Serial port write labview For the most part it works pretty well, but every once and a while I get a bad read where it only gives me 5 - 20 bytes of data and not the whole header with the ending CRLF. now problem is that i am unable to access this data in labview from serial port. Suggestions? Craig Nov 14, 2022 · The manual implies that the instrument's responses are followed by the CR and LF characters, and the default configuration of the serial port in LabVIEW is to terminate each read when an LF is received, so you shouldn't need a time delay between each write and the following read; the instrument's response will be received into the buffer by the Nov 3, 2016 · LabView Basic : Send & Receive buffer with Serial COM Port Dec 9, 2008 · Hello David, Thanks for the reply. Select Open VISA Test Panel. I created a timeout vi, but can't use it as a subvi, because the while loop doesn't "see" the controls in the calling vi. Provides support for NI data acquisition and signal conditioning devices. The character can then be wired to the Write Buffer input of the VISA write VI. No real need for the return count unless you really need to know how many bytes you wrote. i've been searching alot but i can't find a proper solution i'm sending values from a PIC to the computer by serial connection. Serial Port Write schmir1. I know about existing VIs that write strings to and read strings from the serial port. This LabVIEW VI verifies the operation of your serial port hardware. vi". NET Serial Port Class with a remake of a classic VI, the Serial Basic Write and Read. Oct 8, 2015 · Hello, I'm working on an application that requires constant reading and writing through the Serial Port, and the application needs to be running continuously. write to excel sheet . serial port. So does LabVIEW use the Win32 COMM API for serial communication under Win9x,NT,2k or does it Jan 16, 2019 · For one of a test system, I need to write the commands with some 'transmit delay' in serial port for communicating with DUT. 0 I have a serial port Write/Read problem. with my switch and When I make it high, serial communication starts run. The code sequence I should be writing to port in order to get measurements using hyperterminal is the following : '*' (2A hex) => start, and the port replies by asking "Command", I should then enter Aug 10, 2023 · Expand Devices and Interfaces and select the serial port of interest. I have sent a string line to the pressure control and it May 19, 2010 · LabVIEW Version: 2009 It's alway one step delay. How to write and read data from PC serial port and interfacing with devices such as PIC microcontrollers. The proper use of these will lead to efficient application design. Mar 24, 2011 · 2) I went to start->control panel->system->hardware->device manager. that's why you get a timeout. Aug 10, 2023 · Expand Devices and Interfaces and select the serial port of interest. You simply write your ASCII commands and read any response if any. In LabVIEW 6. Best Regards, Sathish kumar D Aug 9, 2018 · Very new to labview serial commands, so I may be going about this in the wrong manner, but I'm having some trouble. In a loop determine the number of bytes at the port using the "Bytes at Port. I studied carefully most of the VISA examples and started programming. This command takes the same forms as Serial. ok then i want to ask u something,how i want to do like this program. In LabVIEW 5. Jul 25, 2018 · you write once and then immediately close the VISA connection. There should be an example showing how to send commands and read from a serial port using VISA. My understanding is that VISA expects the message to be supplied as a string type. Is there any way to add that transmit delay in LabVIEW serial port VIs? Please let me know. Next Steps You can ensure that your data is captured completely by using Termination Character or specifying the byte count of the VISA Read function. The last situation isn't as common, and if you use bytes at port with a messaging system that has defined packets or a defined protocol, you are doing even more work in programming to maintain a software buffer of data as well as the hardware buffer at the serial port. The power supply is connected to the PC by a USB to Serial cable. (though it is for the Jan 15, 2024 · Hi, I want to operate a pulser/receiver using LabVIEW serial communication. Setup of a new RS-232 instrument using the NI-MAX tool. (see attached VI). Requirements. You can change the Feb 4, 2019 · When LabVIEW closes, it closes all open VISA sessions until they are reinitialized next time your LabVIEW code runs. Oct 8, 2015 · Hi All, Typical serial port action consists of 2 steps - write and read. the values are converted to string format before sending it to the serial port. EDIT: using highlight execution, you would have noticed that. vi Mar 27, 2011 · Hello Forum, I'm trying to read temperatures from a Center 300 Type K thermometer via a serial port and RS232 cable. According to the manual the dig Jan 19, 2023 · Use the Type Cast function to convert the 8-bit numeric value into its equivalent ASCII character. I hope I'm not opening post already discussed. vi" or the "Scan String For Tokens. basically i don't know how to combine them which wire i should connect where from where ? and please don't mis understood me i did not write in my post to make my work i said please if you have such file which creat the process of writing data to excel from serial port Jul 22, 2015 · I have an executable written in Visual Basic that reads data from a serial port through a DLL made in Labview. 主要软件: LabVIEW Development Systems>>LabVIEW Professional Development System 主要软件版本: 1. vi" The vi does close the session to the port, and I understand that if I was attempting a sequence of write/read operations I most likely wouldn't want to close it after every write/read operation, but as of now when I stop the program and then re-start it I can not duplicate the Sep 4, 2020 · Find a single character in a serial input stream. One method is to read all the bytes at the port. Connect the serial cable to your serial port and then short the transmit and receive pins of the cable with the wire. I assume application will have case like "Loop1 write -> Loop 2 write -> Loop2 read and get Loop1 answer". This uses a single VISA Configure Serial Port VI and then branches into two parallel loops that write and read. Now the problem is i have multiple types of data which i need to query from my embedded device, so i want to send query command periodically. By referring to the control commands provided by the pulser/receiver equipment company, I confirmed that serial communication was working well. Download ZIP Arduino sketch and LabVIEW project. If you include this VI in the application, it will allow other programs to use the serial port without having to exit LabVIEW. Collaborate with other users in our discussion forums. Objective using same serial port : First Vi (Desktop/computer) write the data, Second VI (myRio) read the data . *not the line feed character problem. Sep 23, 2017 · Data communication via serial port (or any communication for that matter) takes time. The question I have is more around implementing what I want to send in the correct format in LabVIEW. I'm acquiring by Serial port data (see picture in attachment) after that I need to write data using same serial. Jun 29, 2020 · See all Driver Software Downloads. 0 主要软件修正版本: N/A 次要软件: Driver Software>>NI-VISA Nov 14, 2019 · Good evening, I have a problem with a project about Read/Write data by means of serial communication. I've adapted the serial read for the program I am writing. is this normal for reading data from serial port? (I use write "visa write" to write in commands and "visa read Dec 2, 2021 · Your LabVIEW opens the USB virtual COM port AND one of the com0com virtual ports and translates the data between the two as needed. Feb 19, 2009 · We made two versions of the serial write VI to check the functionality of the attenuators. (Or any other similar VI found here in the forum as your questions comes up very often…) You still don't name the device type/manufacturer. Today's post, as the name suggests is about How to Display Serial Data on Real Time Graph in Labview. To flush the buffer can be done with the vi: VISA flush serial buffer. Sep 4, 2011 · And doing a loopback test is almost always a waste of time. vi provided in labview 8. ni. To achieve this, I am using the libc. NET Framework. For example, if i send 1. Intro You can set in LabVIEW software a number N and communicate it via… So we have explained all the things above to get data in LabVIEW from the serial port. 3) For the arduino side, here is the code to read voltage variations inputted to analog pin 0. I can count on one hand the number of times I've had a bad serial port. Aug 28, 2023 · How can I use binary or hexadecimal data with the LabVIEW VISA functions? I would like to stream hexadecimal data to a third-party instrument using LabVIEW. To see a properly built example using "VISA Close," see the LabVIEW example "GPIB with VISA functions" in the LabVIEW example finder. I then tested it with "Basic Serial Write and Read. In my laptop I can see USB Serial Port (COM4). Just run the string straight into the VISA Resource input on the Configure Serial port and it will coerce. The code example below demonstrates how to perform this action. Apr 19, 2024 · Once the number of bytes at the serial port is greater than zero, it indicates that there is incoming data in the input buffer of that respective serial port and it is ready to be read. This example might help: C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2015\examples\Instrument IO\Serial\Continuous Serial Write and Read. We can check it through the device manager on our computer. vi that demonstrates the use of the NI VISA functions to monitor the Serial port. LabView has extensive list of drivers, whenever you want to communicate with any hardware in LAbview then you have to download its driver, NI VISA is the driver for communicating with serial May 1, 2009 · Hi guys i have a VI that is meant to write a single character to the serial port when the VI is run , but i seem to be having problems matching this string on the microcontroller side is there anyway special format for writing this character to the serial port . The hardware interface for a keyboard is a different entity from a serial port. In your case is is almost certainly 13 for the carriage return character. Note: you can use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to scroll back and forward in your command history. Select the VISA resource and select the General tab. When I switch to COM3 (USB to serial converter) only write operations work. Both are attached in the zipped folder. Aug 3, 2023 · You can use the LabVIEW example Serial Port Monitor. vi" and "Basic 2 Port Serial Write and Read. Note: If you are unable to see the serial port on your device, refer to Serial COM Ports Missing in MAX or LabVIEW. Provides support for Ethernet, GPIB, serial, USB, and other types of instruments. Tokyghy, please clarify what you are trying to do. LabVIEW 7. each value of the data ranges from 1 to 4 digits (value of 0 to 1024) and is separated by the t Para más información, vea el capítulo "Serial Port VIs" en su Manual de LabVIEW. 5. vi Jan 19, 2023 · LabVIEW provides several powerful serial input/output and string processing VIs. Nov 12, 2014 · 1. lib\instr\Serial. Add a wait after you send your command or specify the number of bytes to read. The issue that I come across is that the port get "stuck" at random times. I am using 4channel DAQ card. Apr 5, 2019 · Shall you please guide me for the data transfer between computer VI to myRio VI using same serial port . I added \r\n to the end of my command and I used Basic Serial Write and Read VI and it worked. I am using a visa port and I know to open and close the visa port again and again while the programm is running is bad style. I could find a option for that in TeraTerm (as attached). Apr 3, 2019 · Prints data to the serial port as human-readable ASCII text followed by a carriage return character (ASCII 13, or '\r') and a newline character (ASCII 10, or '\n'). Since it seems that you need to wait for message from the serial port, modify it and respond then you might want to use two loops. com Dec 24, 2018 · I'm using the "simple serial" example vi approach. Instead enable the Termination Boolean input on the Serial Port Init VI and choose the correct termination character for your instrument. You have either the wrong cable, the wrong com settings, you are sending the wrong command, or you are sending the command without the corre Oct 22, 2014 · Hello friends, hope you all are fine and having fun with your life. However, I must first send it a command asking for the data and am using the Basic Serial Write and Read. 1, and Windows XP Professional with SP2. It is a RS232 interface. Sep 11, 2008 · The top two should be good for you: "Advanced Serial Write and Read. llb. the problem is when the read loop (read from serial function) waits for data - it locks the other loop from running (write to serial function is blocked). The device returns ~10 separate, consecutive lines of data. Sep 22, 2020 · when it's expecting a string with a float value, but other than this the program works, and most relevantly the write and read functions work). No need to use the property node or the VISA Open; No need for the Type Cast. Dec 5, 2024 · Other Support Options Ask the NI Community. How can I do this? I am trying to connect and communicate with a equipment over TCP. vi", passing the number of bytes to the "Serial Port Read. Most of the time, the reason for a timeout is a bad write. Aug 8, 2007 · Hello everyone, I'm a begginer with Labview and recently had to write a Labview programme to monitor and control the power supply of a superconducting magnet. each value of the data ranges from 1 to 4 digits (value of 0 to 1024) and is separated by the termination key (return \n). Mar 19, 2002 · With COM1 my LabVIEW 5. I corrected that. Search the NI Community for a solution; Request Support from an Engineer Apr 12, 2019 · Hello I am trying to communicate with arduino from LabVIEW using Visa Write/Read. 74 0. Search the NI Community for a solution; Request Support from an Engineer Jan 21, 2019 · Dear All, For one of a test system, I need to write the commands with some 'transmit delay' in serial port for communicating with DUT. I also set the timeout on the Serial Config to 200ms. Search for "Simple Serial" or just "Serial". Jul 10, 2010 · If you are concerned about whether your serial code is correct, I would forget about the LED at the moment and just have your basic program read the serial port on the board and turn around and send the data back. But the program VI is not working with Labview 2016. i buy rs-232 and connect pin 2-3 and pin 7-8 to make a loopback. The Aug 28, 2019 · This video shows the control of a RA-01 Robotic Arm (purchased from Images SI Inc) by sending data to it from LabVIEW over the serial port. if dere is pls help me modify the code to the write way of sending the characters Mar 28, 2013 · If you send the byte 5A out to a serial port, then it is just sending the character "Z". 2. vi 写串口命令. Nov 14, 2007 · 要理解VISAWrite和Read函数中异步和同步的区别,我们需要认识到数据从开发环境内存(例如LabVIEW)传输到VISA内存,到底层驱动内存(VISA调用操作系统来确定资源名指定的硬件有什么样的基本驱动),到物理资源内存(例如串口的UARTFIFO)。 Nov 1, 2006 · I dig out an old prototype in the lab which uses serial port to communicate with the computer. Your app connects to the other com0com virtual port instead of the USB virtual port and sees whatever your LabVIEW writes into the other side of the com0com link and anything that it sends will then be read by LabVIEW. You don't want to use Write Port. hi, i've been stuck with this problem for weeks and really need some help. Figure 3. 6 library and have come across a C code snippet that seems to be useful for setting up the serial port and sending data. LabVIEW 2012 (or compatible) See full list on knowledge. May 14, 2013 · Ok, I changed my code to just read a 1024 bytes of data and to ignore timeouts. If you are using an NI serial interface device, the COM port will appear under the interface. The FTDI Win2k driver should work with every application based on the Win32 COMM API. The different loops (write and read) worked fine individually but they seems to go wrong when working at the same VI. i have no problem reading this values correctly using hyperterminal. afterthat the loopback i connect to usb cable then connect to my pc. Nov 26, 2024 · 使用LabVIEW的Highlight Execution功能观察数据流。 添加断点或临时Indicator,监测关键数据是否符合预期。 分阶段测试: 先测试串口通讯的硬件和驱动,使用LabVIEW自带的串口示例(如Basic Serial Write and Read. vi", I have done successfully the VISA WRITE function. I have made a simple example to demonstrate how to communicate via serial port between an Arduino board and a computer using NI LabVIEW software. In our previous post, we have seen that how to Get Continuous Data From COM Port in Labview. 4 -45 0 50 (its in manual mode and im sending a 50% to the motor), the arduino receives 100%. May 6, 2014 · Now, my objective is to send those parameters through labview using the serial port. vi configures the serial port on the USB-232/4 as DTE and writes the 6 bits to it without asserting/unasserting the RTS pin which realizes the LE input. i am not sure whether you can write and read in parallel, i would recommend you put the write also in the loop, guarded by a case-structure. Select the serial port, type a command in the box, and press enter to send it to the device. Am I correct? Of course, ther. The evaluation version of LabVIEW does not install the NI-VISA drivers, but it will install the function palettes for the NI-VISA functions. Jim Oct 24, 2020 · Thanks both of you for your advice - I thought I could write and read to the port using the example program. numbers all you need to do is to type cast them to a string. With the help of a LABView example named "Basic serial write and read. x, this VI is found under \Labview\vi. g. So just set your Configure serial port to use a terminal character (defaults to true) and set the character to newline. 3. Apr 5, 2012 · I am doing a project in labview and i have to complete it as soon as possible. I found out that it is a termination character problem. vi, but it it can also be found in the LabVIEW examples as "Basic Serial Write and Read. But i have to send 17channel data to the serial port. Data all time read from port and write to port. From there, functions such as serial port open, close, read, and write can be programmed on the VISA entity, which gets executed on the connected instrument. I found the below link, which may be the exact solution. Description. I am using a while loop and would like to exit when the VISA byte count has been zero for some amount of time. This will actually install the full serial Sep 13, 2002 · Hello, I have a question about working with the serial port in LabVIEW. Then you'll know if your LabVIEW to board serial communication is working properly. Nov 13, 2009 · This example shows how to use the . write)in Labview in need to flush the buffe of the PC afterwards, because otherwise the old data stays in the buffer, even if I write new data to the port. This example can be found in the NI Example Finder in LabVIEW as follows: Select Help»Find Examples»Hardware Input and Output»Serial» Serial Port Monitor. I want to know how to write a number between 0-255 on the port ? with the vi serial port write. In a few words: I received date from serial port, my VI work with it, and I want pass string “sting I need write to port” to serial port. My project is to collect data from DAQ card and write it to serial port. I'm wondering if it is possible to somehow simulate the sensor in labview, or by using some external simulator application so I can test my program before I'm given access May 27, 2015 · I am trying to acquire data from a device via serial communication. vi" from Examples. one loop is reading data and the other loop is writing data to the port. 0 program works fine. There may not be any bytes at the port to read. Jan 23, 2013 · Look in the LabVIEW example finder for Serial Write Read. · Back to the drawing · board. Which is why Putnam questioned what you meant by sending an "enter key" to the serial port. Mar 24, 2016 · I have to send data from LabVIEW to my embedded device over Serial Port. Then I att Jan 31, 2025 · Additional Information. Mar 4, 2010 · In addition, having "Enable Terminating Char" on your VISA Configure Serial Port can't be helping unless your serial LIN device requires it because having to wait for a teminating character on a read or write (in your case it appears you are using a 0x0A or line feed) increases the number of characters that need to be transmitted. I’m using LABVIEW 7. R Message Edited by JoeLabView on 09-12-2008 08:26 AM Jul 29, 2020 · 2) Use of Bytes at serial port is ALWAYS wrong when communicating with an instrument. Apr 10, 2008 · I'm new to labview. I know all the correct settings I need ( baud rate, stop bits, parity etc) so I know that won't be an issue. If you build the strings dynamically from e. You can certainly read the file in LabVIEW, then it is just a matter of using VISA Write to send parts of it at a time. Check out Ports(COM & LPT). I know how to send data over serial port in LABVIEW, i have done this part already. SerialPortWriteTestv1. Jul 29, 2013 · 2. Jul 27, 2005 · Hello! Thanks all, who help me build up this attached VI !!! Small problem. you could put it either in front/back of the reads, Oct 2, 2009 · Hi, im using a serial port to continuously read data from an external device with no flow control. vi)。 确认设备正常响应后,再引入完整的逻辑结构。 Aug 4, 2019 · 1) I control the serial com. Connect the Arduino board to the computer and check the COM port to which it is connected. I am able to read port when using HyperTerminal . Now I know in Labview I have to read serial data from COM 4. 0 or higher of the . i have already acquired ecg signals by using electrodes and a kit which samples the signal at sampling rate of 9600 bits per second. I have to write a command string to my device and then it should replay with 64 bytes of data. Write. Using the advanced serial read/write example, I have managed to keep reading the data (17 bytes at a time, using a while loop) and format it to obtain correct values, so that data is read faster than i 使用Basic Serial Write and Read. NI-DAQmx. In testing my LV program (with nothing connected to the serial port), I try to write a string "blah blah blah". Here is my evidence that the Arduino code works, and that the write function is the problem: 1) Using the Arduino serial monitor, I can send Serial messages to the Arduino and it responds as expected This is a simple serial terminal written in LabVIEW for easy interface with serial devices. 20 hours ago · As a result, I have decided to create a LabVIEW application that uses Linux’s native COM port functions. In typical race condition example VI has 2 loops and each loop makes serial port action. Feb 6, 2012 · Hi, I will attach the . By default data are 0 (see pictures in Jan 16, 2008 · here i attach a pdf of the device. Si la impresora está en la red, usted no puede usar el VI Serial Port Write; usted debe usar otros métodos para imprimir, como uno de los siguientes: Utilice la impresión programática de un subVI para imprimir texto programáticamente. This also happens for example if i send 20, 30 etc May 11, 2023 · You can use a lower level serial VI called Close Serial Driver. Sep 13, 2016 · The vast majority of applications fall into one of the situation above. Mar 3, 2016 · Next, the device may take some time to send a response. But then I noticed that I can control the prototype in "Hyper Terminal", but not in Labview. i want to take ecg signal and want to perform real time procesing on it by using labview. 2) After initializing the serial communication; I sent "Rs422-on" in every 5 seconds. Since my daq card is of 4channel i have to add zeroes to rest of the 4channel data for making it a 17 channel Nov 7, 2008 · Hello, I need to comunicate with a external device with serial port. Jul 31, 2003 · Right-click on the string constant and select Hex displaynow write in A123D4FFwire that to the serial write and you are now sending the correct binary string, not the readable version of it. However, when I turn on the pulsar/receiver, 1) I want to apply multiple initi Dec 5, 2024 · Other Support Options Ask the NI Community. We can send any serial data we want. The Nov 29, 2022 · Note: The installer will include the LabVIEW Runtime Engine by default, which is necessary to run any application built using the LabVIEW Application Builder. I was reading some stuff about duplicate VISA session but I am not su Jun 13, 2021 · Once the setup is completed, the newly added device becomes a VISA entity that can be added into the block diagram in LabVIEW. I have researched a lot and finally did my labview program, but it doesnt work. But is it possible to control each pin? For example: Is it possible to implement the following BASIC-Code in LabVIEW: OUT &H3FC, (&H1 OR IN Aug 9, 2004 · I'm new to LabView (v6) and writing a vi to read an unknown number of bytes from a serial port. No problem, far as I can tell. Use a functional global to do all the interactions with the serial Port, this way you don't need to worry about passing the Port number to different locations. I know, how work se May 14, 2009 · Functional Description This example illustrates how to write to and read from a serial device concurrently in parallel loops. I'd like to be able to write a serial command to a device (based on a button click) then read and store what the device returns. Today's post is a sequel of this previous post so I would recommend that if you May 10, 2018 · Just use the Configure Serial Port. The data is then plotted on a chart in real time. Mar 5, 2008 · i'm sending values from a PIC to the computer by serial connection. For now, on labview i can read what the pic is sending, but when i want to write on the pic through labview, its seems like the pic re Apr 17, 2002 · it is the same with the serial port, but you can always try I thought. how can i make this Mar 1, 2012 · i used "configure serial port" and passed the resource reference to two while loops. 0, it is located under \LabVIEW 6\vi. Jul 22, 2002 · Serial Port Write. The receiver must receive, process and reply to the data send by the sender. Dec 19, 2023 · You should see the VISA resource name of the COM port listed as ASRL[board][::INSTR]. print(). Apr 18, 2017 · for serial ports (aka COM ports) you use the "Basic/Advanced Serial Read and Write" examples. NI-VISA. Read Jun 23, 2009 · I am new to Labview and I am trying to read from a pressure sensor through a USB virtual serial port. 3) I compare the data coming from the serial in order to produce a sin wave and square wave. Aug 14, 2017 · This examples tests any serial COM port installed on the machine. 1. I am attempting to communicate with a fairly "dumb" instrument of custom design. Though there is no "one way" to code your program, the easiest way to avoid many concerns is to use the "Bytes at Port" properly. Member 07-22-2002 basic and advanced serial read write (labview 7) 0 Kudos Message 6 of 11 (3,560 Views) Reply. Problem: From all other softwares like Ni Max I can communicate really well with arduino but not from LabVIEW. Note that this class is found in version 2. The actual data passed out through the serial port would be the ASCII value of the character. Caveats and Additional Notes Make sure to adjust the serial Jun 14, 2007 · I need to read/write from a pressure control (from GDS instruments) that has a SERIAL port (RS-232). I built a function WRITE-READ and I use it in a for loop (I have to read lot of block of 64 byte) Sometimes I have the following problem Nov 13, 2012 · Look at the Serial Read and Write examples in LabVIEW for some ideas. You want to use VISA Write to send data, and VISA Read to receive it. For remote devices, expand Remote Systems >> <Your Device> >> Devices and Interfaces. Sometimes it can run for minutes to 12 hours before the port fr Mar 14, 2007 · · The LabVIEW VI does write to the serial port, but then it is just reading back whatever was sent to the port, there is no interaction with the BS2, so of course it appeared everything was working at all speeds. serial loopback is for testing. If you are unable to see the COM port, refer to Serial COM Ports Missing in MAX or LabVIEW. vi. Now we just need to send data from LabVIEW through the serial port. Search the string returned using the "Split String. Mar 18, 2015 · Hello, I am trying to learn how to read and write data frames simultaneously using serial communication. 2 2. I suggest having a look at the examples in the Example Finder, they are well documented. lib\Instr\_sersup. . Yes Bob you are right - the PC I'm going to be using the program on has a com port and not labview, but the PC im working on has labview and no com port. Thanks. Description This is useful if you don't have the VISA driver installed on the machine. Tools:NI LabVIEW Virtual Serial Ports Emulator (VSP Oct 3, 2014 · NI VISA driver is used for serial communication, without downloading this software you can't communicate with the serial port of your computer in LabView. so. 1 or earlier Click the Installer Settings tab, click the Advanced button, then place a check mark in the Serial Port Support checkbox. I need to send a set of Bytes using the TCP Write function. So, I trieed to use a while-loop excluding the Visa open and close (see the secound attachment, Program 2). but i have problem using labview to display the values Sep 4, 2018 · 学习labview有一段时间了,发现了其中功能的强大和编程的简洁性,高效性 现在初步实现了串口的通信,把其中的体会和实现过程写出来,权当抛砖引玉 其中的串口采用的是Rs-232,D型口,共九跟针,其中能用的就是三跟针脚,2,3,5,一个是发送一个是接受,一个是接地,如果做一个串口线延长线 May 21, 2012 · I am trying to write a Labview program that takes input from a thermal sensor on serial port RS - 232, applies some basic transformation to it, and displays it on a screen. The previous program was done in QBASIC so I'm thinking of upgrading it to Labview. You will need LabVIEW, standard 9-pin serial cable, and some wire or a paperclip. Jul 14, 2014 · I will show how to communicate with an Arduino board using LabVIEW. If I use a VISA vi (e. Apr 21, 2003 · Hi ! I'm doing a serial communication between pic 17f877 and labview. After reinstalling the software with a different installer package, the serial port appeared to hang on read or write. *In ni trace I can see that the data is send and Apr 5, 2004 · Greetings all: In LV 7. ksw gjy kdn duet aujqw qzu drsb zdt chvi xazctu vxz bzzjl rjlmvm ljit eshjb