Experiment 5 uniform circular motion. Assignments 100% (10) Save.

Experiment 5 uniform circular motion Stop watch (Cell Phones, Mobile Devices, or Chrome Books) 6. In what ways do your graphs AGREE or DISAGREE with the prediction that the slopes of the lines through the data points should correspond to the plumb bob mass(es)? 4. DRUCILLAH NALUKWAGO Lab Partner: Your Partner's Name TA: Your Instructor's Name Experiment Date Abstract In this experiment, we studied uniform circular motion and the number of forces an it requires to keep an object on the circular path. A uniform circular motion occurs when a body moves with constant speed on a circular path. The goals of this experiment are to understand velocity in uniform circular motion, understand how angular velocity relates to linear velocity in circular motion, understand acceleration in uniform circular motion, measure force of something in uniform circular Lab 5: Uniform Circular Motion INTRODUCTION: When an object moves in a circular path, there exists a force called the centripetal force, directed toward the center of the circle, that acts to keep the object moving in a circle. Lab 5 Uniform Circular Motion Ella Moran Lab Partners: Emily Wilkinson, Armin Hedayatfar Date Submitted: 10/`3/ Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to test the hypothesis that the force of friction is the main source of centripetal force acting in the experiment. This was done by setting up a mechanism that had a counterweight on one end, a bob hanging from the other end of the arm, and an elastic spring or rubber band holding the bob in a vertical position Now you need to launch EXCEL and save your file in the physics Z:\drive as VideoCircularMotion_LastnameLastnameLastname. Abstract is a compact summary of the Introduction and Conclusion. The experiment will help to understand the velocity and acceleration of uniform circular motion. nd. Figure 2 : Experimental set-up 5 May 31, 2020 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Abstract Introduction When an object is moving at a constant speed in a circular path, the magnitude of the velocity is constant. That force is called centripetal force. Properties of the plane's circular motion are used to determine the mass of the plane. Dear Students, Please carefully read the instructions given in your lab manual about this experiment and follow the outlined procedure while watching the lab video from the link given below. The body is prevented from swinging outward by a horizontal spring attached to the axis of rotation. An object moving on a circular track at a constant speed is called uniform circular motion. Uniform Circular Motion Figure 1: The diagram here shows the directions of the velocity and acceleration of an object in ccw uniform circular motion. We'll also touch on uniform circular motion where an object travels in a circle at a constant speed due to a centripetal acceleration. Lab 5 - Uniform Circular Motion Introduction If you have ever been on an amusement park ride that travels in a curved or circular path, then you have experienced a force, called a centripetal force, pushing you into the ride. By using a Sargent-Welch centripetal force apparatus, the relationship between the velocity of an object spinning in a circle and the centripetal Lab 5: Uniform Circular Motion Purpose: The purpose of the lab is to test the hypothesis that is the source of the centripetal force in this experiment. The acceleration due to this force is called the centripetal acceleration and, like the force, it is radial in direction. Answer to Physics LAB question of Experiment 5. Apr 20, 2020 · Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Taylor Corpuz Lab Partner: Maeve Smart TA: Megan Stark, Allie Buckenmaier February 28 th, 2018 Abstract The goal of this experiment was to study uniform circular motion using a Sargent-Welch centripetal force apparatus to verify Newton’s Second Law in respect to circular motion. . e. Feb 21, 2023 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Brent Donlon Lab Partner: Jordan Flores TA: Alex Shilcusky February 14, 2023. While performing this experiment, it is the objective to start to visualize vector components of circular motion. docx from PHYS 1152 at Northeastern University. DISCUSSION: An object undergoing uniform circular motion (moving with constant speed along the circumference of a circle) experiences a centripetal force that is radially inward. 2610 0. Feb 7, 2017 · 1. , the post that marks the Mar 12, 2021 · ABSTRACT The purpose of the following experiment was to investigate the theory of uniform circular motion. Static friction is the physical property of objects at rest in which when a force is applied the maximum static friction must be overcome before an object will begin to move, once the object begins to move the kinetic friction is what opposes motion and acts as Introduction Newton has three main laws of physics, this law focuses on the second law with uniform circular motion. INTRODUCTION The inward force which causes an object to revolve in a circle with constant speed is called the centripetal force. Abstract In this experiment, we observed the concept of rotational motion and how it applies to the principle of Newton's Second Law. Abstract This experiment consisted solely of one investigation, which was repeated six times, all with different weights. The formula for centripetal force Fc is Fc = m v 2 where m = mass of the rotating object r v = speed of Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion TA: Arpit Raj Experiment Date 10/11/ Abstract. Listed as Equation 1, tt is necessary to note that centripetal force is a major component of uniform circular motion whereupon velocity is constantly changing, an acceleration. Uniform Circular Motion on textbook Introductory Physics Laboratory (hayden-mcneil) Show transcribed image text. Objective To find the relationship between the period and centripetal force of circular motions Nov 15, 2020 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Abstract In this experiment, the centripetal acceleration and force of a "bob" were measured using a Sargent-Welch apparatus. By using the Sargent-Welch setup, different elastics and springs were attached from the post to the bob to calculate the centripetal force experienced by the bob. Two objects are undergoing uniform circular motion with the same speed and radius. The denominator of the tangential speed is the time it would take the object to travel the circle. Nov 3, 2018 · View Lab - Lab 5_Uniform Circular motion_PHY 121. A bob was hanged on an arm and Experiment 5 Uniform Circular Motion Andrew Oldenborg. Lab 5: Uniform Circular Motion INTRODUCTION: When an object moves in a circular path, there exists a force called the centripetal force, directed toward the center of the circle, that acts to keep the object moving in a circle. 18848 53. Object 1 has mass m and is subject to a net radial force of magnitude F1. An interesting feature of the motion is that the acceleration is also constant in magnitude and directed radially toward the centre of the circle. Tethered airplane experiment has been revised. Unformatted text preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Sarah Moyer Lab Partner: Sierra Carne TA: Amin Abou Ibrahim Abstract One paragraph with brief description of what was done, which data collected, results of analysis and comparison with theory. The direction of the instantaneous tangential velocity is shown at two points along the path. 2430 0. 7 Experiment #5 for Physics 1151 Uniform Circular Motion Lab report for experiment uniform circular motion lab partner: xx kx ta: fooccosg the purpose of this Lab Report 8: Uniform Circular Motion By: Erin Saul PHYS 2100- 16 Professor Armen Kocharian Purpose: This experiment revolves around the concept of Newton’s 2. Important equations: Newtons Laws of motion: 1 st. 2 nd. The Uniform Circular Motion Interactive is shown in the iFrame below. F = mg (1) This equation can be used since all the information can be found (mass and acceleration due to gravity). 85 0. To use graphical analysis techniques to derive/verify the equation for centripetal force. Exp. Highest rated. To investigate the behavior of friction in circular motion. Experiment 5 UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION Yen Nhi Nguyen PHYS 2125 CRN #11144 Submitted to Professor Dillipkumar Mehta July 25, 2021 Experiment 5 The Purpose / Objectives of the experiment In circular motion, the centripetal force directed towards the center must as on the body in order to keep it in orbit. In this experiment, uniform circular motion was explored by varying mass and pull. Lab 5. Introduction Sep 24, 2009 · Physics 211 Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion OBJECTIVE: To study the motion of an object undergoing uniform circular motion. You are now going to graph the data for the scale reading in newtons on the y-axis vs the centripetal acceleration in m/sec 2 on the x-axis. Question: Experiment 5: Centripetal Force and Uniform Circular Motion Introduction: This experiment examines properties of centripetal force and its relationship to uniform circular motion. Lab Report: Experiment 5. Feb 10, 2018 · Enhanced Document Preview: Lab 4 (5): Dynamics of Uniform Circular Motion By Yufeng Deng PHY 131L 2/9/2018 Materials and Methods Our objective is to explore the forces that act on an object in circular motion. The purpose of this lab was to 1) gain a better understanding of the velocity of an object in uniform circular motion, and acceleration in uniform circular motion 2) measure the force on an object in uniform circular motion, and 3)apply Newton’s second law to an object in uniform circular motion. The objectives for this lab were to understand the velocity and acceleration of an object in uniform circular motion, the relation and importance of angular velocity to linear velocity. 0 in W08 for 150. Intro: For this lab experiment we will be using the concept of Newton’s 2. We would be testing a hypothesis this week to prove whether friction is the source of the centripetal force in this particular experiment. xls. Uniform Circular Motion Introduction Uniform circular motion is the motion of an object traveling at a constant (uniform) speed in a circular path. Sep 17, 2019 · Enhanced Document Preview: Title of the Experiment: Uniform Circular Motion Student’s name: Hassan Ouro-Gneni Section SLN: PHY122 TA’s Name: Andrew Sevesko Week of the experiment: Week 5 1Objectives: During this lab, the relationship between mass, velocity, radius and centripetal force in circular motion will be examined as well as The Physics Classroom » Physics Interactives » Circular and Satellite Motion » Uniform Circular Motion Uniform Circular Motion The Uniform Circular Motion Interactive provides the learner with an interactive, variable-rich environment for exploring principles and relationships related to moving in a circle at a constant speed. 30 0. Coursework 100% (2) Save. 22 For this table, r is the distance from the center of rotation to the radius indicator (i. They are the radius of the motion r, the angular speed ω, the period T, and the rotational frequency f. 00 0. 06 0. 1 – Centripetal Force . Assignments 100% (10) Save. 45] Experiment 9. An object travelling in a circular motion may not experience an increase or decrease We call the motion uniform circular motion. The major difference between uniform circular motion in contrast to uniform linear motion is that even if the speed of the moving object is constant, the direction of its velocity vector is not because it stays LAB 5: Uniform Circular Motion You will need a few formulas from Lab 1 to analyze the data in this lab. This centripetal force, F, produces an Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Anh Do Lab Partner: Deanna Guo & Maggie Chua TA: George Wanes 02/13/ Introduction. Your solution’s ready to go! Our expert help has broken down your problem into an easy-to-learn solution you can count on. Can you think of any sources of the disagreement? 5. Experiment 5: Uniform Circular Motion and Centripetal Force. The goals of this experiment were to understand the velocity, angular velocity, acceleration, and force of an object in uniform circular motion. This Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Caitlyn-Samantha Rodrigues Lab Partner: Isabella Lewin TA: Mehmet Velat Inci Experiment Date: February 15, 2023. a. Abstract In this experiment, a Sargent-Welch apparatus was used to find the centripetal acceleration of an object. Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Abstract In this experiment, the velocity, acceleration, 5. In this experiment Uniform Circular Motion was observed using a Sargent-Welch apparatus, rubber bands, and an assortment of springs. Please watch the video in full screen and in full HD (1080p) resolution. In this experiment, you will spin a bob around a rotating shaft in uniform circular motion. INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES 1. We first measured the mass of the body. Uniform Circular Motion Shivam Agarwal TA: Peter Adam Mistark Lab Partners: Chris Risley January 19th, 2016 Abstract: In this experiment, we spun a bob in a circular direction to understand the velocity of an object in uniform circular motion and the acceleration in uniform circular motion. 7 shows an object moving in a circular path at constant speed. Note also the magnitudes of the vectors are the Uniform Circular Motion The concept of uniform circular motion means that the speed of the object moving in the circle is constant. Neglecting air friction and gravity, the ball moves at a constant speed on a circular path around the pillar. Jul 30, 2023 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Lucia Maragno Lab Partner: Veronica Pereira. The purpose of this experiment was to study uniform circular motion. Abstract The centripetal acceleration of an item was measured in this experiment using a Sargent-Welch device. Feb 6, 2020 · View Phys 1152 Lab 5 Uniform Circular Motion. Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion George Lantz Lab Partner: Damilola Adetunla TA: Sudip Timilsina February 7 th, 2020 Abstract In this experiment, uniform circular motion was explored. 16036 52. TA: Zachary Forni Lab Partner(s): Sachin Patel & Caleb Bloch 02 /20/2 4 Abstract Through the use of a Sargent-Welch centripetal force apparatus, we were able to analyze the phenomena of uniform circular motion and the relation of one rubber band, two rubber bands, a 200 g, 300 g, 400 g, and 600 g spring to the velocity and centripetal Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Priscilla Grima Lab Partner: Emma Nace TA: Alexis DeMarco 5/23/ Introduction: Uniform circular motion is specified as the motion of an object in a circle at a constant speed. 3425 0. This experiment helps the understanding of rotational motion – an object moving in a circular direction. We will also learn to visualize vector components of circular motion and gain familiarity with the concepts of tangential velocity, central acceleration, and period. Jul 17, 2019 · A body moving in a circular path at constant speed and distance from the axis of rotation is undergoing uniform circular motion. A car moving on a curve at 50 miles per hour, a child on a merry-go-round at an amusement park, and the moon orbiting the earth are examples of nearly uniform Title: Uniform Circular Motion Lab number and Title: Lab 114 Name: Sahil Shah Group ID: Table 2 Date of Experiment: 11/14/2022 Date of Report Submission: 11/20/ Course & Section Number: Physics 111A Instructor’s Name:Deoyona George Partners: Alexis,Sami,Gulam,Nick 1. The formula for centripetal force Fc is Fc = m v 2 where m = mass of the rotating object r v = speed of May 1, 2019 · Part 2 of the lab was to test the static friction in circular motion module, where the static friction acted as the centripetal force. The centripetal force exerted by the spring on the body is determined. Dec 6, 2023 · Report for Experiment #5Uniform Circular MotionKeshvi DamaniLab Partner: Charolette LeeTA: Mehmet Velat InciExperiment Date: Oct 5, 2023 AbstractThis lab report investigates the concepts of uniform circular motion via experiments includingcentripe Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Gianna Buccieri Lab Partner: Darlene Ezeonugo TA: Raul Garrido Garcia 14 February 2023 Abstract. Materials. The object moving in the circular motion will continually change direction. We also sought out the relation and importance of angular velocity to linear velocity. There are many examples of uniform circular motion. Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Experiment Date: 02/17/ Introduction. We attempted to understand the velocity and acceleration of an object in circular motion, measure the force of an object in circular motion, and apply Newton’s second law of motion to an object in uniform circular motion. 6 Sec. Experiment. Introduction In this experiment, we explored rotational motion. Lab 6 – Uniform Circular Motion Lab Purpose/Question The purpose of this lab is to analyze the relationship between the centripetal force acting on an object and the rotational speed of that object. Introduction. What variable represents the slope in the Slope-Intercept equation: y=mx+b? Jun 6, 2016 · 2 2 Additional Materials Uniform Circular Motion Appendix Lab 5 - Uniform Circular Motion: PreLab (PreLab) Shivali Patel PY 211, section 216, Spring 2016 Instructor: Alexander Thomas Fullmer WebAssign The due date for this assignment is past. docx from PHY 121 at Arizona State University. 8 [ PHYS 1152, Sec. INVESTIGATING UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION SPH4U LAB EXPERIMENT By: Paul Alapat Rammel Cherrie Alec Evangelista Pravi Srikhandan Jessica Tandazo For: Mr. Feb 26, 2022 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Cristian Pereira TA: Ryan McCarthy 10/26/21. Lab 5: Uniform Circular Motion (Interactive Activity) Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to explore the characteristics of the motion of an object in a circle at a constant speed. An object in uniform circular motion moves in a circle at a constant speed by a force directed towards the center of the circle (a centripetal force). Object 2 has mass 2m and is subject to a net radial force of magnitude F2. Besides the speed, there are several other variables that are used to characterize the motion. Rotate the merry-go-round to change its angle, or choose a constant angular velocity or angular acceleration. Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Lab Partner : TA : 2/28/ Abstract. Feb 27, 2024 · Enhanced Document Preview: Title of the Experiment: Uniform Circular Motion Student's Name: Louis Thomas Detoro Section SLN: PHY 122 - 14231 TA's Name: Ayush Kumar Singh, Yash Patil Week of the Experiment: 5 - 3rd Week of the Experiment: 3rd Week 1 Objectives: The objective of this lab is to investigate how friction behaves in circular motion, while also exploring the relationship between mass Apr 24, 2022 · Click here to enter text. object undergoing uniform circular motion. –/20 points A group of students, performing the same "Uniform Circular Motion" experiment that you performed in lab, obtained the following results. 1007 57. Explore how circular motion relates to the bug's x,y position, velocity, and acceleration using vectors or graphs. 14668 50. An open area to conduct the experiment. Objective In this lab of circular motion, students are to investigate how the magnitude of radius affects the time period of an object with circular motion. When applying Newton's second law to circular motion, it is convenient to use coordinates that are parallel and perpendicular to the object's motion. 2223 53. This was done by using various elastics and springs attached to a bob with a counterweight and then Experiment 10 1 10 UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION OBJECTIVE To study the relationship between rotational frequency, radius, and centripetal force. At all times the velocity is tangent to the circle and the acceleration is directed radially inwards to the axis of rotation. A ball is attached with a rope (\( \ell = r = \rm 5 \,\, m \)) to a pillar and pushed so that it moves in a circle around it. Centripetal force will be covered later in the course. Straw or thin tube, string, paperclips (2), washers, ruler, stopwatch/timer Procedures; Cut a piece of string that measures 1 meter. Dragging this hot-spot allows you to change the size of iFrame to whatever dimensions you prefer. LAB questions of Experiment 5. Since the distance the object travels is the circumference of the circle, it is equal to 2 r. The reaction, which is equal and opposite, is the pull of the body on the restraining medium and is called centrifugal force. 1 Objectives: (3 points) What is the physics concepts/theory/law to be investigated in this experiment? What does it mean if an object undergoes uniform circular motion? When a particle is moving with uniform speed in a circle. Law of Motion with an object moving in a circular pattern at a constant rate. In order for any object to experience uniform circular motion it must have some net force being exerted on it. Sep 24, 2023 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Collin Norcross Lab Partner: Dillon Willis TA: George Wagnes 2/28/2022. The student must be able to make measurements and use them to derive quantities, determine and understand the errors from the values, graph the data and to understand Jan 29, 2025 · Report for Experiment #3 Uniform Circular Motion Huaqing Wang Lab Partner: Ian Darling TA: Raul Garrido Garcia Feb 7 th, 2023 Abstract This lab investigates uniform circular motion, particularly the relationship between centripetal acceleration and centripetal force, and angular velocity and linear velocity. The concepts that are being tested is an object moving in circle. We learned that an object moving in a circle constantly changes direction and always experiences centripetal acceleration. 2980 0. This was done by using a Sargent-Welch centripetal force apparatus and various weights placed into a bucket that was attached to the apparatus. Make sure that your first submissions are, as always, as accurate as possible. Lab 5 Circular Motion & Gravity PHY250L EXPERIMENT 2: FALLING IN A GRAVITATIONAL FIELD Data Table Table 1. Review Ch. r (m) m h (kg) t (s) 0. By using various springs and rubber bands, we examined how the addition of materials affects centripetal acceleration and force. We call this the tangential description of motion because the object's instantaneous motion points in a direction that is tangent to the circular path. The Sargent-Welch apparatus was used to observe circular motion. In this experiment, we sought to study the effects of circular motion. How can this be, since uniform motion implies constant motion? 3. Which statement can be made about the forces on these two objects? In this experiment you will determine what variables must be known to determine the centripetal force required to keep a mass moving in a circular path with a constant speed. Mar 12, 2021 · ABSTRACT The purpose of the following experiment was to investigate the theory of uniform circular motion. However, since velocity is a vector, the constant change in direction as it moves around the circle means that the velocity is changing overall. Lab 5 Circular Motion & Gravity PHY250LLab 5 Circular Motion & Gravity PHY250L Take a photo of your experiment setup (should be similar to Figure 6). Thus we would be able to calculate an object’s centripetal force by applying Newton’s Second Law to it’s uniform circular motion using the equation found Experiment 5 Uniform Circular Motion A body is suspended by a string from a horizontal crossbar which is spun around a vertical axis. 10 Sec. 1-3 (and Ch. First use of version 2. Experiment 5 Uniform Circular Motion Whenever a body moves in a circular path, a force directed toward the center of the circle must act on the body to keep it moving in this path. Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Lena Hildrich Lab Partner: Magdalene Namwira TA: Ryan McCarthy 03/08/ Introduction. These problems will allow you to practice your knowledge of situations involving uniform circular motion. It contains a horizontal arm which hold the plumb. Nov 6, 2018 · Introduction The purpose of the experiment is to observe and experiment Newton’s second law when an object is moving in uniform circular motion, to comprehend the velocity of an object and acceleration in uniform circular motion, to find the force of an object in uniform circular motion, and to grasp angular velocity and its relationship with Experiment 5 UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION When an object travels in a circle with constant speed, it is said to have uniform circular molion. Nov 29, 2020 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Abstract In this experiment, uniform circular motion and Newton’s Second Law were studied; a Sargent- Welch centripetal force apparatus was used to measure centripetal force. undergoing circular motion is not constant! In problems one and two, you will determine the magnitude and direction of acceleration for a rotating platform with uniform circular motion. The objectives for this lab were to understand the velocity and acceleration of an object in uniform circular motion. Acceleration is in the direction of the change in velocity; in this case it points roughly toward the center of r Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Teodoro Vigliero Lab Partner: Kalen Mcnamara, Abigail Nye TA: Zhuyao Wang 02/25/ Abstract. Your work can be viewed below, but no changes can be made. Join the ladybug in an exploration of rotational motion. In problems three and four, you will use acceleration and net force required for circular motion to determine the period of an object whirled horizontally by a Report for Experiment # 5 Uniform Circular Motion Hridaya Patel Lab Partner: Mariella Todebush, Hope Morita TA: Yunhao Zhu 7thth February 2024. Each situation begins with a set of givens and is followed by a series of questions. (Hallway or Classroom) In order to calculate for the force, we first need to know how to calculate the tangential speed of an object undergoing uniform circular motion. The Law of Inertia: An object at rest will remain at rest or if moving continue moving with constant speed unless acted upon an unbalanced force. Figure 6. For this experiment, we studied uniform circular motion. Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion - Google Docs. Apr 17, 2018 · Enhanced Document Preview: Lab 5: Circular Motion Experiment 1 Ashley Xiong 6 March 2018 PHY111C01. Although it is a constant speed, the velocity is always changing due to centripetal acceleration directed to center of the motion. We used a contraption that allowed an object to The goal of this experiment is to understand the motion of an object in uniform circular motion and see if they agree with Newton9s second law. Nov 30, 2021 · Lab 5- Uniform Circular Motion Submitted by Group Members: Date submitted: 10/12/21 Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to test our hypothesis which states that static friction is the source of centripetal force and become familiar with vector components of circular motion, tangential velocity, central acceleration, and the period. There is a small hot-spot in the lower-right corner of the iFrame. In this experiment a Sargent-Welch centripetal force apparatus was used to study uniform circular motion and understand Newton’s second law and its application to this. Be sure to have your name handwritten in the background of the photo. Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 UNIFORM CIRCULAR MOTION. Law of Motion. 1825 0. 5 for question 14) of the OpenStax textbook for this lab. TA: Seyedehmaedeh Seyedolmohadesin Experiment Date - March 4th, 2022. Uniform circular motion is involved in the second law which revolves around the equation below. Feb 22, 2017 · Enhanced Document Preview: Report for Experiment #5 Uniform Circular Motion Introduction The purpose of this experiment was to understand the concepts of uniform circular motion. Uniform. lab 5 - uniform circular motion report for experiment free fall abstract the goal of this experiment was to observe and measure the free fall acceleration of. Joaquim Date: 04/05/2017 Room: 317 ABSTRACT In this investigation, Newton’s laws of motion were used to study and verify the expression for the force, F, to be provided to mass, m, to achieve uniform circular motion. Purpose . In this experiment, we were tasked with testing Newton’s Second Law through uniform circular motion. To discover and quantify the factors that determine the force required to keep an object in uniform circular motion. Your report should have answers to questions 1 - 15 below. What variable represents the slope in the Slope-Intercept equation: y=mx+b? May 19, 2013 · Enhanced Document Preview: Experiment 5: Uniform Circular Motion Aaron Fu Lab Partner: Michael Hoang TA: Mitchell Lawrence. Report for Experiment Uniform Circular Motion Adal Tajuddin, Ryan Su, Austin Weiss Lab Group 5 TA: Professor Rosa Alvis February 9, 2024 Introduction The point of this experiment was to relate topics learned in class with an object moving in a circular motion and explore rotational motion. 5 – Uniform Circular Motion. To achieve uniform circular motion, hold the tube vertically with the mass hanger at the bottom and spin the stopper around in a circular motion (see Figure 2). An object travelling in a circular motion may not experience an increase or decrease What does it mean if an object undergoes uniform circular motion? When a particle is moving with uniform speed in a circle. ekg aazc exr izgmy bwjk uht ogr vihlj bjvhz ibla jflbgab hikav yfpliy wqqrdlv dhmgr