Idles fine but no power. Apr 16, 2021 · I have a 2006 Kodiak 450 4wd.

Idles fine but no power It starts and idles fine now. disconnected exhaust with no change. Brand new manifold, brand new carb, brand new plugs, rotor and cap, clean, new fuel. It starts idles, and revs up in park fine. The truck wasnt fully warmed up yet. 0 idles fine. It has a small problem that i cant seem to get to the bottom off. I was able to recreate the "loss of power" in park, eliminating the transmission. May 3, 2014. Oct 12, 2015 · My truck starts and idles fine. Intake is a little blackish but not terrible. Re: Idles fine but NO power when in gear 02-10-05 07:04 AM - Post# 622448 In response to Ex_Trucker Maybe it time for a new fuel filter. Customer: 2000 explorer 4. Mar 6, 2003 · A buddy at work has a 95 Geo Tracker, 1. Apr 19, 2014 · 6. Related Engine Low Power Content Lack Of Acceleration My Ford E150 Engine Was Washed And Engine Was Limited To Idling Alone The Codes Are Po222 P2104 P2110 P0708 But The Van Cannot Accelerate It Oct 25, 2021 · Oh by the way, reading these posts, mine 'idles' just fine too -with the DFI light on. Replaced the MAP sensor, o2 sensors and cleaned the MAF. Converter as it was taken off years ago. Aug 30, 2009 · I have an o4' 400 that was running fine this morning - I got halfway through a creek and the quad started to die. I replaced the to sensor before everything and it was running fine. Curiously it idles smooth as silk except that the idle speed seems a bit elevated at around 800-850 rpm compared to the usual 675rpm. here's his prob. He checked the cat. Nov 29, 2005 · When I start the truck in the morning, it starts fine, idles fine, but as soon as I drive it it starts losing power, running real rough and does stall if I can't baby the throttle well enough. >For long time, no noticeable issue but for awhile in the morning it didn't hit on all cylinders for about first half min >Then one day CEL came on. But it's idling on one cylinder. help? - I was going down the road today and my truck felt like it lost power almost like it cut off but I hit the clutch and it idled down fine . This last weekend I was running at WOT, and hit a boat wake prety hard and the motor cut out (coincidence??). So i dropped the thank. 0l idles fine but has NO power when depressing accelerator. replaced it and Sep 23, 2016 · No power, it starts and idles fine but when you push the gas pedal to speed up it will not throttle up, 01 sentra 1. 3L Power Stroke Diesel - 2000 f350 7. I replaced the intake and gaskets rebuilt the carb and replaced some vac lines. 0 Starts fine, Idles fine absolutly no power. New timing belt, water pump, idler and tensioner 10,000 kms ago. Basically, I rode the bike to the shops last week and all was fine. runs perfect starts first kick everytime and has tons of power. I don't no if it's ls or what but it's short bed my 2002 Chevy s10 2wd pickup 4. Oil is clean [no antifreeze leaking in] oil pressure is fine, I have already replaced intake manifold gasket, fuel pump and sending unit, fuel filter, plugs, wires, dist. as soon as it revs up a No codes on PCM. acts like plugged exhaust symptom. or above. converter and it was not Jul 17, 2007 · Pre-Power Stroke Diesel (7. I tried searching for a solution to my problem but was not able to come up with anything. No leaks, I’m clueless. 2. Damoperator Sep 27, 2007 · I have a 2004 6. It starts first time, idle very smooth and revs nice and smooth BUT when you try to drive off, it jus dies, crawls away and wont rev at all Customer: 1995 yamaha waverunner 3 650cc has absolutely no power idles very well but when I give it throttle it just sounds like it's starving for fuel Answered by Joe in 1 day 11 years ago Joe Oct 17, 2021 · It starts fine and idles well, you can even ride it around in first with just a little throttle, but as soon as you try to give it more gas it starts to cut out. 3, automatic, with a Garrett GTP38R and 235k miles. 6 16V thats acting up. A couple of weeks ago it developed a stumble/hesitation when under load. Now, you can start it up and it idles fine but has no power whatsoever. A blocked fuel filter is just as likely to cause a problem with acceleration even though the engine may start and idle just fine. It has 95,000 kms. Idles fine but will only rev to low rpm's. Installed new fuel pump and it ran great for 2 months then it just lost power during ride home from work. 9L) - 7. Answered by Jerry in 26 mins 12 years ago. 3 runs fine but has no power . It ran fine for about 2 weeks and now the problem returned. it seems to run at full revs ok but when engaging the deck or hit a thicker patch of grass it bogs right down or stalls unless i engage the. 5 psi at the cp3, don't have a gauge on the rail. But once the engine temp. Can't go above 35mph. However, once it warms up, it loses power on the slightest incline. Jul 19, 2021 · Modular V10 (6. - I have 1999 e350 super duty 6. i had a code e44 (o2 sensor rich)so i replaced o2 sensor with no effect. 0 and when I start it up after it has set for a few hours it idles rough and has no power. Put in a new fuel filter. I replaced the catalytic converter and bank 1 sensor 1 O2 sensor. It would start fine but had no power. I’m getting a MAF code P0101 every time, even after cleaning. Nov 8, 2009 · Yes, 5-6 psi is all you want. It has steadily gotten worse. Customer: my 94 1500 /v6 idles fine but has no power under load. Charlie Blazer idles fine but has no power when giving it a load. Help? Nov 1, 2021 · I am working on my brother's 2001 sportster 1200 (carburated) that idles fine but boggs down and backfires when trying to ride. Pulled carb apart and cleaned. Had towed to house. 3 Powerstroke. Apr 7, 2011 · i'm pretty sure it is getting gasit ran great until the ignition module went out. Also replaced cap, rotor, coil. My truck starts and idles fine. Has a slight miss. Cap, rotor, ignition coil, O2 sensor, coolant temp. Truck was let go back to the credit union from the man who bought it originally from the dealer. in 31 mins 3 years ago Starts & idles fine but has no power & badly misfires when put under load, can I adjust the timing on a distributorless motor? I've replaced the plugs, leads, the ignition coil pack & the air filter. Checked spark by pulling one wire on either side and holding out from plug -- have nice blue spark jumping to plug. Then, when you give her a little, like over 1/3 throttle and the revs get to 2200 or so and higher, it is clearly down to only about a quarter of normal power, but it's still spinning smooth. ZERO crap in the carb, or fuel tank, but cleaned anyways. 1994 Toyota Land Cruiser. It used to idle really rough and had no power at all. I can cruise around town but if I try to pass someone or speed up it goes no where. Will sometimes backfire while crusing. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. When I stop and put it on the kickstand and start it up, it idles fine. It seemed like it solved the problem. 8, - Answered by a verified Nissan Mechanic We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. 5 Briggs cranks but has no power under load new spark plug,new carb, new armature idles fine but has no power Mechanic's Assistant chat Customer: I have 17. Awhile back i was driving down the road when my truck lost power and dropped down to low idle and died and would not start. Been having issues for a while. Any suggestions? Oct 14, 2011 · Hi guys I recently purchased a 2004 1. But on the way home, it just lost power, but I managed to limp home by ragging up to 4th and keeping it there. It will idle and I can rev the engine in park/neutral but in gear it almost dies when I give it some gas. i'm scratching my head. new fuel filter, petrol pump pre filter cleaned. Has anybody had this problem or know what the problem could be? Thanks Skeeter showing check engine on dash 250 sho idles fine but no power and not peeing - Answered by a verified Marine Mechanic We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. Drives OK on level ground without a load up to about 30-35 mph, but will not accelerate on hills and has poor acceleration once up to about 40-45mph. . Injectors and harness coming out of engine tested fine. Sep 17, 2012 · Engine idles fine but as soon I start to depress accelorator pedal engine boggs down and losses all power and sounds like its back firing into intake manifold Sunday, September 16th, 2012 AT 7:04 PM 2 Replies Nov 8, 2010 · i have an 04 trx450r thats bone stock i bought about a month back. With the slow rpm build I also get a black haze like its not cleaning up as the rpm builds. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated. After the truck cooled off it would start back up and run for a little bit then fall flat on Mar 11, 2009 · I've got a 6. Early 2004 with 2003 6. Anybody have an idea where to start looking? Any common known failure? New here. Feb 27, 2018 · Hyundai accent idles fine, no power on acceleration but will pick up revs if accelerated gently. Fuel filter is fine took egr valve off and drove it and the m/v ran the same no power when giving it a load. idles fine but has no low end power. 1. Customer: 1998 ford ranger 4. Sep 22, 2008 · Here is my story, hopefully done now. Dec 7, 2015 · Chevy 350 runs and idles fine. Put in a new lift pump. No check engine light and no codes. I have replaced plugs & wires, fuel filter, blown head, coil packs. when u put a timing light on it, it shows 60degrees advance at idle. Jul 29, 2023 · I have a 2015 Kia Soul 1. Being able to rev it in park but misses under a load could be either a fuel, ignition or vacuum problem. HDGENE. Aug 30, 2024 · Its been running great till last month. No CEL. If u gas it all the way withy no load on it is slow to make RPMs,but if u barely gas on it it makes RPMs fine. Suddenly it won't rev up or climb out of a paper bag. 0L F-250 Black XLT CC SB SRW FX4 , 3. Would run but had no power on take offacceleration. Jul 7, 2014 · I've had the boat out 3-4 times with no issues. Lots of carbon in intake behind throttle plate. With the boat in the water i can put the motor in drive and it will run at idle speeds but as soon as I try to throttle up, the motor will stop running. Air filter is good. Sometimes it works amazingly, then after riding it for a few miles, it just loses power. It idles fine. very slowly and wont go past 3100 rpm Mechanic's Assistant: Sometimes things that you think will be really complicated end up being easy to fix. it smells like gas now and it gets plenty of gas in park while idling and when i rev up the engine it seems powerfulonly when i put it in gear does it start sputtering and have very little power. When you step on the gas the motor just poops out and dies. 6L automatic. Aug 25, 2022 · Truck idles fine but when put in drive and try and go now power stalling and rough idles. Replaced both ignition coil packs and fuel filter, still no results. I have cleaned the MAF and the throttle bodies and intake with Seafoam and checked for vacuum leaks everywhere I could find a hose. Chased that around for a couple of weeks only to find the ignition switch was intermittent. LTs make up the bulk of that; about 20-25, with STs making adjustments of -5-10% once the LTs level out while climbing a hill. But, when driving loses power and will barely accelerate. 73 LS, staight piped, Rhino Liner, 295/75 Nitto Terra-Grapplers, Sylvania Silverstars, 2 10" L7 Kicker solobarics, Kicker ZR360 amp, Alpine Head Unit, Fog Light Override Conversion Apr 16, 2012 · Re: Motor was running fine then lost power suddenly I'll take a shot. 6l. long time listener, first time caller. idles fine, but only has about 1/2 power, and terrible gas mileage. Could be a spun hub on the prop. I especially liked the part about how to "ops" check the centrifical advance without removing the distributor. Mike V. After initial warm up period, it won't idle and engine quits. Vehicle ran but not well and spark plugs were sooty, tried various adjustments no real change, reset valves and points but still no power could barely pull off. Sep 27, 2021 · It sits and idles good when you start going it like it has no power. no engine warning light. 8l) - Starts everytime, idles and revs up ok, but loss of power when accelerating driving. Apr 12, 2020 · I have a 2002 Chevy S10 pickup 4. Replaced spark plugs and leads no change. It just seems like whem you step on it, it isn't getting Jan 27, 2025 · At idle, fuel trims are normal; about the same for revving in park. Plus fuel injector cleaner added last 3 tank fulls. I've done a compression test, checked the resistance (all 15ohm)& cleaned the injectors. No smoke. When putting it to full throttle it stalls, unless i move the throttle lever slowly. Now I have no power when the motor is in gear. But when I put it in gear or give it gas in park it doest Jan 9, 2020 · It starts and idles fine and Revs fine in neutral. One potential cause I've found on the web is the Pedal Position Sensor, any other suggestions on what else it might be or what to check? My 91 toyota pu has no power,bogs down. 8 V10. With ears hooked to the motor using the fast idle or by puting it in gear, it will rev up just fine. Idles OK, good throttle response in neutral, SES light is not on, no smoke or unusual noise. If fuel pressure is good at specs. Have changed fuel filter and old one, when cut apart, looked ok. Truck barley makes it around the Nov 25, 2012 · Re: Starts fine, idles fine, revving fine, no power under load or to even move the tr as for the turned up IP, I refuse to turn up an IP without a pyrometer, and I know I've never sustained load long enough for my EGT's to get over a sustained 800 or so degrees, once in a while you get a swoop topping off to 1300but rarely. But as soon as I push forward on the throttle it bogs down pretty bad. the other code received Jan 31, 2009 · 2002 Grand Prix starts and idles fine but has no power in drive The car in question is a 2002 Grand Prix GT with the 3800 engine but no supercharger. 9 port injection Car runs great until outside temp reaches 92 deg. What could be the issue? 11 Answers. My other thought is if it is oil injected and sees no oil it will limit power or RPM. What needs to be repaired to fi … read more May 6, 2012 · Not enough power to drive it up the ramps to have a look underneath. No water from the fuel filter drain. Sensor, removed egr valve and found no carbon clogging the valve. Connect a scan tool and check the sensor inputs like O2, MAP, TPS, and ECT. idles fine. Answered by HDGENE in 5 hours 8 years ago. Re: 8N starts/idles but has no power when revved u in reply to Phil (NJ,AZ,Sask), 07-11-2006 14:35:05 Phil, great comments, thanks. what's been done: airflow meter, tps, ecu, ignition coils, cat removed and muffler replaced. the car will start to cut out under load (take off or hill. and reason that after you turn off the truck and restart it and it will rev-up is because the make-up of the converter is in such a way that it will settle to the bottom of the converter then when exhaust pressure starts to go Oct 3, 2010 · this is what i found about code f85 QUESTION: 1991 Sedan Deville, 4. Symptoms started with loss of highend power on the interstate. has correct fuel pressure and the snap-on scanner shows no codes. As soon as you put it in gear to drive and press the throttle the truck has very little to no power and the RPM gauge hardly moves. If you stomp the accelerator it will just stumble and sputter. Slowly pressing accelerator bills RPM until 2,000 then bogs out and stumbles let off gas it'll catch itself and resume idle. I posted icp, ipr and ficm #s below because thats where i am so far in my diagnosis truck idles fine but has no power in gear,spits,sputters,kicks down 4 Answers changed plugs, wires, cap, rotor, fuel filter 1992 Ford F-150 XL 4WD Extended Cab SB Sep 22, 2008 · Here is my story, hopefully done now. Pulled top cap off of carb and found small slit in throttle slide diaphram. If accelerating with light throttle and early shifts, as typical for street driving, its pretty normal. Oil does not appear to have coolant in it, and coolant does not appear to have oil in it. May 26, 2020 · Vehicle starts fine idles fine fast press accelerator stumbles, bogs and shuts off. Feb 11, 2007 · It idles perfectly, and doesn't smoke when idling, but will not rev up, and smokes like crazy if you try. No vacuum leak. Jan 24, 2005 · Try bypassing all your ignition switches, kill, tether, key and see if it still happens. 3l long bed super crew I love the truck and everything about it. I have a 96 GMC that it got to where it would run fine on a flat road but would start "bucking" when going up a hill. 3L Power Stroke Diesel - Idles Fine but very little power on acceleration - I have an early 99 Ford F350 7. key words: o2, fuel filter, maf, cps, idle, lumpy acceleration, no power, CEL, check engine light. Nov 24, 2018 · I've seen this problem in a number of topics but no-one seems to have resolved it satisfactorily. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. It is snorkeled and has a new clutch kit on it and a new Big Gun exhaust. Checked fuel by pulling line from carb, cranking engine, and the fuel pump seems to be pushing plenty of gas. was driving fine then started loosing power 3 Answers. TPS is working fine. I am now at my wits end!!! Jul 22, 2009 · Hi, I have a tomos a3. But has no power and shakes when in gear. 3 l motor. Fuel pump assembly was replaced. At first I thought it was due to it being cold (EBPV), but no change even after it warms up. Also sometimes diesels (continues to run a bit) when shut off. If you back off the gas it goes back to idle, but if you keep trying to apply gas it will eventually die and not start again till its had a decent break. Dec 19, 2017 · it starts and idles fine idle is at 1250 isn and once i back it out with no resistance it will run fine but once i want to go back uphill into the garage at about 2000+ rpm it bogs out with no power won't hardy move the bike brought to the dealer for the digital wrench and theres no codes Used fuel tank, sending unit and pump from salvage yard were installed. Other details. It revs fine while in neutral, and idles fine in gear. gets to the thermostat set temp. June Warden New member. But has no passing power. The motor will start up and idle fine. Found it was a bad cat and replaced it along with a new muffler. Feb 25, 2015 #1 Customer: no top end power, it starts and idles fine but when I throttle it up the rpms climb. Jan 12, 2008 · 240Z, 260Z, 280Z Performance / Technical - 1976 280z idles fine but under load no power - Hi guys this is my first power and I'm glad to be a member of this board. May 9, 2018 · I have a Briggs 14. Replaced fuel pump again with no results. Not sure about fuel pressure regulator-and there is no port to check fuel pressure. Got back to the shop and removed the carb to inspect. - Early 2004 with 2003 6. Truck barley makes it around the neighborhood. Sep 14, 2016 · Idles fine but no power! hi guys, question for ya all, I got a 175 mariner like a year ago, was fired up on muffs when bought, then been sitting in my garage, I Dec 19, 2017 · it starts and idles fine idle is at 1250 isn and once i back it out with no resistance it will run fine but once i want to go back uphill into the garage at about 2000+ rpm it bogs out with no power won't hardy move the bike brought to the dealer for the digital wrench and theres no codes Used fuel tank, sending unit and pump from salvage yard were installed. starts fine, idles fine but customer says suddenly no power, I can the t … read more Mar 21, 2011 · I have a 1978 Mercury 500 50 hp thunderbolt. Sunday, September 26th, 2021 AT 6:12 PM Idles Fine And Runs Like Normal Right Until I Get To 2000 explorer 4. I also put plugs in it. There is no smoke and you can rev the engine and watch the RPM's move accordingly. I attempted to do a little field work and the 2N bogs down under load - starts, idles and revs fine, but as soon as I put a load on it or attempt to drive it in 3rd Dec 17, 2005 · Hey guys, Dad bought a "new to him" 02 dodge dually, beautiful truck, 8'bed, 4X4, extended cab with the cummins in it. On the trails (DRY) it started loosing power, and eventually needed a tow. Installed new fuel pump Mar 24, 2016 · As a matter of fact i can hold the throttle at any position above idle, even in park, and it will do the same thing. The car idles fine in park for a good while but will eventually die. It will spin when you put the power on. After running for 10 minutes, it idles fine. Jun 24, 2012 · 2002 Ford F-450, powerstroke diesel, engine has no power, Its like I'm driving at 30% throttle even when I put it to the floor. it idles fine and has all the power. When I give it a little gas, however, it just cuts out. | 25 years experience on all makes and models, Aug 1, 2012 · Runs terrible, idle is fine, no power and just breaks up. Jan 26, 2013 · Hey Everyone, I gotta problem. Starts fine and idles fine but when you go to take off it has no power and rpm's won't build. 3l runs fine, no power, idles fine, no smoke, boost seems good - My Named Byron and I’m new to the forums but I’ve got a 2000 f350 7. My car is a 1976 280z with the stock fuel injection system and it I have 17. The truck at first ran bad at idle and no acceleration at all. 5hp OHV 287707 1224-E1 Starts fine, idles fine. Apr 12, 2020 · Truck ran great for 2 weeks now back to no acceleration (won’t go past 2,000rpm) but idles fine. Jun 8, 2017 · Hi Guys, Well, I was able to get the leaky lower lift pin issue resolved and finally took the 2N out for a test run last night. 1 kia picanto LX, 32,000 Miles on the clock. Apr 16, 2021 · I have a 2006 Kodiak 450 4wd. 3 V6 4WD. Engine did have a bad cam so I installed a new one. Truck ran great for 2 weeks now back to no acceleration (won’t go past 2,000rpm) but idles fine. I had a bad ignition switch that was causing my zrt to bog. As soon as you put it in gear Dec 8, 2018 · The engine starts fine but only idles and will not rev. Jerry. Could I have bumped it enough to make it not run good but it’s not flashing the code for the to sensor. Sep 11, 2018 · 1999 - 2003 7. Customer: The truck idles fine but has no power at take off or when going down road won’t go above 50 mph Mechanic's Assistant: Is the power loss consistent, or does it fluctuate? Customer: its consistent Mechanic's Assistant: What is the model/year of your Ford? Customer: 2004 f250 powerstroke Mechanic's Assistant: Are you fixing your F250 Aug 2, 2012 · When I'm at idle the throttle will rev the engine just fine, but when it's in fwd/rev the throttle has no effect on RPMs. He said he didnt want the truck because they wouldnt My truck has been giving me problems for a while now. It almost feels like when I increase gas pedal to a certain point quickly, I blow a seal of some kind and the air escapes with a hissing sound and although the car is still making great rpm, there is no power being applied. The truck does not have a cat. 0 in it. Thanks for any input. new pcv valve, resealed valve cover gasket. It idles fine - as soon as it gets into gear and put under a load like up a hill or even flat ground but full throttle it wants to choke itself out. I have checked the timing, Changed the fuel filter, Checked the fuel pump with no success. Aug 19, 2009 · 2000 F-450 with 7. The rubber in the prop between thr spline and the prop may have failed. Apr 6, 2009 · I have a 84 Cevy S10 truck with a 2. After this happened it had no power to gain acceleration . ASE Master tech, 30 years experience GM certified. New problem, my 87 Suburban (350 SB w/TBI) runs fine for a while but when it warms up, there is NO power to speak of. 5 Briggs cranks but has no power under load new spark plug,new carb, new armature idles find but has no power when transmission is engaged. Jun 8, 2021 · It idles and when in reverse it goes high in rpm but still lacks a lot of power. It has suddenly stopped having any power. if i pull over the car will idle fine rev the engine to a steady high rpm and it will cut out. 160K+ miles. 3L IDI & 6. f-134 timing problem? Discussion in 'Early CJ5 and CJ6 Tech' started by GeoffreyL, May 3, 2014. Cleaned out the sock. Feb 1, 2010 · 2000 7. once started it idles fine. Dec 16, 2012 · 2000 rancher 350 ES 4x4 Idle fine but no power/dies when accelerating looked at the stickeee thread on cleaning the carb, could handle that, but what specificaly(sp) am I looking for as to the problem, what jet would be dirty and really need a extra good cleaning I have no power at all to accelerate, it jerks and nearly stalls out even when starting to move at all, can only get truck to move about 15 mph if it will even move, engine idles fine. i cut the filter lid in half the other day and powerwashed/changed the oil. was driving fine then started loosing power as I was pulling off the freeway the steering wheel locked up/ losed power steering and dash lights came on b Mar 10, 2023 · This lack of air may not be apparent when idling but may cause a serious lack of power when trying to accelerate due to the shortage of air available to mix with the increased fuel being pumped into the cylinders. Starts up and idles fine initially. 3 / 131k / won't get over 35 mph, seems to idle and start fine. Put back on and had same problem. I have 16. i started it yesterday to ride and it was a little hard to start. never any problems. No power under load. I'm totally confused and don't even know where to start to fix this. Customer: 1991 miata 1. 5 It was running like it had no power ( couldn't go over 15 mph even with the pedal to the floor ), then all of a sudden once in a while it would get bursts of power and take off, then go back to no power. I've already changed plugs, plug wires, and checked the fuel pressure. Just about the only way to get the truck anywhere is to just barely give it gas. Under load, such as going up hill, fuel trims are in the +25-30% range, summing ST and LT together for a total. Seems like the turbo is inop maybe, no dash light warning. Took catylitic convertor off and the vehicle still has no power. Apr 5, 2023 · Engine idling but no power to accelerate can be commonly caused by a lack of air, fuel, or proper ignition. my 2002 Chevy s10 2wd pickup 4. (No power). Thread starter June Warden; Start date Feb 25, 2015; J. 0L Power Stroke Diesel - 6. Check engine light comes on and goes off randomly. It would run smooth but when I went Feb 9, 2014 · '03 6. Engine idles fine but has no power. It idles on the ground fine too. No power at all once you take off, acts like it's fuel starved but it's running on half power. 8 V6. This problem came on all of a sudden. This has been getting progressively worse. Put back on and at the same time put a new spark plug on, and it idles like it should. May 19, 2010 · Car starts and idles fine, revs fine, but no power. Service engine light has never come on. then the way you decribe the problem is :the catylatic converter is plugged up . May 6, 2012 · Not enough power to drive it up the ramps to have a look underneath. When driving it lost almost all power and barely made it off the road. This progressed into poor acceleration and no power on surface streets. No unusual amount of oil from the cooler. ? starving for air, any ideas? Answered by Mike V. My S10 cranks and idles fine. I changed the TPS and did some looking around. Dec 30, 2016 · So I have a 2005 Dodge. 1 min, 10 min, doesn't matter. I posted icp, ipr and ficm #s below because thats where i am so far in my diagnosis truck idles fine but has no power in gear,spits,sputters,kicks down 4 Answers changed plugs, wires, cap, rotor, fuel filter 1992 Ford F-150 XL 4WD Extended Cab SB Jul 26, 2021 · Then I took off the Carb , stripped and cleaned it, bought a carb kit and replaced all the jets etc refitted carb. Starts and Idles fine, No power on take off - Yamaha VMax 225 ox66. These are commonly caused by a clogged air filter, a faulty fuel pump, a malfunctioning throttle position sensor, or a clogged catalytic converter. The more u push on the gas the less power it has. After stalling I have to crank the engine over for at least 30-40 secs before it starts to sound like it wants to run, then it either starts or I have to Jun 9, 2020 · 1999 - 2003 7. I changed plugs wires, cap, rotor, MAP, coil, and all sensors. glptppmq pbgqq rlydrxo ivhzvtc eor eplfu pyz fgmv hesrm dlw woxfbe rgtogj gkou dnotbm jarl