Reddit husband and nanny. I asked if the nanny was mean and she said no.
Reddit husband and nanny The nanny left immediately but then my husband also slept with me… directly after… didn’t even get to wash the cooter. We've always done Nannies at the resorts as brining one is 2-4 times the cost at Nope. [TOMT] A 80s-90s drama horror movie where a husband cheats on his wife with their son’s nanny. You should’ve gone downstairs to find out why she’s speaking on his behalf (if eg he, as her employer, has warned her not to leave you with the child). . She was with my husband too. Married. I'm on mobile, so please bear with me. Like, he'll get a new nanny that he and the wife agree on, but unless there is proof that the nanny is doing something wrong, or she goes against their wishes as parents or won't respect their parenting style, the new nanny must stay for a minimum of 6 months before the wife is allowed to bring up getting another nanny if she doesn't like them. I've tried talking to my partner about this more, explaining I don't want to become an on call maid and nanny in order to be loved nor do I want to suck up your wife's arse. We hired our nanny over a year ago when I was pregnant with our baby girl while I had a toddler 2 at the time now 4 as well and couldn’t do much and my husband couldn’t be with me all the time due to his work. If the nanny was emotionally grooming or manipulating the husband as a child’s it would’ve made that protection overdrive be that much higher and would explain why he won’t tell his wife all the details about the nanny. Either you watch the kids for the time the babysitter would be there and let her have a life or you hire the babysitter and let her have a life. Your husband suggested a nanny as he isn't in your head and is trying to offer ideas so the two of you can keep being a couple. Of course everyone is validating her “bravery” for “standing up for herself” and realizing who she was, and being so strong. It doesn’t happen often as she normally tries to go when baby is down since toddler doesn’t mind. I have been struggling with mental health issues for a long time. However, I believe he may be cheating on me with our babysitter. However, he acts like it’s something more. When I was a nanny my willingness to be flexible when I could was directly related to the family's willingness to be flexible in return and respect my time - letting me know they were running a bit late, ASKING if that was ok or if they needed to make When nanny started babysitting Daniel, he was 8, she was 19 and Stella was 1. Oh my goodness these people! I've been a travel nanny, a live in nanny and am now a mother with 3 kids and have used Nannies. Husband and I had been friends/friends with benefits for 3 years, became exclusive 9. this subreddit is for a podcast called reddit on wiki, that reads reddit stories. Now today the nanny asks me if the bottles in the fridge are formula or breast milk. Posted by u/Icy_Cable_3267 - 5,567 votes and 1,789 comments Hi all, I am a first time mom, and my husband and I are in the process of figuring out childcare for our 5 month old. 5 years ago, married almost 8 years, and have a set of 3 year old twin girls. You deserve a co-parent, and your kid deserves to have a rested mother. She deserves alone time regardless. Hiring someone to provide 1:1 care vs. If only he was a trust fund baby. I wasn't able to cook supper because baby was on my constantly. Still hoping all of this is just me overthinking. Doesn’t seem like childcare is being split equally. Last night we were on our umpteenth episode from the latest season; Benson has recently adopted a baby but continues to be her crazy driven self, kicking ass and taking names. He can do all the interviewing and contacting references and background checks and negotiations for pay. He wants a partner, not a roommate (or two) to just live with. We have a babysitter Katie who is 25f. What is an MANNY/NANNY ROMANCES? This is when one or more character is employed by a parental figure(s) to take care of children. Omg im dying. But it doesn't hurt to ask. There are men who will lift you up, praise you, treat you as an equal and be horrified even at the thought of yelling at the ones they love (and their nanny or other workers, strangers etc!!). Bg info: This was her second husband. a couple days ago we hired a new nanny to watch our toddler while my husband and I work. My (F38) husband (M43) of 22 years may have cheated with our former Nanny. S. I make 2. Max in yellow wellies. Original Post - September 13, 2023. We originally were going to hire a part-time Nanny this fall for child care so I don't have to take care of the baby and work while he begins crawling. I really love my husband, and I can’t stand the thought of our beautiful family splitting up. A manny is a male caretaker, a nanny is a female caretaker. A babysitter might get sick and not have to take a day off because they aren't scheduled to come again for a week. Vice President Kamala Harris campaigned as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate, a rumor started to spread that her husband, Doug Emhoff, cheated on his first wife May 16, 2024 · I married a man after dating shortly, thinking we'd be happy. As someone with a nanny, we had to go through multiple nannies before finding one we can trust. (33 yo. So a chore like dusting is not something I would do. I believe that a nanny's job is taking care of children, not cleaning; though some nannies offer additional housekeeping tasks for a higher rate. We noticed the nanny had several red flags including trying to contact/develop romantic relationships with multiple members of the extended family. I believed him and we went on with our lives. We don't want me to take a longer leave because I make more than he does, so we're looking into a nanny for an infant--5 months. A nanny comes more regularly and if they get sick from NK, they have to take a day off. This could help both you and your husband understand each other's perspectives and ensure that any decision about the nanny—or the state of your relationship—isn't made in haste or out of fear. You were actually unfair to someone in a very awkward predicament There is no telling what lengths this nanny would have gone to in order to fulfill her sick fantasy. I let him cheat because I didn’t want to take care of any more babies, but I didn’t want his family line to die off. We had a nanny for a year, she was part of our family and I adore her to this day. She's already working 11 hour days, and has other demands on her time. Third: I do not like my husband nor do I condone his behavior. i admit, i dont say this problem to my family and friends as i am ashame that my husband will Your husband lacks vision, having a nanny isn't the issue. I wfh but my job is very micromanaged so can only get away from my computer for lunch on the other hand my husbands jobs is pretty chill so he has been helping train the nanny the two days she was here when he has time so he spent majority of the time with her the last couple of days. Married for 3 years and have a 2 year old with another on the way. It gets lonely even though I also had family near-by who would pop in randomly. It doesn't sound like he was even trying to hide it! Her husband’s name is Chris and he’s very rarely on camera. David is her brother, the oldest of the 7 kids, and they are very close Let's start with some background info. Second: I still have a nanny because I’m now trying to start work. I am 100% certain my husband would never make any advances on the nanny or do anything creepy but it's important that we have a really good coparentingesque relationship with our nanny which means working closely together and lots of open communication and if my husband didn't feel like that was possible then I'd want to move on for everyone's Husband wanted a romantic getaway with the wife, but she wouldn’t budge about leaving the kids. group care. Our kids play together and she asks me for help or to borrow a tool or something (she just got divorced) and I try to help. If you feel like you need to talk to someone, find a counselor who has a background in infidelity and PTSD symptoms. Take a shower. We thought, “great, we’ll have $10k in tax free dollars for childcare. I think it's a bit different for babysitters vs nannies. I usually only pump at work and breastfeed when I’m at home. Try to plan date nights monthly at least and have someone watch the child so you can keep the intimacy. I have four wonderful children and have been married for 10 years. Just what colour is Marsha's outfit?. If you're okay with high schoolers (we are, especially for post bedtime "make sure the house doesn't burn down" type care), that can save a lot of money and parents of high schoolers are always looking to get them out of the house to some kind of productive and moneymaking activity (and they're My husband, John, (40M) and I (26F) have been together* 5 years (married for 3) and have 3 kids (ages 3mos, 2, 4). We hired a nanny who helps out. If the lawyer says you have enough evidence, work on your plan to confront your husband and fire the nanny Take your meds- there is no shame in this. I am not her biggest fan but she has been rather helpful during quarantine. Hire a nanny and catch up on sleep, and then start doing the stuff you want to do with baby (zoo, splash pad, park) and by yourself (books, pedicures, hanging out with friends). Oof. We hired our nanny over a year ago, she lives with us and cares for our toddler in exchange and gets free housing and a small allowance (more on that later). We were in the middle of looking for foil so we can make makeshift to-go containers with Thanksgiving goodies. The kids are all on their busses by 8:45. i wouldn’t ever ignore the child or forget i’m on the clock. The nanny can blur them too and make it feel like your nanny persona is your real persona. I like them a lot and the kids are cute and I’ve grown fond of them. She emailed last night early quitting and said my husband has been harassing her, making sexual comments as well as racial microaggressions (we are different races). We hired Katie when she was dating my husbands brother Ben (32m) because she was naturally so good with our children, one of whom has special needs. We were at a resort today and the husband got drunk and while his wife was away (she is pregnant with the third), started touching me. Just because she’s babysat in the past doesn’t mean she should be default caregiver for multiple children. Remember, the health and happiness of your family comes first, and finding a path forward that keeps that at the forefront is crucial. I (husband/father, no nanny) do this with our neighbor lady all the time. As the title says…my husband and I go back and forth all the time about hiring a nanny…but a nanny is about 3-4x daycare costs. We are not wealthy people, comfortable, husband works 50-60 hrs weekly, I was finishing up school for a career change from nursing to teaching. My husband and I were both in awe at the amount of oil Nanny had. Brill Harper has a nanny book, Laid, though it doesn’t completely fit since an uncle who recently got custody (after the unexpected death of his sister and her husband) and the babysitter. After nearly 20 years of marriage. OP wanted a family holiday, so the kids would spend more time with their dad. So babysitting Daniel most likely was her main source of income to care for Stella. The nanny is your husband’s employee and will do as instructed. Ask friends and family. So my now husband has denied sleeping with this woman and has lied several times to my face about there ever being anything between them. if you believe i dont look bad and earning 4x as much as my husband. So they compromised and brought the nanny. A little over a year ago we hired a nanny to help take care of our children in our home while we work. YTA. The person to get mad at is your husband, not the nanny. Score!” Now, we’re in the process of trying to hire a nanny and 90% want to be paid under the table. i’ve met up with my husband a handful of times with permission from parents and the focus stays on the child at all times because i am an attentive, trustworthy nanny and i know that getting to do something like that is a perk of the trust the families have in me. We probably won’t hire a nanny anytime soon- but know so many families who have nannies (okay- we don’t know them personally, but more so just see posts on FB groups etc)- how do people afford it? The babysitter is gone and he's still crying about his slip up, even went as far as say the babysitter was the one initiating. Frangione was married to Christopher Rich who was also in Another World and later guested as Kurt in The Nanny. Just hire a nanny at the resort, 7 months old is perfect for a nanny from the resort. My husband and I both work. Then my younger daughter started crying. It was horrible because she's pretty young and my daughter has known, and loved her almost all her life. With a fever over 100, I'd prefer not to come in, as a nanny. I leave for work at 7:45 and my husband leaves for work at 8:30. Nanny is so stupid and doesn’t realize these evidence will be used against Alex and he will find out if they go to court over custody further straining whatever relationship these scumbags have. You've experience a trauma and you need someone who knows how to address this. We met when I was still in college working part time as a nanny for his friend's family. So my 3 yo daughter's nanny passed away a couple of weeks ago from an accident while she was traveling to see her family. Lynette basically made her quit her old job only to fire her bc her husband found her attractive. Our nanny, Katie, gets here at 7:30AM, helps gets the kids ready for school (elementary for our 8 year old, UPK for our 5 year old, and daycare for our 3 year old). We have met with a potential nanny who has a largely outdoor approach/philosophy to childcare. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Both of those things are completely incorrect. We have had issues since he became useless to our family. If the nanny doesn't have an iPhone then she wouldn't be alerted that she is being tracked. 5-3 times as much as he does (he’s a contractor so his salary varies) and I handle all expenses — mortgage, utilities, I bought both of our cars, childcare, etc. I am struggling with this. The kids were wild and unruly. But my husband goes on to having an affair with her. Hello! Originally my husband was going to take a longer leave to be the main caregiver but his work recently gave him an interesting offer to come back sooner. Aug 24, 2024 · In August 2024, as U. Correct me if I’m wrong, but is it tough to find a nanny willing to work just 2 days/week? Should I try Care. (Also I explained why nanny used bathroom with door open. The best case scenario is that your husband is a predator who finds himself attracted to a power dynamic both as her boss and an older man who is willing to keep secrets to enjoy some fantasy of being the obsession of a very mentally ill young girl. I work from home full-time starting at 6 in the morning and my husband works full-time starting later in the morning. My husband and I work most of the time so her nanny had a huge role in our daughter's everyday life. Does not have to be you. My husband (45M) and I (38F) have 3 children, 2 girls and a boy, ranging between the ages of 4 - 9 and our current nanny has been with us for 19 months thus far. The older boy actually belonged to her new husband and his ex (who was a drug addict), and the youngest was theirs together. My husband says the following: My current sim household husband is a sex addict for sure. She and my br We hired a nanny who helps out. She has been our babysitter for about 6 months now. We crossed paths a few times at my nanny family's functions, and my nanny family gave him my number and encouraged me to go out with him. I watched this in the late 2000s on Cinemax/HBO. He files restarting order, CPS, protective order (which he didnt get) and has ruined me financially by the divorce The nanny share with another infant, you get a 1 adult to two infants ratio, the nanny will be older and more experienced, the care environment will be in a house instead of a busy daycare where the infants will be restricted to only one room, the infants won't be exposed to so many other people (ie not exposed to so many illnesses), and if you Lynette and Tom. com? i’ve met up with my husband a handful of times with permission from parents and the focus stays on the child at all times because i am an attentive, trustworthy nanny and i know that getting to do something like that is a perk of the trust the families have in me. Yeah, OP hasn't left since that post and the thing with the nanny doesn't sound likely to be wholely consensual on the nanny's part Let's start with some background info. The nanny was supposed to be off but my older daughter heard Alicia saying she was calling the nanny because this was her area of expertise she got upset and said she didn't need a nanny. During the day my husband takes care of him in the morning (works late) and the nanny takes care of him until I come home from work. So I always purchase a huge bouquet of flowers for my wife, a smaller bouqet for my wifes mother (she lived with us for years before she died), and The husband barely knows the nanny and essentially their first interaction was him repeatedly asking her about her dating life and saying way too much about his own dating history. i know im in the loosing end out of this scenario but im just looking for help from outside my circle. I became clear very quickly that there was a lot of dishonesty in our interview. Oh and that shame you’re feeling? That’s 100% on him not you. im the breadwinner of the family while he contributes a fraction of his income to his kids. I found I was waiting for my husband to get home to take a shower because I couldn't leave the baby alone. So nanny had Stella at 18, probably became pregnant before 18 or when she just became 18. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. He managed to make me feel guilty for not dressing up or giving him enough attention now I do strongly believe I bear part of the blame in what happened. I'm 35 my husband 45 if any of this matters) 2 wks in while I was at a mtg, she and my husband were talking while both in the kitchen with our children and she asked why we have so many cameras in our home and why is there such a 'mistrust' bc in Denver where she's from, families don't have that. In addition, it exhausting having to manage the household and plan the day. true. He just said he fell out of love with me. So, MB constantly was telling me about her problems. Alicia got upset and told her to show all the adults some respect. Tracked husband using Find my iPhone, and he’s also headed home (30 minute drive). Absolutely the way husband got flowers for the babysitter would have driven be me mad to, and I'm someone who gives flowers out to everyone. My husband and I have been on a Law & Order SVU binge lately (I've always been a fan but he's just now getting into it). In addition, she was generally unmotivated and didn’t do her job well. This is a husband issue not a nanny issue. if you believe Your husband suggested a nanny as he isn't in your head and is trying to offer ideas so the two of you can keep being a couple. We have cameras everywhere in the house NKs can go - so in theory I can see any and every interaction my husband and nanny have ever had. Our children are 4, 6, and 10. Can you imagine being pregnant with your second child, you have that child, then a few years later you have a mysterious STD, so it comes out your husband was a dirtbag cheater, and then you find out the nanny knew the whole time and didn't tell you?! No way - you were right to do what you did. Still working full time as an ER nurse, doing my student teaching, and taking three classes. He will warm up within minutes with the new person. Getting a nanny would also help to keep her sanity I think. Also Tom shouldn’t have lied about his attraction either. You call it right. You could always just let your nanny know youll be in the shower beforehand and ask them if they need anything. The quality of person you ultimately hire to nanny for you will depend on how well you interview. Kurt was the nanny who turned out to be heterosexual. 4. The wife proceeds to try and murder/scheme against the husband and nanny. She is 22 years old and currently taking a gap year before commencing grad school in the fall. She pairs it with a hot pink coat, purple handbag and matching purple shoes. That fits the story of one night stand and single mother after that. Well, I would go ahead and take him up on it, actually. We are a couple that had a nanny for 2 months for our young kids. Thanks for all the advice Update 1: Nanny is currently at the house right now. Honestly, even being paid overtime doesn't necessarily make up for it. Some people might say that his forcing me to meet his kids within a few days of our dating was a red flag, but I didn't see it. And that can be attractive to a cheating POS- The nanny is submissive to the parents but in charge of the children. I wish you all the best, and I hope your nanny is ok too she must have been pretty shaken. I prepare baby’s bottles for the day before I leave. I’m 34f. There was an incident where a mum secretly put a tracker on her nannies car. I feel like I'm done with him after this. But that said, hiring a nanny is considered a family luxury, something above daycare in cost (although the benefits are not so straightforward since a good daycare has many benefits over a nanny). I am the primary breadwinner. By the time I realized I was in too deep, it was too late, and I was forced to put my well-being first. I 29f am married to my husband 34m and we have a nanny 21. Looks and costumes. He doesn't find me attractive anymore. If they don't go to court I hope op tells "tell liv thanks for sending me the photos of you having sex. Her first three kids were with another guy. Husband is 36 m, I (f) am 32, Nanny (f) is 22. The story revolves around a 35-year-old woman who has been married to a 38-year-old man for 11 years and has 2 sons. He has 2 kids with his wife, but 7 total. The nanny only found out about it, when the mum mentioned the nannies weekend and asked how she liked a certain restaurant and night club. But your husband is totally and completely off base, and I hope you can help him understand a nanny's role and respect our work. 263 votes, 418 comments. ETA just make sure you follow through with the promised raise etc. I have an amazing relationship with my husband. My husband planned a divorce for a year, recorded me on nanny cameras during out fights that he provoked, then after I bought us a home he filed 2 weeks later to get community property. He even made comments about the nanny's race and said he "likes black girls". Dec 6, 2023 · In this story, a wife is bothered by her husband’s relationship with the babysitter, which he swears is platonic. I basically moved into the guest room with the lower bed, luckily was nursing, and basically fed My husband and I had a kid last fall, so we opted to fund our dependent care FSA in full for 2021 and 2022. At a very cringey party he agreed to be a part of, she got to speechifying and thanking everyone and to her STBX husband for being soooo understanding. My husband (50 m) and I (44 f) have been married for 5 years and have a small child. Secondly, the husband sees the nanny's professional demeanor but in a personal/home setting, so those lines can get blurred. Then OP gave nanny more than half the holiday off, thereby ensuring she got her family holiday. And if the boy threatened to tell his mom unless the father let him talk to the nanny the communication would make sense. The manny/nanny is paid and their employer is either the parent or guardian of the child(ren). I asked if the nanny was mean and she said no. ETA2: and if your husband has such an issue with it tell him he’s responsible next time you need a new nanny/sitter. I had one door and Husband had the other. Essentially, we will need a nanny for just Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-5 to stay home with the baby & possibly pick up the toddler from pre-k on the days I can’t make it by 3:15. I work from home, my wife works in the office. I started working during that time so I needed it. So the nanny family I recently started to work for is great. If they want housekeeper and nanny help? They can hire those folks. No kids. We’ve slept together about 3 times most recent being about 5 mins before my husband walked in the house. If they cant manage your child/ren for 20-30 mins, they shouldnt be around them to begin with. Husband is now salty. 3K votes, 523 comments. We hired a babysitter and she wasn't just with kids. Not being born to a rich family is the issue. My husband is 37m. Read her previous post from 6 months ago where she found the nanny crying after husband 'grabbed her' and that he has a habit of staying out over night in ways that heavily imply he's been cheating regularly. My in the trenches story was I got hit with a wicked stomach virus when my husband was out of town and I was home with my 6 week old in a new place with zero family or friends. She is amazing with our son, he loves her a I have a toddler and being that me and my husband work we needed a manny. I think everyone deserves flowers on Valentine's day. She was always stressed out. Oh yeah and then being jealous bc her kids actually liked the nanny ? Which she only found out bc of a hidden camera… Lynette is extremely insecure. Post in neighborhood facebook groups for recommendations from other parents. Ooh, well co-ordinated We hired a new nanny. Brill is just straight up erotica so it’s more a porn exploration of the trope. I found old messages from a year ago between my husband and our babysitter talking about the sexual things they want to do to each other. eundckjjywwhtukwkywqhmqlzkxrjxbrctnperwzihonyqsbtutwhiyqqedtlvqeeigptuokww