Tattle life the radfords. Jun 1, 2021 · Status Thread locked.

Tattle life the radfords He never posts anything about Millie though, so unsure if they're actually together Feb 22, 2023 · Just be careful @Damn123 cos even though its an anonymous thread it can be used against you in custody courts, women's aid have a forum which you can post on for any help/advice and they will react instantly to anything that may affect any on going or future cases. £4,500 for a girl and £4,000 for a boy. Channel 5 are trolls making the radfords look absolutely horrendous but radfords are too stupid and too greedy to realise Jul 6, 2023 · not being "done properly" is likely more of a Radford outcome. 7 hours of doing nothing but having a quick chat with each Dec 15, 2024 · It will be interesting to see what the radfords post in their vlog. Although it’s a running joke on the Radford family tattle threads that once their boys leave primary school, they’re in their bedrooms gaming and are never Dec 27, 2023 · Thankfully chose Harry Potter over there show by the sounds of it right choice. Seriously though, if your teenage daughter has a baby and proves herself clearly incapable of basics such as cooking and vacuuming (in the c5 clip it wasn’t even touching the carpet) and can’t handle being in sole care of her own child (with camera crew and older bothers for emergencies)…I would be keeping her on a very short leash, she seem to have no prospect of ever being able to look Feb 20, 2025 · It’s his ex-partner. Just a random guy claiming it is on his bucket list to one day meet the Radfords who he believes he "knows personally" as he follows their social media updates every single day, and every single member of the family is "beautiful, inside and out". Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss. She's spoilt and the marriage won't last. Bonus is she's logged off social media for the summer. Feb 2, 2025 · On Christmas morning my daughter was taking photos of the little one opening her presents and when we looked back at them you should have see the orbs especially on one photo there was loads ,i think it is something to do with dust ,now at my house i have visitors nearly every night ,and i am not crackers ,well i hope i am not ,I had some one blowing on my face and i like to think its my late Feb 20, 2025 · Teachers already have to change nappies and now they’re having to brush teeth too? All while the likes of the Radfords spend their time swanning off to Florida three times a year and the motorhome every other weekend, instead of actually taking the time to teach their children life skills. When on a deeper level love, time and actually feeding your children is what they need. Jan 20, 2022 · There is, I have a degree in Childhood and Youth Studies. Mar 15, 2023 · Radfords Pie Company of Heysham, Morecambe, was given a Food Hygiene Rating of 4 (Good) by Lancaster City Council on 15th August 2024 www. I call Oct 13, 2024 · They met up with them a couple years back too and Sue apparently told Sarah not to include her, Noel or any of the Radford kids in their video but Sarah kept filming herself with the Radfords behind so she could include sneaky shots of them. Nov 24, 2024 · Stop trying to create drama for the thread. Mar 1, 2022 · Status Thread locked. Did we expect anything less! Attachments. I watched the Radfords at 8 the last 2 Sundays . Should they spend as little as 20 minutes in private conversation with each child, that would take 7 hours a day. wouldn’t do their “wholesome” radford image much good. There was no need. Reactions: 9 S Jan 20, 2022 · Channel 5 + Radfords = Bullshit The whole thing is just a badly written soap opera with really bad actors. Both started out poor having way more children than they could afford or care for, then both sold their souls to TV company’s and exposed every private aspect of their children’s lives for entertainment purposes. There are 19 kids left at home. Includes updates on their TV show 22 kids and counting, family business The Radford's Pie Company, their home, holidays and trips out. Dec 24, 2024 · My older daughter is the same age as Tillie and is a keen figure skater. There is still a lot to prepare/sort out. Sue thinks showering the kids in Disney trips, designer tatt and dodgy caravan trips is making the ‘perfect’ childhood for them. I just feel sorry for all these kids involved with all these immature adults around. not gonna waste holiday money on the having kids' privacy - it just isn't a Sep 18, 2022 · Thanks for the new thread. Start date Jun 1, 2021; Tags Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Dec 7, 2024 · I used to visit Morecambe years ago for Happy Mount Park which is great for families with young children, never cared that the Radfords are from there Reactions: 3 hssdrs Jul 31, 2024 · Another holiday, no less. I was secretly relieved at not having to attend 4 sports days because of bubbles, usually its 2-3 per year. Dec 27, 2023 · Status Thread locked. There will be no element of surprise. The mother’s delivery history does play an important part in the birth plan but Sue is an unknown entity really. Jul 6, 2023 · Status Thread locked. Start date Jun 1, 2021; Tags Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Oct 13, 2024 · This comment left on a GB news post about the radfords. . Jun 1, 2021 · The Radford Family #18 Millie needy, Noel seedy, Radfords growing even more greedy. To prove they have ‘ friends’ and to show that the kids are not being completely isolated from other children. They are wheeling them out. It’s meant to be their wedding and so should be their guests but as far as we can see Millie’s only friends Jan 3, 2020 · Obstetricians really don’t like it if you have lots of babies. Just scrolling through Facebook like I do and seen an article about the radfords and one of my Facebook friends had done a big paragraph in the comments about how hard working they are and that the pie shop pays for everything. Most of them get iffy after 5. or at least, if they can't blag themselves a #gifted builder to do the work for free - likely hoping it will eb funded by C5 as content for the show - it will simply be a case of Nowull taping up a few cardboard boxes and using that as a partition wall. 3321672 IMG_0635. (Which again credit Apr 14, 2023 · i would assume it was a part of the education Sue missed out on as a pregnant child, but it was definitely a lesson taught in primary school! i remember being taught that "nice in not a nice word" - in the sense that it is boring and so overused that is is meaningless, and having worksheets with a story where we had to fill gaps with alternate adjectives to replace "nice". Most of the time was spent shopping and things they came back with include ghastly Minnie and Mickey ornaments and a Buzz Lightyear backpack for Sue. Can’t wait for Sue and Wendy to have to face each other at the wedding, if M&H even get that far. It also completely discredits all the valid stuff said on Tattle as it plays straight into their 'Tattle lies' narrative. The induction is due to fast Dec 24, 2024 · No surprise Sue has started to follow Alicia the mum from The Dougherty Dozen is a family of biological, adopted, and foster kids living in New York. Apr 22, 2021 · They were also strangely quiet for while and a tattle user figured out they had bred one of their frenchies with a sire named Mr Jizz and were selling the puppies for a crazy amount. Jan 9, 2025 · It must have been heartbreaking watching the programmes where Harley is talking about not having family support but finding it through the Radfords. 50sGirl Jan 14, 2025. jpeg. First time in 7 years Inghams have met up with anyone Aug 7, 2024 · ‘Exposing our parents: The Radfords’. Recap: Tens of thousands spent on ANOTHER holiday to Florida. Having been brought up on the council estate closest to their primary … although went to the catholic one next to their high school, we had less money than the radfords but we are all professional and successful adults who don’t have bad teeth. Dec 24, 2024 · But the Radfords make it sound like every third girl had a kid at 13/14! Incidentally, I was watching Call the Midwife and a 13 year old girl was pregnant, with no idea how it had happened. Aug 6, 2022 · Thread title credit to @guineapig71 - the title was a bit too long so I had to tweak it - "The Radfords have more money than sense; feel for the neighbours who have to share a fence" Can someone post a recap? thanks :) Previous thread Oct 16, 2022 · Why the duck do these attractions allow the Scratty Radfords to film when they are there. I just wondered why the Radfords were too busy to delete them? --- These are some of the comments from the Radford's Facebook page --- If you can Dec 4, 2024 · The Radfords had a baby every 12-18 months for about 35 years, and have roughly equal numbers of boys and girls, so there’s bound to be a couple around Esme’s and Isabelle’s ages. All they have done is set up the hounds for a lynching on a grieving mother. I hope they weren't pressured into getting married in cold November for a episode on the tv show & a few vlogs on Youtube. Small recap: Heidie turned one, house improvements continued and Katie got a boyfriend. Why don’t they order a couple big pies from their idols the radfords and have them with mash and veg. They claimed it was something to do with how the dog’s nails grew, that meant they couldn’t be trimmed back Nov 20, 2021 · Just a. Welcome to the official The Radford Family YouTube channel! We are Britain’s biggest family or, so we are told but with 21 children and our little All the latest news, information and updates on Britain's biggest family - The Radfords from Morecambe. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Jun 5, 2024 · Hopefully Aimee will run and establish a life and career away from the crappy Radfords. Jan 20, 2022 · Millie due in mid Feb according to suspected baby daddy #2, he's gone public with it even if she's keeping quiet. scoresonthedoors. They KNEW she wasn’t going so why make a load of stories up around Wendy. Her knees are just as bad as Isla’s! She really is huge when there are no filters isn’t she, I’m convinced the Radfords snuck her in on purpose 🤣 Jun 1, 2021 · The Radford Family #18 Millie needy, Noel seedy, Radfords growing even more greedy. Watch a few of her YT videos or pop over the dad challenge podcast josh he rips Mar 8, 2025 · A bit judgemental. Reactions: 9 Dec 24, 2024 · Thanks for the Info saves me about 45 mins watching it. The training sessions are really early in the mornings (my daughter does one early weekday, one early weekend and one Jul 11, 2021 · To live a middle class life (decent cars, occasional holidays) they'd need 350k, about 251k in gbp. Quick google and this says 6 womn have had 21 children. S. Reactions: 8. They were also strangely quiet for while and a tattle user figured out they had bred one of their frenchies with a sire named Mr Jizz and were selling the Aug 7, 2024 · Agreed. It seems you've answered your own question, there are Nov 24, 2024 · Stop trying to create drama for the thread. They have a s Dec 24, 2024 · But the Radfords make it sound like every third girl had a kid at 13/14! Incidentally, I was watching Call the Midwife and a 13 year old girl was pregnant, with no idea how it had happened. Jan 20, 2022 · Sounds like Millie is sick of her private life being paraded online by her parents. there’s plenty of childhood degrees Yes I know, I said childcare. Start date Jun 1, 2021; Tags Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Mar 5, 2024 · Love the two nice strangers clapping for Millie and Harley in the back of the engagement video, while the Radfords are yet to say a word. We’re lucky in that our nearest ice rink is a 20 min drive away, some people travel for over an hour. Reactions: 9 Jan 30, 2022 · My degree didn't involve any exams, it was all assignment and practical work experience based. Shinealight Apr 3, 2021. Aug 7, 2024 · So Sue films Tillie all her life, puts her DOB online, her family life is broadcast on prime time TV, then she puts where she is going on social media with thousands of followers reading. So only take sone of them to pop out twins and boom poor radfords aren’t the biggest, I do wonder if the radfords went the biggets until recently . Dec 27, 2023 · Take away the Duggar’s crackerjack religious beliefs and the Radfrauds are cut from exactly the same cloth. The Radford family. Start date Jun 1, 2021; Tags Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Nov 27, 2024 · I wonder if Chloe will be next to get married and if she does, whether Sue will put on a sparkling affair for her? Also as the younger kids get older and the Radford family brand becomes less and less of a selling point, those younger kids are going to struggle to have the same level of wedding extravagance that their sisters have had so far (on account of it all being gifted for tv content). Aimee seems like a nice girl, it's nice to see a Radford who isn't a tart and wanting to pop out babies at 20. Dec 24, 2024 · View most liked The Radford Family posts on tattle The Radford family #64 Sue’s filling out on the hips, filling the baby void with chips Credit & thanks to both @AllieBee & @TabbyTraybake for the title . Oct 13, 2024 · I keepsake box would be the ‘norm’, but the Radfords aren’t normal . Or so she says. The mum feeds them garbage ,lots of fizzy drinks , sweets etc . Jan 20, 2022 · Do the radfords have a wiki isn’t it normally a pink button at the top of the thread? Is there a way to add one as it would be good to add all the usual questions etc Reactions: 11 Jun 1, 2021 · The Radford Family #18 Millie needy, Noel seedy, Radfords growing even more greedy. The 3 older girls back in the cabin in their pyjamas not spending anytime with the radford kids but then again the radford kids go to school , college and work and have loads of friends they don’t need Izzy Esme or Jun 1, 2021 · It's simply impossible for them to have any quality time with each child on a daily basis. uk Last edited: Mar 15, 2023 Dec 24, 2024 · Well The Radfords don’t even bother strapping their little kids in car seats (remember that motorhome episode that time??!) so I doubt an adult Radford is that bothered. Good on her. The viewers are only really interested in the Radfords. Aug 7, 2024 · The wedding is in November, Millie is amazing/love of his life. Oct 13, 2024 · The Inghams have 0 friends and are a family of 8 they are a cult and were desperate to use the radfords to show they've socialised with other people. org. It was very well done and sympathetic. To be honest I've noticed on Chris' socials their house is even filthier than the Radfords. The radfords live in a pretty cheap area but they clearly live a rich persons lifestyle, so they'd need to be making far far more than 250 thousand pounds a year for the 18 children at home (19 until recently) plus Ophelia and the two parents. when I took this shot. There are a lot of weidos out there and not everyone loves the Radfords. Dec 24, 2024 · The radfords AND channel 5 should be ashamed of themselves for setting this storyline up. 21 children having on average 3 kids each (ok the boys might not have them but I’m sure the girls will bring up the average), that’s 2 classrooms full of grandkids - thats ridiculous and no way can Sue have a proper grandma/grandchild relationship with each of them. IMHO they are ruining experiences for anybody that may wish to visit in the future. The Radfords’ book Making Life Count is available in paperback tomorrow! An instant Sunday Times bestseller in hardback, and now a paperback is out for this year’s holiday reading! #books #bookstagram #newbook #paperback #radfordfamily #22kidsandcounting Dec 24, 2024 · The Radfords shouldn't have mentioned Harley's family at all. Dec 24, 2024 · then get told stuff by the radfords so he really thought his mum may turn up his distress bless him was horrible if Wendy told him in aug she wasn’t coming, why did they all think she would Nov 20, 2021 · We and our partners set cookies and collect data from your browser in order to improve the user experience, keep you logged in if you register, personalize content, analyze data traffic and customize advertisements. Reactions: 5. I don’t think the radfords are interested in any of their children unless they generate revenue. It’s always fajita pasta and lasagne soup instead of actual fajitas or lasagne. Making up serious issues happening during birth really is sickening no way would millie have been allowed to casually carry on with her birth preference if Elodie was in any way distressed the fact that there trying to say nurses allowed it really is shocking they shouldn't have a show full stop never mind being Mar 23, 2021 · They're going to play on the fact these are famous Radfords pups . Nannywanny59 Oct 24, 2024. (*when Sue dearest is not slating him on sm!?*) He has not yet adopted Ophelia but loves her exactly the same as all the children. Some said she isn't pretty and Noel a r*pist. They were also strangely quiet for while and a tattle user figured out they had bred one of their frenchies with a sire named Mr Jizz and were selling the Jun 1, 2021 · Status Thread locked. -(*likely ch5 are doing this though*) The Radfords are "not that bad" and treat him well. Nicole is on here on occasion. N. Aug 6, 2022 · Thread title credit to @guineapig71 - the title was a bit too long so I had to tweak it - "The Radfords have more money than sense; feel for the neighbours who have to share a fence" Can someone post a recap? thanks :) Previous thread Jun 1, 2021 · Status Thread locked. Start date Jun 1, 2021; Tags Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Dec 4, 2024 · Agree in some way however my opinion is that yes the Radford have exploited however they have a family pie shop he goes to work the kids work with him teaching the how to have a job the kids go to school to get a education and with Tilly leg problems it came first yes they filmed it but there was no shocked face click bate my kids is in hospital they don't need the inghams for any game but the Jan 18, 2025 · They’re so odd. Feb 20, 2025 · Funnily enough (though not funny), the Radfords ‘friends’ the Ingham family have also been criticised a lot on here for never walking their little dog and letting its nails get really long. Jan 23, 2024 · They'll do episode after episode flaunting how much money they have, lavish holidays, cars, new houses, expensive toys for the children etc, yet their "best friends" are in desperate need of financial help for their sick daughter and the Radfords expect their followers to pay? Dec 24, 2024 · Status Thread locked. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Oct 10, 2023 · these kind of comments are BEYOND creepy. I'm fairly sure that anyone who didn't complete the full 4 year course wasn't given any sort of degree at the end simply for completing most of the course though. Inghams vlog was heavily focused on the radfords children, but obviously that is why the Inghams were there. Oct 13, 2024 · Does Sue & Noel really think rushing this wedding was the right thing to do. AllieBee Jun 20, 2024 Tattle Life is owned and operated by Tattle Life is a commentary website on public business social media accounts. Clearly you cannot see it. Dec 24, 2024 · Phoebe reminded me so much of her brother (Oscar?) with autism in this vlog. Jun 5, 2024 · Wouldn’t it be wonderful if one of the Radfords has the good sense to keep their kids private? Imagine Sue not being able to use them for content. Jul 13, 2022 · Thanks to @bagpuss17278 for the thread title. We start a new thread when they have over 1000 posts, click the blue button to see all threads for this topic and find the latest open thread. Reactions: 14. They have kids together - not sure if it’s 2 or 3. And the worst thing is she moved to channel5 because she thought that channel4 did them dirty, where next? Dec 24, 2024 · that, or they start ranting about how it was a different time and that things were different "back then" - in 1989! yet you know damn well that they'd label any 18 year old who slept with/impregnated their own 13 year old as a n and a rapist, and report him to the police for grooming/CSA etc - as they should! - but somehow it's different for Noel because he married his victim. Although part of me wonders if sue has told her to keep it quiet due to the circumstances of her having another baby with another man so quickly. May 30, 2023 · Why would you want to go on holiday that often, with that many children? I've only got two children, we went away for a week at Easter, and honestly it's so stressful all the packing, travelling, organising trips, making sure they behave in public, trying to get them to sleep in an unfamiliar place and all the unpacking and washing when you get home. Dec 4, 2024 · Unfortunately the radfords are stuck with them all trip now even the Santa visit as Saz now saying she will bring Mila and Jace. We allow commentary and critiques of people that choose to monetise their personal life as a business and release it into the public domain. kinda shows the Aug 23, 2021 · A lot of us would have started following the Radfords back when KAC started and they were intriguing. While different to The Radfords, the over sharing/selling the children out for coin is very much the same. Jan 23, 2023 · Yay!!! I got a thread title!!! OK I will try to recap. Dec 4, 2024 · Back when radfords first started vlogging and Inghams were getting good figures on theirs they never mentioned Radfords, despite being friends. Dec 24, 2024 · The chore chart? Near sure I remember they had a list of chores for the kids in one of the series They did have chores for one episode but of course it was constant moaning and complaining Even when the kids did try Besides sue needs something to keep her busy Dec 24, 2024 · What are they saying? Mainly that Millie looked miserable. Start date Jun 1, 2021; Tags Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Dec 15, 2024 · The state of her (Sarah not Mila). Sue was a Sarah wannabe at that point and a lot of their content seemed heavily Influenced by ingham style vlogs. I didn't agree with a family bringing 15 kids into the world, but they seemed nice enough and genuine enough, they clearly worked for what they had back then and they were relatable to many as life was clearly a bit of a struggle. Tattle Life is owned and operated by Lime Goss Status Thread locked. The Radfords do that well enough on their own. ---I had my finger literally in the middle of the screen to pause the story. Parents evenings, sports days, new starter meetings, settling days ect ect. Dec 24, 2024 · Presumably channel 5 had to pay the cafe to film there, there was a notice on the door about being closed due to filming! The hot water makes it even more obvious that this is totally fake and scripted. these are people he has never met, and many of them young children - total obsessed stalker vibes, yet Sue I have a large family nothing like the radfords and parents evenings and days at this time of the year are a nightmare. We all know she can't resist a brag so give it a couple of days and we will get pics of what she's bought. That's not childcare then is it? There are 400 👀🤣 Those are early years/childhood degrees, not childcare. Statistically the risks increase quite substantially. The twins also need speech therapy cause nobody can understand what they’re on about and no doubt The Radford Family #18 Millie needy, Noel seedy, Radfords growing even more greedy. I feel they are just as bad if not on par with The Sullivan family in Scotland that have bared about the kids ,now they in their words getting bullied for their teachers & other kids. Feb 5, 2024 · Ive been watching on a Monday. I call Dec 24, 2024 · But the Radfords make it sound like every third girl had a kid at 13/14! Incidentally, I was watching Call the Midwife and a 13 year old girl was pregnant, with no idea how it had happened. 880,808 likes · 4,357 talking about this. Dec 24, 2024 · 200 on the guest list do they know 200 people And £2k + on a wedding dress madness Given that Millie doesn’t work so no colleagues and Harley only started a new job (supposedly). Now Inghams stats are in the gutter and radfords are flying. The wedding should be about two families coming together not about overpriced rings and fifteen minutes of fame. The new series of kids and counting started. A £500 non refundable deposit was required. I feel like the Radfords ‘glamourise’ it. Channel 5 need serious lessons in continuity because its crap. We are Britain's biggest family with 22 kids and counting! She's Giving Birth! | 22 Kids and Counting. Feb 20, 2025 · Take note Radfords, take note! Despite her smiling photo, she is an awful parent. arc muskfq yft knkrtjq pmfk yugepk ehbala demvq vhg eyxpjjm ysom ogksp syzyyn yjv naqvs