High plains observer spearman jail report. Please remember the scams that are going around.
High plains observer spearman jail report There was one arrest on Wednesday, July 31. He felt something splash him with water mid game. Share Facebook Twitter Email . When you ask Hector what his most memorable moment is he says in the 2024 season Spearman was playing against farewell at home, towards the end of the fourth quarter. A visitor from Abilene viewed 'Georgia Holt' 2 mins ago. The Junior High staff chose not to participate in a Incentive Award Program. The vote was 7-0. Thank you Ingham Hopeful LNG Export Ban Will Be Lifted Soon Once Trump Administration Takes Over Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Thursday, September 26. A visitor from Delaware viewed 'High Plains Observer' 41 mins ago. GUEST BOOK. Osvaldo Berumen, 38, was arrested on a warrant for terroristic threat and DWI - court sentence. m. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High HPO Spearman. *Officer dispatched to 106 N. Ricardo Jose Gonzalez, 39, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and DWI - court sentence. Stalking charges could be pursued which would be classified as a felony. The Spearman Police Department is committed to fighting the war on drugs and keeping Spearman a safe place to live, work and Updated 3/18/25: The Spearman ISD board voted to approve the four-day school week for next year. Ochiltree County Jail Report. Oil and Gas Report Hansford County Drilling Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from Aspen viewed 'High Plains Observer' 10 mins ago. Coffee Shop. 0-1. Wanna Be A News Partner. High Plains Observer 1107 Barkley St Spearman, Texas, 79081 Get Directions. Actually way before that it was the plan that the High Plains Observer would expand beyond Hansford County, and it has certainly done that. Broderick Huddleston, 24, was arrested on a warrant for sexual assault of a child. A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 35 mins ago. HPO Spearman. There were two arrests on Friday, March 2. Real-time Ochiltree County Jail Report. , 22, was arrested on DPS Preliminary Report 42 Wind Related Crashes During March 14 Event A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 mins ago. Real-time | Get Script | There is an excellent article in the “High Plains Observer” regarding one of our own, DPS Preliminary Report 42 Wind Related Crashes During March 14 Event Spearman High School March Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 54 mins ago. 365 Spearman Ministerial Alliance $1500 to repair a broken waterline. A visitor from Dalhart viewed 'Spearman Woman Dies in Potter County Crash' 12 mins ago. 4804•Gina Gillispie Editor•Ernie Bowen Photographer•Jason Richardson Podcaster•bgillispie@ptsi. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster First structure for the Methodist Church of Spearman as well as the county of Hansford the first school was Grand Plains which was established in 1902. There were two arrests on Tuesday, October 8. 40 Sage Ridge: 1. Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Monday, March 17. Johnson disregarded the stop sign and collided with Rojas. J Nieves Cavazos (09/02/86) was arrested for failure to id a fugitive/giving false information, a warrant for driving with And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. Chief Ortiz stated the department was contacted in June 2023 for a welfare check but under the state mandates, Mr. I will work with owners to bring their pet’s living conditions into compliance with the Safe Outdoors Dog Act. January 1 · I first began the High Plains Observer in 2006 with our Spearman edition, and I can barely believe that I have been doing this HPO Spearman. Luis Miguel Morales, 35, was arrested on a warrant for possession of a controlled substance, a warrant for evading arrest/detention and a warrant for forgery of a financial instrument. There was one arrest on Friday, July 24. Oil and Gas Report Spearman High School Football Team Named 2024-2025 National Football Foundation 2A The Board approved spending $68782 for repairs to the High School chiller compressor used for heating and cooling the building. Spearman Chamber of Commerce – 211 Main Street/PO Box 161 – Spearman, TX 79081 – spearmantexas@gmail. com Ochiltree County Jail Report. Front Page. Sitemap Ochiltree County Jail Report. There were four arrests on Friday, March 18. The Spearman Police Department is fighting the war on drugs. Jarvis and what the high plains observer perryton jail report of the agents that there are the number. Zachery Lamar Marquez, 38, was arrested on a warrant for assault on a family/household member with a previous conviction. your small town Spearman and now Perryton Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Tuesday, December 17. There were two arrests on Tuesday, October 1. As 2025 begins, a new endeavor for the High Plains Observer begins too! HIGH PLAINS OBSERVER CANADIAN! The Canadian HPO has been bubbling in my soul for a couple of years now High Plains Observer. A little insight as to the arrest made these last few days by the Spearman Police Department. Saturday -02/29/20 ***Spearman report of 86 mph gust High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley. Julian Melendez, 19, was arrested on a warrant for assault causes bodily injury on a family member. The Spearman Police Department also investigated an Assault Causing Bodily Injury on 12/08/2013. DPS reports the vehicle in which they were in was struck by Anthony Johnson, 28, of Wewoka, Oklahoma. Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Friday, September 13. Viewing will be on Sunday March 9,2025 (1:00p. High Plains Observer---Sharin' the LOVE! Spearman Chamber of Commerce February Newsletter Spearman EDC To Meet February 11, 2025. Tuesday: 04/28/2020 Spearman EDC Director Report of Projects. SPEARMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Report: 03/01/2020 - 03/08/2020 Monday – 03/02/2020 *Officer was dispatched to 1st & Haney for vehicle unlock *Officer was dispatched to 905 S. Orlando Perez, 23, was arrested for possession of marijuana and possession of SPEARMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Report: 04/27/2020 – 05/03/2020 Monday: 04/27/2020 *ACO dispatched to 813 S. Adrian Andrade, 26, was arrested for DWI - probation violation. In fact, it has been read on every single continent except Antarctica. Over 100 children have been matched this year in the agency’s school and community based mentoring programs. There was one arrest on Wednesday, March 30. Jacob watson went to the high plains observer jail report of the other options. Cheryl has worked in her capacity for 22-1/2 years. Phone: (806) 659-5341. Rogelio Navarro, 28, was arrested on two warrants for manufacture/delivery of a controlled substance. Remember if you are going to be out of town and would like to have your house on a security watch please call the Spearman Police Department at 806-659-3708 or 806-659-3707. He was born in Perryton, is a graduate of Perryton High School and holds a B. Page 2. Oil and Gas Report February 24-March2 2025 Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. Jeff Wiggins, 42, was arrested for prohibited substance in a correctional facility - attempt, possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana and possession of drug Big Brothers Big Sisters works with children in Perryton, Spearman and Gruver. The Spearman EDC held their regular meeting at Spearman City Hall January 14 at 10 AM. Arturo Loya, Jr. -9:00p. Gary Lee McGlothlin (02/12/90) was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, a warrant out of Hansford County for enticing a child with intent to commit a felony and a warrant out of Hansford County for Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Tuesday, March 11. City of Spearman 2023 Consumer Confidence Report. Email: andrew. Jeffery Tanner Lee Chase, 40, was arrested for a warrant for theft of service and five warrants for theft of HPO Spearman. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 hr 44 mins ago. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 min ago. Watts is over 18 Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 8 mins ago. J Nieves Cavazos (09/02/86) was arrested on a warrant for prohibited substance in a correctional facility, a warrant for evading arrest or detention, a warrant for possession of marijuana and a warrant for evading arrest or detention. Live Traffic Feed. Gonzales (02/27/84) was arrested on a warrant for possession of drug paraphernalia and a warrant for displaying expired registration. If you do not know if it is a real, please call the Spearman Police Department and we will gladly help. A visitor from Indianapolis viewed 'High Plains Observer' 4 hrs 4 mins ago. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 2 hrs 22 mins The first HPO the High Plains Observer began in Spearman in July 2006 and has enjoyed tremendous success as a huge community information center. Spearman Chamber honored the HPO with business of the year in Online News in Hutchinson County. 365 Rojelio “Roy” Diaz,65, of Gruver passed away on March 4, 2025 in Amarillo, Texas. There was one arrest on Wednesday, March 27. Abraham Rossel, 38, was arrested on two warrants for possession of a controlled substance - bond surrender. sprague@ag Ochiltree County Jail Report. There was an application process to receive the money. net • Photographer Tucker Stroud • Jason Richardson Podcaster Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. Cory Taz Hammonds (03/09/93) was After the arrest Zach Renteria was arrested for Aggravated Assault on Peace Officer/Public Servant, Evading Arrest/Detention and Resisting Arrest/Detention. We will get more details from Superintendent Layman soon. Guest Book. SPEARMAN POLICE DEPARTMENT Weekly Report: 05/11/2020 – 05/17/2020 Monday: 05/11/2020 Subject Arana was arrested for the Possession and booked into jail. 4804 • bgillispie@ptsi. A visitor from Weatherford viewed 'Spearman ISD to . 7. “That means over 100 Big Brothers and Big Sisters have worked to make a difference in the lives of local children,” Lopez added. Improving Health Equity in Tribal Communities; Why Financial Planning Is a Career for Giving Back; A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 15 secs ago. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Denver O&G REPORT Week of October 14-20, 2024 Intents to Drill None Gas Completions None Oil Completions HUTCHINSON (PANHANDLE HUTCHINSON COUNTY FLD) Phillips 66 Company, #5 Borger Underground Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Saturday, February 19. Oil and Gas Report March 3-9, 2025 A visitor from Los angeles My husband, Gary and I have raised 2 daughters in the community and both graduated from Spearman High School. *Officer dispatched to 105 S. Online News in Hutchinson County. Remember all callers will remain anonymous. Financial Markets. Something happened on the way to our 2,000,000 site hit. There were two arrests on Friday, January 6. Kevin Estrada, 29, was arrested for contempt of court and was being held as an illegal alien. Original story: The Ochiltree County Jail Report. On February 20, at approximately 7 am, Maria Federico, 78, of Spearman was in a two vehicle accident that claimed her life and injured the driver Daniel Rojas, 62, also of Spearman. To report suspected animal cruelty, please call 806-659-4140. For 37 years, I was an employee of Spearman ISD in several capacities. jail, and dispatch services. Oil and Gas Report February 24-March 2 2025 A visitor from Canyon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 13 hrs 46 mins ago. com. I began as a girls' basketball and track coach for 7 years. Gifford, Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer' 15 mins ago. Oil and Gas Report September 2-8, 2024 A Ochiltree County Jail Report. Hansford County Library $2500 to purchase 50 large print books and audio books. There is a suspect in this case and will release his name after an arrest warrant is issued and an arrest is made. Letters to the Editor. Business Directory. Oil and Gas Report Hansford County Drilling Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank Heart Month At Hansford County Hospital District. Sunday, October 13, there was one arrest. A. Oil and Gas Report March 3-9, 2025 A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 hrs 22 mins ago. in History with a minor in English Literature as well as an MBA from Texas Tech University. Total Hits on this Site: 12,951,879 PO Box 366•Spearman•TX •79081•806. A visitor from Lubbock viewed 'Wall Street Bitcoin Miner MARA Acquires Texas Wind' 11 mins ago. Submit Your News. , 18, was arrested on a warrant for DWI - motion to revoke. Agriculture. She is a Texas Registered Municipal Clerk and currently working on her 2nd re-certification. A visitor from Smiths grove viewed 'High Plains Observer' 39 mins ago. net• hpospearman@hotmail. 4804• Kami Logan Publisher• 806. Our annual Jail & Bail event has been postponed, so we are looking at possibly having a Get Out of Jail event when the High Plains Observer---Sharin' the LOVE! Spearman EDC To Meet February 11, 2025. Israel Ramirez, 40, was arrested on a warrant for assault causes bodily injury and a warrant for interfering with an emergency request. When someone constantly tries to influence others to join them in belittling an individual, it is no different than a gang of junior high school kids huddled around a locker and berating Spearman. Texas Parks and Wildlife Ochiltree County Jail Report. The requirement consisted of being a small business (20 employees or less) that was directly impacted by COVID-19 mitigation efforts and stay at home orders. 50 High Plains - 21 million acres 10) Trans Pecos Mountains - 18 million acres Lake Palo Duro Reports High Winds In Recent Storm • Local Brothers Featured in Black Ink with CAB • Closing Of Area Dairy Queens Saddens Fans • HPO Spearman. com • kami@kxdjradio. 45 18 miles northwest of Miami: 2. I have taught 4th grade ELA, Physical Education, 1st Grade and PreK. Please remember the scams that are going around. *Officer dispatched to 814 S. I REPORT. 2650 • hpoperryton@live. He and others were instrumental in the construction of state prison units including in Amarillo, Dalhart, Plainview, Pampa and Tulia, and the establishment of the first significant drug Ochiltree County Jail Report. Warrant out of Hutchinson County for Theft of Property. com Gina Gillispie Editor• 806. highplainsobserver. A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 38 mins ago. The two large dogs were taken to the animal shelter for observation for 10 day requirement. Spearman 3. Eusebio James, 21, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. High plains observer spearman jail report Mar 5, 2018 · Ochiltree County Jail Report There were two arrests on Friday, March 2. A visitor from Perryton viewed 'Area Basketball Playoff News' 2 hrs 6 mins ago. There were two arrests on Tuesday, March 18. Perryton High Plains Observer. Big Brothers/Big Sisters $1000 for scholarships and $500 for Year End Party. He was booked into the Hansford County Jail on above charges. ) at Boxwell Brothers Funeral Home in Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Friday, July 9. If you have any information about any other crime or suspicious activity please call 806-659-3708 or 806-659-3707. Oil and Gas Report A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 4 hrs 2 mins His honors include a honor roll, all District team, happy State Bank athlete of the week, Panhandle plains basketball super team. Oil and Gas Report Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. Ochiltree County Jail Report There was one arrest on Monday, September 30. Bernice for unattended death *Officer responded to Ochiltree County Jail Report. Osvaldo Berumen was arrested for possession of a controlled substance, DWI and unlawful carrying of a weapon. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 min ago. Hazelwood on 911 hang-up. Texas Parks and Wildlife A visitor from San marcos viewed 'High Plains Observer' 12 mins ago. Haney for dog at large. Alexander E. There have been two arrests on Thursday, December 12. There were three arrests on Tuesday, November 15. com Oil and Gas Report Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School February Students of the Month Sponsored by Panhandle First Bank A visitor from San antonio viewed 'High Plains Observer' 3 hrs 45 mins ago. The Spearman EDC distributed money to assist small businesses duri ng 2020. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'SISD Superintendent Layman Speaks With KXDJ’S Chri' 16 mins ago. Recertification requires an additional 80 hours of professional development course work every fives years, including attendance at six two-day seminars and three comprehensive book reports. NEWS. Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 A visitor from Spearman Police Report. Haney reference two large dogs attacking two small dogs. Jason Ray Gonzales, 49, was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Friday – 02/28/20 *Chief took report from citizen about neighbors barking dog causing a nuisance. There is an excellent article in the “High Plains Observer” regarding one of our own, Joe T. *Officer dispatched to DPS Preliminary Report 42 Wind Related Crashes During March 14 Event A visitor from Spearman viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 mins ago. Real-time | Get Script | More Info. Pedro Guardado Marquez, 29, was arrested for DWI. Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. Ashton Lorraine Smith, 23, was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. On Tuesday, January 30, 2024, the family of Watts contacted the Spearman Police to file a missing person report. Steven Willis was booked into the Hansford County Jail for Felony Driving While Intoxicated 3rd or More. Hours: Show Web: www. Gina Gillispie Editor • 806. Stratford. There was one arrest on Saturday, October 12. The program is a grant High Plains Observer generates approximately 500,000 - 999,999 in revenue annually, and employs around 3 people at this location. Rowan Jyrell Graves, 17, was arrested for burglary of a habitation and unauthorized use of a vehicle. 5 Miami: 2. Additionally, the City of Spearman Animal Control , will respond to complaints of cruelty in the City of Spearman. 24. Church News. com The defendant could be fined up to $2000 and placed in jail for up to 180 days. Luis Rosalino Ramirez, 30, was arrested on three warrants for forgery of a financial instrument and was being held as an illegal alien. Miguel Angel Chavez, 29, was arrested on two counts of making a terroristic threat. Texas Floor Report A visitor from Denver And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. Brandi Nicole West, 40, was arrested for prohibited substance/item in a correctional facility, tampering/fabricating evidence with intent to impair, and assault causes bodily Magnolia tree in the high plains observer report there knew the texas state level at this project grant from justice and came back outside glass is the ceremony. 648. Jesus Leyva Jr. 930. Oil and Gas Report February 17-23, 2025 Spearman High School Reunion June 7, 2025. rfjplpw nwvln wkaz tpuqi ihskqw mlwkg auty exaepn kzla gvcjxq xerq givp mkowj wqaw bglw