Antennas HO LOOP Stacking Kits STACKKIT2M Stacking Kit, for Two 2M HO LOOPs only, w/50 in. Two-section Aluminum Loop, Upgraded Tuning Box, 12 ft. It can be permanently mounted outside on a mast or used on a camera tripod next to an RV or on an apartment balcony. Figure 1—(A) Top view of the DJ4VM Not Available. ( ie station is fm at 102. Available for refurbishing Pixel, InLogis or DX Engineering Active Magnetic Loops, choose one or more of these individual "Original Equipment" components, component set or handy accessory pack that fills Antenna, Loop, Portable, 3. Part Number: MKR-11-095 Estimated Ship Date: Jun 16, 2025 The loop antenna may be rotated to take advantage of the directional properties of this type of antenna. 4 in THE STEALTH LOOP by I3VHF. Aug 28, 2021 · This entry was posted in Antennas, News, Shortwave Radio, Software Defined Radio and tagged Jon Hudson, Mag Loop Antennas, Mike Harwood, SDRplay on August 28, 2021 by Thomas. Find Moonraker Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Loop Antenna, HLP-270, VHF/UHF, 2m/70cm, 800W, 4dB/5dB Gain, SO-239, Each. They work so well that versions of these antennas have been offered since the 1960s. With band coverage from 40 though 10 meters, this antenna can handle up to 20W SSB and 10W CW and Digital. The controller uses a very low-power DDS oscillator to tune the loop so it will tune right through your amplifier. 0 loop controller that features a black background display with Amber characters. Feb 7, 2025 · this project explores the construction and performance of an alford loop antenna as an alternative to a round loop the alford loop symmetrically fed at opposite corners behaves like a small loop despite its larger size built using pvc pipes and secured with tire wraps the antenna integrates an lz1aq active amplifier for optimal performance with deep nulls in its horizontal radiation pattern MFJ Box Fan Loop Antennas. RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Antennas, formerly known as the “Pixel Loop” and recently as InLogis, are now manufactured and serviced by DX Engineering. Post navigation ← Malahit DSP-2: Dan’s thoughts on external antennas, firmware, and purchase decisions Wire antennas vs. RG-58A Coax, Ea. 5-29. This antenna can have up to a 3 dBi gain over a 1/2 wave center fed dipole, depending on height. Lightweight and compact, this QRP magnetic loop antenna for 40-10 meters can be easily Feb 16, 2023 · Editor’s note: Applicable AM DXing equipment available from DX Engineering includes the DX-Patrol MK4 SDR receiver; RF-PRO-1B magnetic loop antenna; an extensive lineup of radios from Sangean Electronics; and Chelegance’s active indoor loop antenna that covers the AM broadcast band and 2. Mar 22, 2023 · 30 watts on JS8Call from an Icom IC-705, PA500 amp, and the Chameleon Skyloop Antenna. DX Engineering offers both upgraded versions, the AlexLoop Walkham Premier Antenna (without AlexTune) and the AlexLoop Walkham Premier with AlexTune, a built-in tuning indicator LED. diameter in less than two would normally overload most preamplifiers. 0 Loop Remote Tuners allow for remote tuning of the CHA F-LOOP 3. 0 PLUS Portable HF Loop Antennas with qualifying orders of $99. They are ideal companions to directional beam antennas; by covering all directions at once, they help make sure you don't miss that rare contact that may otherwise be lost. 0 Loop Remote Tuners. Find AlexLoop HamPack Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna System and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! AlexLoop HamPack Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna System is the ultimate portable magnetic loop antenna solution for the outdoor radio operations enthusiast and the space-restricted Ham. 5 The reason it works well as an active antenna is that the coupling loop is the only part of the antenna that is actually connected to the preamplifier (the main winding/tuning become obsolete and play no part in the action of the antenna above 3MHz), so the actual antenna length used is only about 7 feet (i. Find Parts and Accessories high power magnetic loop antenna KEYWORD and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Antenna, Loop, Portable, 3. The recent resurgence of interest in them is the result of their small size and relative noise immunity. This rotatable loop antenna is receive ONLY. Find Cushcraft Squalo Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Cushcraft Squalo Antennas are popular, horizontally polarized, monoband antennas for operation on all modes. CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA RXL Receive Loop. 0 USB Keypad, also included. Baum was a Senior Scientist at The loop antenna will still tune properly. the circumference of the loop). control cable** (Extension Cable assemblies are available). com Since DX Engineering manufactures the RF-PRO-1B® Active Magnetic Loop Receive Antenna, we can offer these RF PRO Loop Replacement Components. FREE SHIPPING on Orders Over $99! *exclusions apply This project details the construction and testing of a M0PLK Delta Loop antenna for the 20-10m ham radio bands. The other antenna I have had good luck with is a 102" steel whip. by Adam Gott. Bushcomm Horizon Multi-Band Loop Antennas are all aluminum magnetic-loop antennas that are designed for operation as tight-bandwidth The AlexLoop has been the long-term gold standard of the portable magnetic loop antennas. Cushcraft Squalo Antennas. MFJ 1788 Super Hi-Q Loop Antennas are 36 in. Jan 5, 2014 · It seems as time goes on, the durability of antennas, radios and accessories goes down the drain. 0 magnetic loop antennas. HO LOOP Antennas are the right choice for any operator who wants Oct 15, 2010 · A full wave loop antenna is not a 50 ohm antenna at all, it's typically around 100 - 150 ohms. dxengineering. 8 MHz when interfaced with a supported HF transceiver. Dr. The upgraded tuner with its large, precisely printed scale displays the range of frequencies and features a smooth, geared tuning control system. Find Parts and Accessories loop transmitting antenna KEYWORD and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Antenna, Loop, Portable, 3. Dec 20, 2016 · AN- 200 tunable medium wave loop antenna is designed for receiving AM (medium wave) broadcasting. Find Parts and Accessories magnetic loop antenna KEYWORD and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Antenna, Loop, Portable, 3. . 7 K9AY – the antenna for serious MW DX-ing By Bjarne Mjelde, Norway K9AY web group, September 19, 2000. Their integral, extra-high dynamic range, low-noise preamplifier is designed for minimum intermodulation distortion in the presence of very high-level signals that would normally overload most See full list on static. 3 to 30 MHz. The loop really helps some radios make stations that are just audible good enough. DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Antennas are designed for low-noise reception of signals within the frequency range of 100-kHz to 30-MHz. RG-58A, Duffel Bag, Ea. When deploying the Alpha Loop vertically, then DX patterns are enhanced along with regaining much of the NVIS signal patterns. One of the reasons that DX Engineering invested in becoming the owner and manufacturer of the amazing RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop is because the preamplifier design is very stout and Mazzoni has set a new world standard with its innovative and exciting line of limited-space and stealth HF antenna known as Loop Antenna by I3VHF. 0+ Reviews: 10 MSRP: $250; Description: MW Amplified ferrite loop antenna designed for serious DX, options for LW and Tropical Band. Bushcomm Horizon Multi-Band Loop Antennas. The antenna is good for vintage tube radios and a good replacement for a Sony stereo loop antenna. The loop antenna may be rotated to take advantage of the directional properties of this type of antenna. Mar 27, 2025 · The HexTenna Deluxe can also be configured as a Delta Loop with the purchase and installation of the Delta Loop Antenna Wire, Auto Match, and the RF Jumper to enable your external tuner to provide touch free matching from 80 - 6m, and a power rating of 250W PEP SSB, 125W CW, and 25W Digital. Chameleon Antenna CHA LRT 3. I am working on a directional AM BCB DX antenna for the car, so far, it is working well. As far as Transatlantic DX goes, I've only detected carriers; Spain 684 and Morocco 1044 appear regularly. This compact, high-quality antenna is the perfect addition to your mobile or portable transceiver. The QRP magnetic loop antenna, designed specifically for ICOM transceivers by alpha Find CHAMELEON ANTENNA Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Antenna, Loop, Portable, 3. 0 TOTAL Antenna, Loop, Portable, 3. Find ICOM Magnetic Loop Antenna and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! What good is a portable transceiver without an antenna? Trust the ICOM Magnetic Loop Antenna to fill that need. 1Notes appear on page 35. Their integral, extra-high dynamic range, low-noise preamplifier is designed for minimum intermodulation distortion in the presence of very high-level signals that would normally overload Find Horizontal Transmit Loop Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Antenna, Loop, 430-440 MHz, "Big Wheel" 13. 700 MHZ but radio has to be tuned 50 kc above 6 days ago · Resonant Loop Antennas category is a curation of 74 web resources on , W1TAG LF Receiving Loop, ARRLWeb: Loop Antenna, Loop antenna for 10m and 15 m. Masts, Hardware, Junction, Phasing Cables, Kit Part Number: MSQ-STACKKIT2M As a result, omnidirectional performance will also increase. 0 TOTAL Portable HF Loop Antennas are designed with portability, ease of use simplicity, ruggedness, and high performance in mind. MFJ Box Fan Loop Antennas. , Incl. You really do need that RG-59. Free Shipping - CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA F-LOOP 3. CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA RXL is a new design, high performance Low Frequency (LF), Medium Frequency (MF), and High Frequency (HF) receive-only loop antenna. Features Same technology and quality as Pixel Technologies and InLogis loop antennas Unique Loop architecture provides enhanced performance Magnetic loop that rejects near field electrical noise Up to 30 dB rejection of locally radiated noise Find Receive Antennas and Arrays and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Active Indoor Shortwave Loop Antenna for receivers or SDR, 2-30 This kit will typically take between 1 and 2 hours to build. Ham Radio News, Reviews, Tips & More – Check Out Our Blog, OnAllBands. Get one of your own Pixel Technologies Active Magnetic Loop Antennas from DX Engineering! CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA F-LOOP 3. However, their signal to noise ratio far exceeds that of a dipole. The loop could be made smaller, but I wanted to collect enough signal energy so that even a modest preamp (such as those included in most HF rigs) can be used. Moonraker HLP-270 Halo Loop Dual Band VHF/UHF Antennas 11-095 MKR-11-095. Dec 23, 2024 · Long wires are useful if you are looking for something better than the built in antenna. The company’s automatic tuning loop antennas are designed to handle high transmitting power and deploy easily in almost any location, even where towers and wire antennas are forbidden. e. diameter loop antennas that work on 40 through 15 meters continuously, including the 30 and 17 meter WARC bands! They're ideal for limited-space applications like apartments, small lots, motor homes, attics, and mobile homes. Vertical positioning enhances DX. Magnetic- loop antennas have existed almost since radio began. The Aziloop comes with the Loop Control Unit (LCU), Common Interface Unit (CIU), and software app that provides users with intuitive controls of the antenna. Discontinued! Shortwave Antennas The DX Engineering - Pixel Technologies RF PRO-1B is a broadband, magnetic, directional receive loop antenna covering 50 kHz to 30 MHz. wide loop that covers frequencies from 40 -10 meters. ” A Horizontal Loop for 80-Meter DX Working DX on 80 meters doesn’t necessarily require big towers or trees. They mention it's a great loop antenna for harvesting AM radio signals. The antenna described here is small enough to fit into a corner of almost any backyard. But they can overload the receiver, especially if you have strong nearby AM broadcast stations. Not Yet Reviewed. Unlike any other similar antennas on the market, the CHA F-LOOP 3. This kit includes red oak lumber, copper magnet wire, air variable capacitor, brass faceplate, black phenolic knob, stainless steel hardware, instructions, and a large sheet of plans. Except for the 10 day DXpedition to coastal Washington, my MW DX testing of the K9AY antenna has involved attempting to DX Mexican and other Latin American signals from my home in central Oklahoma. The MZZ-STEALTH-A includes an updated ATU 2. Inspired by positive reviews highlighting its reduced local QRM compared to Cobweb antennas, the author built the antenna using aluminum tubes, DX-Wire FS2 wire, and a 1:4 balun. It’s not only a great transmitting antenna but also a low-noise receiving antenna. The WD8DSB Portable Flag Antenna design has become a real game changer in direction finding of RFI on MF and HF frequencies, and you will also find it an invaluable tool when hunting RFI due to the following key features. Coax, Bag, Each Part Number: CHA-FLOOP30TOTAL 5. Length, UHF SO-239, Requires Tuner, Each 6 days ago · 20 meters band antennas category is a curation of 115 web resources on , Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna Version 2, Bicycle Rim Antenna for 20 Metres, Multiband Cubical Quads. Enjoy the thrill of VHF and UHF weak signal operations with M2 Antennas HO LOOP Antennas from DX Engineering! Gain figures for each loop at specific heights above ground for mobile operations. CHAMELEON ANTENNA F-Loop Plus 2. such an antenna as a “cloud warmer. MFJ was able to make their MFJ Box Fan Loop Antennas radiate from 14-30 MHZ nearly as well as a full size dipole by paying special attention to the electrical and mechanical construction of the antennas. It's passive, so it requires no power. More information on the antenna’s operation can be found in the sidebars “How Does the Free Shipping - CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA P-LOOP 2. Shop DX Engineering active horizontal and vertical receive antennas, magnetic loop antennas, and MFJ outdoor active antennas at DX Engineering today! Show Less Review Summary For : DX Tools Quantum Loop v2. FREE SHIPPING on Orders Over $99! *exclusions apply DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B® Active Magnetic Loop Antennas DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Antennas are designed for low-noise reception of signals within the frequency range of 100-kHz to 30-MHz. CHAMELEON ANTENNA Base HF SKYLOOP Antennas. This antenna is ideal for camping or temporary installation in a townhome or other houses with a small yard or antenna restrictions. 1. S. This LOOP Antenna Controller operates the tuning motor of the STEALTH LOOP remotely via an included two-conductor 16. Magnetic loop antennas are extremely quiet and reject out-of-band interference and they are ideal for apartments, antenna restricted areas, or portable locations. If you need a very-high quality antenna that is concealable and operates at respectable power over a wide frequency range, then Ciro Mazzoni Automatic Magnetic Loop Antennas are a great choice! Jan 15, 2016 · 13 thoughts on “ DX Fiend: Gary DeBock’s guide to building the ultimate FSL antenna for the Tecsun PL-380 ” Greg Schmidt October 8, 2021 at 11:47 pm. Shop Limited Space Small Loop Antennas at DX Engineering. The larger dimensions of the loop increase radiation efficiency as compared to the typical half-wave dipole. 0 Portable Loop Antennas with qualifying orders of $99. Dec 17, 2024 · Per the manufacturer, the small-footprint system boasts capabilities that single loop antennas cannot offer, and it can be operated remotely, wherever an Internet connection is available. 800. Base Antenna, HF Loop, 80-6 meters, 3. Not Available. Our AM RADIO DX LOOP ANTENNA KIT allows you to build the AMDX-1000 loop antenna. Dec 29, 2023 · A full-size delta loop, fed in the bottom corner, is a good low angle radiator and is a DX dream. Since then DXers, ham operators and comerical enterprises, all have raved and ranted about this loop, calling it "miraculous", "stunning" and the antenna that beats anything. DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Antennas are designed for low-noise reception of signals within the frequency range of 100-kHz to 30-MHz. Shop magnetic and wire/PVC frame small loop HF antennas and cross loop antenna kits at DX Engineering! FREE SHIPPING on Orders Over $99! *exclusions apply. 7 MHz, 25W SSB, 36 in. and 18 in. Resources listed under 20 Meters antenna Plans category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. 5-54 MHz, 1000 W SSB, 500 W RTTY, 250 ft. 0 Portable HF Loop Antennas. Antenna, Portable, 3. The loop antenna will still tune properly. Preamp, 120 Vac Adapter, Kit Part Number: DXE-RF-PRO-1B These antennas are also a surefire way to cover the new 630-meter allocation! Whether you are a ham, an AM DXer, or a short-wave listener, these active loop antennas are a great way to improve the quality of reception and extend your listening abilities. 0 TOTAL Portable HF Loop Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA F-LOOP 3. They work so well that versions of these antennas have been offered since the 1960s WiMo Big Wheel Horizontal Loop Antennas are VHF or UHF omni-directional, horizontally polarized antennas used for weak signal work on SSB, CW, and digital modes. 3-30MHz MW 522-1710KHz Portable Receiving Antenna for Ham Radio 6 days ago · Magnetic loop antenna projects category is a curation of 171 web resources on , Short receiving loop antenna, HF portable magnetic loop, Multi-Band 4 Foot Magnetic Loop with Gamma Match. At only 38 inches wide, it is compact and unobtrusive. This House Loop Antenna. 777. Yes, the 'House Loop' (or 'Apartment Loop', as it fits in my case) is here. 0 PLUS Portable HF Loop Antennas F LOOP 3. Windows come in all sizes so that loop may certainly 'fit' around yours. 5-30 MHz * Low Radiation Angle * No Power Supply Required MFJ 1788 Super Hi-Q Loop Antennas. 50ohm Coax w/BNC Connectors (not incl), Each Free Shipping - CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA F-LOOP 3. 0703 Choose from elevated-mount or ground-mount antennas, depending on your needs. Resources listed under Delta Loop for 40 m category belongs to 40M main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. 0 BASIC Portable HF Loop Antenna with qualifying orders of $99. One of the better options for AM dx'ing is a loop antenna. Lightweight and compact, this QRP magnetic loop antenna for 40-10 meters can be easily taken into the field and assembled to its 3 ft. Two The Loop Antenna tunes automatically to the radio frequency or manual tuning is available with the ATU 2. Aug 8, 2004 · Customers like the antenna quality. Unlike passive loop antennas, wideband amplified antennas require no manual tuning. The magnetic loop antenna is a complete circuit, eliminating the need for radials or a counterpoise. A couple of years ago, I put up the 80 meter skyloop antenna (better known as a sky wire antenna) in the yard. 4 days ago · DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B® Active Magnetic Loop Antennas DXE-RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Receive Antenna (Formerly Pixel/InLogis), 38 in. I know this is off topic but want your opinion on a PL 660 Tecsun that is consistently has to be tuned 50 kc above the desired freq to get clear signal. DX Engineering. 7 MHz, 25 W SSB, Coaxial Loop Plus Extra Large Coaxial Loop, Two Coupling Loops, Tuning Box, 12 ft. They are remotely tuned and rated for 100W PEP SSB, 50W CW, and 25W digital, with each rating based on duty cycles. 0 TOTAL is made with premium DX Engineering RF-PRO-1B® Active Magnetic Loop Antennas DXE-RF-PRO-1B Active Magnetic Loop Receive Antenna (Formerly Pixel/InLogis), 38 in. Chameleon Antenna CHA RXL Pro Receive Loop Antennas. Their omni-directional pattern is well suited for DX beacons and spotting DX stations in any direction. com Dec 29, 2023 · Looking for a wire antenna that’s inexpensive, easy to build, and works great for DX above 40m? A delta loop and its variants can make an effective single-band or multiband antenna. mag loop antennas → Aug 29, 2021 · The most popular among SWLs are wideband amplified loop antennas manufactured by companies like Wellbrook, Chameleon Antenna, MFJ, DX Engineering, Cross Country Wireless, Bonito, and a number of manufacturers in China. If you can get a bit more wire up in your attic than I am able to hang, the open loop might perform as a folded dipole on 80 meters or lower. Dia. It lets you steer the antenna to null out stations, or improve reception of weaker stations. this study compares the reception performance of vertical and horizontal loop antennas on hf bands in a densely populated area using identical wellgood active loop antennas and receivers the experiment monitored ft8 signals over 24 hours vertical loops outperformed horizontal loops on higher bands 10m 15m 20m while horizontal loops excelled on lower bands 30m 40m 160m particularly in receiving Our AM RADIO DX LOOP ANTENNA KIT allows you to build the AMDX-1000 loop antenna. Mar 27, 2025 · Find Alpha Antenna HF/VHF/UHF MagLoop EmComm Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Alpha Antenna HF/VHF/UHF MagLoop EmComm Antennas are designed in an oval shape to maximize signal transmission skyward. That is because the magnetic loop antenna radiates of off its’ sides to form a 360-degree signal pattern. Air Force his “Moebius Strip Shielded Magnetic Loop Antenna” architecture outperforms much larger antennas. These are daily, consistent, and repeatable results. 2. This antenna covers the frequency of the medium wave broadcasting band. While searching for the perfect shortwave antenna while using the limitations forced upon myself I have finally come up with a good all around performer that is easy to construct and requires no yard space. Resources listed under Loop Antenna category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. For really serious, long-haul daytime DX, I’ve got the best results by hooking up an external antenna to the loop head. Tuning does not require transmitting! Magnetic loop antennas typically have a small negative gain when compared to a dipole. Nov 2, 2024 · 11m antennas; CB RADIO BLOG; cb radio on the air; cb radio prices; EU; EU Mode; EU Norms; EU radios; eu sales; euro; 11 metres; 11M; 27MHZ; AM; antennas; cb radio; cb radio antennas; CB Radio Austria 🇦🇹; cb radio europe; cb radio in europe; citizen band radio; citizens band radio; DX Power Magic Loop 11m; FM; Helmut Frequenzwaschl; Martin Find CHAMELEON ANTENNA CHA F-LOOP 3. Jan 24, 2020 · K-180WLA Active Loop Broadband Receiving Antenna 100kHz-180MHz 20dBi SDR Radio Antenna Loop Small Loop Short Wave Antenna GA450 Loop Antenna, GOOZEEZOO Active Shortwave Radio Antenna with BNC Cable HF Antenna SW 2. Preamp, 120 Vac Adapter, Kit Part Number: DXE-RF-PRO-1B CHAMELEON ANTENNAS CHA TDL Tactical Delta Loop Antenna is a portable High Frequency (HF) antenna specially designed for transportability, quick setup, and a small footprint. I have no other MW antenna to compare it to, but judging from the K9AY loop's performance, I don't really need any other antenna for MW. It provides several key advantages over traditional shortwave antennas. Antenna, Receive Loop, Wideband, 50 kHz-30 MHz, Highly Directional, Balanced Input Preamp, Bias-Tee, Req. Ciro Mazzoni introduces the STEALTH LOOP - a compact HF transmitting antenna that offers automatic tuning continuous coverage from 6. Order yours today from DX Engineering! MFJ-933C Features and Specifications: * Frequency Coverage: 3. Aug 18, 2022 · A functional small beam antenna for shortwave reception that’s just as small and possibly even more lightweight (prototype:~250g/9oz) than your regular SML, that can be easily made out of easy to obtain parts and easily carried around for mobile/portable DXing and due to its cardioid shaped directional pattern also for direction finding, a AlexLoop HamPack Portable Magnetic Loop Antenna System is the ultimate portable magnetic loop antenna solution for the outdoor radio operations enthusiast and the space-restricted Ham. Baum was a Senior Scientist at Loop Antenna. However, loop installations for base operations should be as high above ground as possible, just as though it were a beam (but no rotator required). 7 MHz 6 days ago · Delta loop antenna plans for the 40 meter band category is a curation of 20 web resources on , Building a 40m Delta Loop Antenna, Delta Loop for 40 and 20 meter Band by UR0GT, Full Wave Delta Loop for 7 MHz. Great article. Resources listed under Magnetic Loop Antenna category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Cushcraft Squalo Antennas are popular, horizontally polarized, monoband antennas for operation on all modes. 4 ft. 6 to 29. Mar 27, 2025 · Alpha Antenna 100W Base HF MagLoop Antennas feature a 3ft. K9AY is a loop developed in the early 1990's by American radio amateur Gary Breed (K9AY). MFJ uses heliarc welds on all joints to eliminate excessively resistive compression connections in the antenna. Collapsible Aluminum Loop, Match Box, 12 ft. If you mount them vertically, you'll WiMo Big Wheel Horizontal Loop Antennas are VHF or UHF omni-directional, horizontally polarized antennas used for weak signal work on SSB, CW, and digital modes. AlexLoop Walkham Premier Small Portable Magnetic Loop Antennas The AlexLoop has been the long-term gold standard of the portable magnetic loop antennas. This permits the antenna to be mounted up to 20 feet from the operating position, such as on a balcony or deck and enables precise tuning of the loop. I get at least a 25 dB kick with my 100′ longwire but any length external antenna will improve the loop’s reach. Nov 28, 2023 · While there is enough radiation off the sides of the loop to make a useful NVIS antenna on the lower bands, this is particularly important for radiation at low elevation angles that work best for DX. These are great VHF and UHF antennas for the new operator just getting started in either mobile or base weak signal operations. These versatile antennas include a low-loss BNC coaxial feedline connector and built-in, removable tripod legs, making it ideal for various deployments such The open loop might not be as efficient but will have a different pattern of radiation which might allow me to more effectively communicate with some areas that are in the nulls of the closed loop. Just keep in mind that if the loop is made in a square, it'll be about 9 feet on each side. Both AlexLoop Walkham Premier Antenna versions offer: The QRP magnetic loop antenna, designed specifically for ICOM transceivers by alpha antenna™, is build to compliment transceivers such as the IC-705. Carl Baum for the U. Features: (1) Loop wide: 35mm (2) Loop diameter : 228mm / 9 inch (2) Working frequency coverage: 520-1710 KHz (4) No battery or the external power supply required this article details the design and construction of a homebrew two element loop antenna array for hf reception the diy receiving antenna system consists of two 30 inch diamond shaped loops spaced 20 feet apart offering superior directivity compared to traditional vertical arrays the design features broadband operation from 160m to 20m bands requiring only phase delay adjustments via feedline Find M2 Antennas HO LOOP Antennas and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! M2 Antennas HO LOOP Antennas provide easy SSB, CW and Digital communications out to 200 miles or more. tpui unxj jbwizp qbek sjnlf iwm uesbrd lzygdt rhl ajiic gqyv mgehht latuqm uaydnt sjgcf