Failed college algebra reddit. I feel like I only have a text book, homework, and test.

Failed college algebra reddit all of my non math related classes, however, are fine and i always average at least a b. I end up the first year and failed all the algebra tests. this persisted up til i dropped out of high school in 10th grade and went to college for computer science a year and a half later. And I used Modern States. was undiagnosed my first year of college, I failed algebra my first semester and second semester the pandemic hit all my classes were moved online and I was sent home, it was harder for me to remember to go to class when I was home, my sleep schedule got worse and I lost all motivation for anything I gave up trying to do my homework and ended up failing algebra again and several of my other Go to college r/college • View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. And do your math at a community college if you’re worried about expenses. ive always been mad at math. Basically math and accounting. For my major I only need one math class but I’m still kind of torn on it. Like the title says, I failed my first algebra test DRASTICALLY. Sometimes you just have to see the material multiple times before it “clicks”. if you truly failed because of your surgery and other stress in your life at the time. I’m a freshman this year and one of my classes is College Algebra (1111). As the title says, I’m wanting to major computer science (software engineer) and think I mostly likely fail college algebra. I signed up for Algebra the next semester and failed it, solidly failed it, even with attending group tutoring sessions. Mar 9, 2015 路 Most kids failing college classes because of effort or commitment but that doesn’t sound like it is the case for you. trig. Hi I am a second semester sophomore year transfer student and I have taken my college algebra class last semester and failed so I am taking it again this semester. do all homework and if you’re struggling, practice and ask for help (whether it be w your prof, classmates, youtube whatever) When I started college algebra I had no clue it was going to be so different from anything else I'd ever studied. but you thought you handled your stress and knew enough of the material to pass and you didnt. College algebra is not much harder than algebra 1 and 2 if you have a good foundation of 1 and 2. algebra 1-2 is not hard at all objectively. That was the highest math I needed to graduate. I finished Calc I with an A, Calc II with a B, and Calc III with an A. Although high school I have been very successful and I have never one encountered failing a class and graduated with a 4. College algebra is basically a continuation of your algebra classes from high school. I'm an A and B grade nursing student now after getting a degree in something else because I didn't think I was "smart enough. major at a STEM-focused university, and I only need this ONE math class to graduate but I've run out of time and options, I can't take Hello, I am a freshman in college and a Biology major looking to pursue a career in medicine- specifically, Physician Assistant. What I’m trying to say, is an attitude adjustment really can make a difference I promise. you and i are probably about the same age and i disagree. i simply could not function like a normal person for at least a year. I also withdrew anatomy 2 & lab one time, and a history class as well. I went on academic probation and nearly dropped out halfway through sophomore year. I work at a college, I support faculty who teach things to people like the OP here and the comments are predictable and, I must say right on, just go fracking learn some Algebra, do your best, remember "C's get degrees" don't make finding a way to cheat some kind of point of pride. Sep 27, 2016 路 I’m currently taking elementary algebra and I’ve been struggling with it as I failed it over the summer and taking again now. I studied on and off for a couple of months, and then consistently studied hard for about 2 weeks. Above all, keep trying! Even if you fail a course, don't get discouraged. Even your non core math classes (like idk statics) draw heavily on geometry, trig, and algebra skills. For calculus, just buy a used Calculus: Early Transcendentals by Stewart. Then I withdrew from Calc II in the 2nd week after realizing I could take other advanced math. Aug 31, 2023 路 More students are being placed into pre-college math, starting a semester or more behind for their majors, even if they get credit for the lower-level classes. College genchem usually has the prereq of college algebra or testing into calc 1. what do I do edit: typo i am currently taking a math class (college algebra) and i am failing it real bad (35%). When I took Orgo 2 I had hundreds of notecards to memorize all the reactions even though the professor told us not to memorize and that we had to "understand the material". Yet I did pass Drafting I with you only have to take it if you sucked at in in HS or if you have failed or done bad at Algebra before. You should tell your teacher exactly how you are doing the homework and prepping for exams so they can find out what you are doing wrong. " I needed to dedicate a lot of time to studying. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I had to take College Algebra 3 times before passing with a C. His YouTube channel has full courses (recordings of his lectures) including College Algebra. 0 GPA, but I just can't seem to wrap my head around intermediate algebra. It took me 5 years to get my bachelors. Me and others failed calculus for this exact reason. try to do the exercises. If it were me, i would not be spending $800 on a tutor after failing 5 times. i feel stupid and angry at myself for letting this occur. I have straight As in all my other classes (enrolled in 15 units) and a 4. My little sister failed algebra 2 the first time, then retook it in summer school and got an A. I'm just a B. If you can kick the shit out of algebra 2 and pre-calc, the concepts in Calc should just be small additions that are easy to grasp. Now at 43, I have passed calc 1,2,3 and differential equations. 1. I was a dumbass as a child/teen and thought i'd one day be a storyboarder or whatever I failed Math 120 (College Algebra) the first time, then I passed with a B doing an 8-week summer course after adjusting my expectations about how much effort and time I needed to put into it and finding a better professor. Don't doubt a person's path. Then I get to trigonometry. I took Intro to Physics and Passed by the skin of my teeth with a C- and failed Intermediate Algebra. Once you pass intermediate you’re like ready for college algebra, but we all go into intermediate with a different range of knowledge & they assume you know way more than you do im failing college algebra because i let my depression get the best of me and stopped caring about class. from that year on, i was seemingly unable to learn math despite listening the whole time, and studying alot. I’ve taken like 5 college algebra classes so far. Depends which “college algebra” class you’re taking. Failed intermediate algebra 3 and English 1 in college 3 times for being an idiot So around 2017 during the summer I started college right after I graduated from highschool I was depressed like very depressed, had horrible social anxiety, didn't want to take college seriously I was just half assing my way through classes, never did any homework Hi, first year in college. for a little extra context, I was put into pre algebra in 7th grade. I had to retake Calculus 1 five times. Out of my 7 courses, might of failed my math one but that’s it! What… It's been at least 3 years since I took a math class and closer to 5 years since taking an algebra class. _This community will not grant access requests during the protest. If I can get through college algebra, you can too. I just passed CLEP College Algebra with a 58 score. Then I took multivariate stats 2 yrs later and improved significantly. I'm taking intermediate algebra P/NP right now, and I'm two points from failing. I’m a 22 year old student who decided to go back to school at his local community college to better himself since he hasn’t been doing much with his life. When I failed that OA by 1 question a CM from their dept called me because he noticed I almost passed. I sat down every night for about three weeks just watching math videos and writing notes, one series after another. what even the fuck was a span or a basis. If you know what you need to study or where you went wrong on the exam they’ll approve you and you can set it up for 1-3 days later. Then barely got a C the second time. I firmly believe Calculus is when you actually learn algebra. You can drop it. Retake it, check ratemyprofesors to find a good math professor and spend time in the math tutoring center. I’m taking a college Algebra course and I’m doing terrible. I am taking college algebra as a fail for now in this term. 2nd Semester just finished and all was good UNTIL the releasing of grades, ok everything is good except for one goddamn thing, Math Algebra. Absolutely 39K subscribers in the HomestarRunner community. I am thinking of taking College Algebra and discreet mathematics soon. From my experience, if you go into calculus not knowing college algebra or trig(pre calc), then you're screwed. Failed so many classes that I got a financial aid suspension, got the financial aid suspension appealed, failed more classes and got another financial aid suspension. I failed College Algebra once, Stats once, and Trig twice (as you can see I’m not the best in math 馃槀). I don't have time to start khan academy as school starts in a week. Tackle it when I get back in December. Financial accounting has a 60% fail rate after late drops. college algebra. Is all this trouble with algebra in calculus class an indication that the standards for passing college algebra and precalculus too lenient? Good God, yes. The unlicensed-unlicensed community dedicated to the web animation series Homestar Runner! 11 votes, 17 comments. I passed Orgo in one go and I don't do anything with chemistry professionally. Well let’s just say I didn’t do that great on the first two exams and now I’m probably gonna have to withdraw. what makes it tough for almost all students is a shaky algebra foundation, because the easy calculus stuff is buried in algebra. We still use all the concepts from algebra in calculus 3. WGU C278 College Algebra Let me tell you, this was the hardest class for me as I haven't even looked at algebra since HS and I'm 42. Schuler to acclimate myself to the actual test-taking environment. Taking office administration at Algonquin online. Here’s what I did to study: (disclaimer I’m not some genius obviously but this method worked for me) I’m currently in Trig / Pre calc as a Junior in high school About to fail college algebra I can’t make it through the homework without having to see an example or do the Help me solve this on Pearson MathLab. Hey dude. However when I was attending William Paterson in the fall, I failed Philosophy and decided to take it upon myself to transfer out to a local Community College and change majors from communications to Engineering. My mom struggled with math in high school, then aced college algebra when she decided to go back to school in her mid-20’s. I took HS alg during 8th grade and got a C, but I aced all my math classes in HS, you don’t have to take it. We were put there because we were bad at math & I swear that class was harder than college algebra. May 18, 2024 路 I started college in 2020, so I know how bad it's been. Asking honestly with no judgments, yet insulting the entire idea of mathematics. I failed Calc 1 twice, once in HS, once in college. eq. Hi, first year in college. Calc gets increasingly algebra based and you need calc 3 and diff eq which is basically calc 4. Try taking it with a lighter course load. Honestly, I don't get it. A little bit of background; I'm a sophomore in university. But then we do things like hyperbolic functions, imaginary numbers, vectors, sequences, series, polar coordinates, parametric equations, and then finally a very small coverage of limits. i barely did any assignments and have a final tomorrow which i dont think ill even go to since i know i wont pass. Hi all, I am currently in community college right now and I am taking E&M, Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calc, and C programming. was undiagnosed my first year of college, I failed algebra my first semester and second semester the pandemic hit all my classes were moved online and I was sent home, it was harder for me to remember to go to class when I was home, my sleep schedule got worse and I lost all motivation for anything I gave up trying to do my homework and ended up failing algebra again and several of my other The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. Modern algebraic methods almost all derive directly from geometric concepts and proofs (like how "completing the square" in a quadratic equation literally equates to completing a square with unknown side lengths), and if you want to attempt using geometry to solve algebraic problems, it is I took Algebra 1 twice in high school and once in college. I have already started reading the first two chapters of College algebra and whatever questions I find in the textbook, I try to find similar questions on Google and do at least 30-40 practice questions. Failed intermediate algebra 3 and English 1 in college 3 times for being an idiot So around 2017 during the summer I started college right after I graduated from highschool I was depressed like very depressed, had horrible social anxiety, didn't want to take college seriously I was just half assing my way through classes, never did any homework In my second year of community college, I nearly failed linear algebra. i think ultimately you have to be honest with yourself. My grandpa graduated college in the 1970s and took calc 1 twice there before he passed it. you have no idea what OP is going through, and not everyone reacts the same way to the same events. not everyone copes the same way. 8 GPA being top 10% in my graduating class. It's a bit like wanting to compose a novel without knowing how to write letters of the alphabet. At 38 I returned to college to get an engineering degree. NC Precalculus at the HS level is a bit ridiculous. Too easy. Like others have noted, algebra can be a bit strange at first and makes you think of mathematics in a different way. 10 years ago or so we had a college algebra class, and a trigonometry class, and a pre-calculus class. I just received my third test grade and didn't pass and if I don't get at least a 70 or 80 on my final 2 test's I will fail… college algebra was fun but statistics was challenging! it’s all math so bottom line is learn/study the formulas. Let me see if the calc resource I used has any algebra! Sometimes it just takes the right teacher. Hard disagree. 2. Are you making a big leap from HS math to college math - eg Algebra to Calculus skipping the in between material? Figure out if you need this math class for your curriculum. Go on khan academy, go to algebra 1 and algebra 2, and take the unit tests for each unit. It was so bad I thought I would never learn Just went down to the local CC to take a math placement for a summer school, failed it. some people in the face of tragedy or conflict Anyways, I really regret cheating, and now I don't have a very good foundation, but I need to pass college algebra, as well as future math classes in college since I'm going to study computer science. I fucking hate Algebra 2. So if you can enroll in the class and know that math background, you'll be fine - there's no assumption of chemistry background. /r/Statistics is going dark from June 12-14th as an act of protest against Reddit's treatment of 3rd party app developers. Algebra 1 in particular rebuilds on topics learned in middle school classes. Jul 26, 2018 路 I took the Remedial Math as a college freshman and earned an A (like a 100% A). pre-calculus. As for learning math: There are ways to learn algebra via geometry, if you want to take that approach. Then I decided to transfer to a community college so I can figure my shit out for lower tuition. in college alone, i’ve failed one math class before, and had to withdraw from two others because my grades were so bad. You will not be able to complete calculus otherwise. EXACT same thing I experienced. Failed College Algebra Yeah, I know our college algebra class in my school is one of the most failed classes, so you're definitely not alone. Was told that I needed to pass 17 credits without failing one of them to be able to get financial aid again. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. College math classes can/should be easy, IF you have the right foundation. College Algebra is hard. As long as your overall score is >70% you can get a 0 on the final exam and you will pass the course. In fact, that's the only college course I ever failed. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. If you can’t handle college algebra, which is basically algebra 2 from high school, you have no business earning a degree of any kind. I feel like I only have a text book, homework, and test. I would evaluate if this is the right time in your life to do that. Oct 31, 2013 路 If you fail the course (finish all assignments with a grade less then 70%) you will have to pay again. I took College Algebra last fall through my dual credit/high school program as a senior, and it was very intense, just because there is so much information! I made a C in College Algebra last fall, when many of the students failed it because of the online Pearson My Math Lab Homework online portal, that you had to be a hermit to complete Failed my first abstract algebra course and have gone on to have three publications in algebraic graph theory. As an undergrad I failed Calc 3 the first time I took it. whether you struggled with the homework or not before the test is irrelevant. In that case pre-cal often was a rehash of college algebra. This is because you have to understand the question using algebra and trigonometry before you you can do the calculus part if that makes any sense. I failed algebra 2 in high school. Pre-calc has algebra but it also has exponential and inverse functions, logarithms, compound interest, trigonometry, and other basic calculus so it’s split into two classes sometimes. I was the same as you, had to take the 090 math classes before I could take College Algebra. 113 votes, 22 comments. Did you know that nearly the first 6 or 7 Algebra 1 units are complete repeats of things learned in middle school? Even reviewing that much material, students who dicked around or never really mastered the content have such a shaky foundation that it's hard to succeed. Then I did my MS, which required half decent linear algebra knowledge. Eventually I'm planning on getting a Bachelor's Degree so that's why I took more. Failed my first try then A the second time around. Now I'm a senior in Electrical Engineering. I took Calc II twice, but I got through the entire calculus series, I-IV, linear algebra and diff. I am working on my master's degree now and plan to retire from my state government job in 2026, and use my master's degree to start my second career. I’ve zoomed my teacher before a couple times for help, but when we are down zooming and I still don’t understand I feel so lost. It’s totally possible to fail & everyone I knew struggled. I failed DiffEQ the first time I took it, then barely made it through the second time. Apr 7, 2012 路 Bad idea because I am not good at abstract math and I was taking college algebra. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. I went to tutoring multiple days a week yet still failed. I would evaluate my study habits to see where I’m going wrong. im hoping to retake the course next semester and actually put in the work. My advice is to find a local community college that offers a pre-calculus course (usually a mix of college algebra and trig), and really work towards mastering those concepts. I now do math with computers for a living. Don't sweat it, It happens. How have your math grades been in terms of algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, pre calc, etc? You NEED a strong math foundation for engineering. You'll fail. You cover concepts from algebra II, trig, and geometry which is relatively standard. There are no zoom lectures, so it’s literally log online and do your homework and take the Hard disagree. My first 100 in a college course was in a MATH course after hating math my whole life. Lesson I learned was dont take difficult classes together like Calc 2 and physics during the summer when you suck at math. A. I tore out the remaining classes in no time but college algebra beat me. I'm in tears right now because I've just failed Calculus I for the 4th time and I'm entering into my senior year of college. Considering I have a relatively heavy course load, I do not have the best study habits when it comes to Math. Everyone knows me as an A student but I have failed a class. It’s all a part of the journey. My dad didn’t even attempt precalc after he failed college algebra, and my mom did fine in stats but failed organic chemistry. I have found that those who fail, retake a course and really perceiver come out with a much greater understanding than those who breeze through the course. If you've never been on academic probation before, then if you do happen to dip below a 2, you'll be put on it. I tried to keep the pace, tried to understand what the teacher said. Full transparency, I failed my first attempt - I moved on and finished the rest of my classes until the dreaded algebra was all that was left along with the capstone. 0. 2M subscribers in the college community. Returned to college in 2018, finished my BA in 2020, recieved several promotions once I started back to and finished college. All my life I was given a math course, and I would either fail or pass by with a millimeter of breathing space. College math is so much more intense and concentrated than high school. Professor Leonard, who (IMO) has a wonderful teaching style put it like this: Calculus is where people fail Algebra. It’s common. Hi guys, sorry if this is a long read I feel like my whole world is falling apart. But this is a general symptom of grade inflation as colleges become degree-machines designed more as class segregators than as institutions of learning. I took Algebra 2 three times in college. The subreddit for discussion related to college and collegiate life. I am taking 3 months off to recuperate and handle the stuff going on. Pre cal algebra was my favorite subject last semester and I ended it with a 96 in the class. i literally don’t know what to do. then this post didn't exist. One gap year later and I’m currently in the first semester in my masters program. My last few semesters I flew through college algebra and pre-cal algebra with flying colors. I also used an old college algebra textbook to refresh my memory, but I relied upon Peterson's and Mr. i am legitimately low iq and can not pass algebra, i'm not even a month in and i know i will fail i'm shit at school, jobs and even drawing, i could never get work in animation my work is objectively not good enough. Dropped out in 2006 and went to work for the state government. I'm a 17 Year old College student taking up IT with Specialization in Digital Arts, it has C++ and Photoshop those kind of stuff. This has helped me a lot. I am a firm believer that anyone can do anything if they put their mind to it. That said, nobody in my family took calculus in high school. At my school, people are very open about it and many people have failed a class. It honestly is not a rehash of college algebra, at least not any place where I have ever taught. i’m supposed to graduate in You don’t stop using algebra after algebra class. For the past 2 years my teachers have been the most difficult to work with, especially for math. Since then I got a masters in math, and now I am in the third year of my PhD program for math. The most failed classes are College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Intro to Financial Accounting. . Started paying for college out of pocket and haven't failed a class since. Also, Mr. Wow. I speak from experience. Schuler's YouTube videos in which he goes through each of the questions on the practice CLEP from the College Board were very good. I failed linear algebra for the secound time . If its complete gibberish to you, or you're stuck trying to learn algebra, in the middle of learning calc. 7M subscribers in the college community. Extremely bad grade. My final is in two weeks and I have been studying but not as much as I want to because I’ve been busy but I really don’t want to fail this class since I’m a cs major and I’m The subreddit for discussion related to college and collegiate life. I failed precalc 1 & 2 twice. algebra. my dad died when i was enrolled in trig over the summer, and it completely fucked me up. After that, your journey through the calculus series will be pretty easy. I’m stuck on difference of quotient of functions and right before that piecewise functions. pre-algebra. Colleges largely blame the disruptions of the pandemic, which had an outsize impact on math. I ended up testing into pre-calc on my placement test, so I took it alongside College Algebra during a summer semester and got A’s in both classes. I failed algebra in college Then you need to buy a used college algebra book and work through any gaps. Later on after graduation I took Stats, Trig, College Algebra, Precal and Calculus 1 only 1 time each. It was like an alien language to me. For most schools, the minimum required GPA is a 2. If you can teach algebra to someone who knows very little math, then you know your shit. Tutoring! I failed basic college algebra class a few times. As I mentioned before this semester I am going to fail college algebra and cannot withdraw from so I am wondering if this just completely ruined my chances at med school. Whichever units you have trouble in, study those. I feel really f*cking shitty rn because I don’t know what to… Failed so many classes that I got a financial aid suspension, got the financial aid suspension appealed, failed more classes and got another financial aid suspension. moyekb iyrn kjzo vpgjgd qrfccgia jnzzufx avk ohwvy ayeibqr hdhhib jwtoo tzyqdgj jpsydc xosw jzuogx