Raven navy issue vs golem.
Pilot #1 is in a Raven.
Raven navy issue vs golem Support the site. Use code "eveworkbench" at checkout and save 3% and you will support this site at the same time! Got back into the game after 12 years, and found that I among other ships had a Raven Navy Issue. I have a month before I can fly a Golem, so I am considering the RNI until then. Likes The Golem is not a Raven improvement but a special case boat. 4s, Sys: 0s If you're going to be using cruise missiles, I think the Scorpion Navy Issue out tanks the Raven Navy Issue, and has the same DPS. That defeats the point, for the isk you use to bling you can get a raven navy issue. A low skilled torp raven can also farm 0. 6B Price & build history of 'Raven Navy Issue' Average price in ISK per day: Sell price: Buy price: Build opt. 2s, Sys: 1. I know it’s (or at least was) more efficient to blitz them in a Mach but I was always partial to a chill mission run in a Golem. CNR wit 3 BCS, through the better Cap Recharge i was able to fit 4 BCS on the Golem. raven navy issue is a better ship for me, so its a question of preference Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Cruise Missiles; Faction vs. 17: Home; Market . Both with Omnipermatank and T1 Ammo. Raven get a touch more DPS I know the Scorp gets a touch better tank and better un-boosted range in addition to an extra mid slot for x2 Target Painters and an extra high for a salvager. 8 (8/0) 7 5 12,000 MW 780 tf. 2023 03:42 | Tash-Murkon | DB: 2. When I use the compaire tool in game, it seems that there is both good and bad things to say about the Raven Navy Issue vs the Golem. 0. The Tuskers Co. a Golem has 8 "Effective" missile turrents, which technically should out dps a torp navy raven. It does have slightly less range, but the Raven has well more than what it really needs anyway. Pandemic Horde. Raven Navy Issue. Torps have terrible But in the interim I was wondering what will give me better service in L4s and in training up to flying a Golem a Scorpion Navy Issue or a Raven Navy Issue. Bat Country. Build buy: Domain | DB: 0. Im in a Navy Issue and my Hot Damage is Around 7k Hot in my Vindi Similar Setup and Skills was around 12k. Get your Omega codes here. " The raven and its navy variant are arguably the best mission running BS's in the game for their price and mainly for the skills to fly one effectively. 0 belts at an amazing pace. I have about 25 million SP and great missile/shield skills and good drone skills. I’ve got level 4 on all missile and ship related skills, plus level 5 in the magic 14. The jamming and spamming of defender missiles is change based. The time difference between T2 and faction I’ve been digging for advice in existing topics for L4 missile boats and the general consensus seems to be that a Raven, Raven Navy Issue, Scorpion Navy Issue, Golem, the new Barghest and Rattlesnake are all When I use the compaire tool in game, it seems that there is both good and bad things to say about the Raven Navy Issue vs the Golem. I was flying a raven screaming through L4's at 2 million SP or something. I want to solo Level 4’s. I've gone into hull more than once and i warp out a fair bit, but i can complete level 4's in it, and I get a hell of a lot more isk than doing 3's safely in a drake. This means it doesnt matter what sensor strenght you have. AS someone mentioned Golem and or even Carrier are way to SP intense . T2 ammo. Currently I'm mostly running Level 4 missions and can do them without a lot of problems in a Raven. I prefer being cap stable and I am trying to find a comfortable mix of tank/dps. Good: Best shield tank of my options. TL;DR:RNI, SNI, and Golem with similar fitting were compared in terms of time spent shooting to complete "Guristas Extravaganza". I feel like maybe Im missing Depending on where you run your PVE but I always enjoyed the Golem for high sec level 4 missions. I’m finally ready to move up from the Praxis into something faster for mission running. Raven Navy Issue vs Scorpion Navi Issue vs Rattlesnake | Alternatives? Author Previous Topic Next Topic: baltec1. 03. Build buy: Essence | DB: 0. EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay Center » Ships & Modules » Raven Navy Issue vs Scorpion Navi Issue vs Rattlesnake Topic is locked indefinitely. First page Previous page 3 4 5 Years ago it was the RNI, then the HML Tengu, now its Rattle for kill all and Mach for blitz and Golem for easy street. So, your choices come down to slightly higher overall DPS with the CNR, or a higher alpha-strike from the golem. 6s, Sys: 0. It is a heavily modified Price & build history of 'Raven Navy Issue' Average price in ISK per day: Sell price: Buy price: Build opt. A The Navy Raven is and improved Raven. 10. hub: Select commodity Golem Tech II, Meta 5 Price & build history of 'Raven Navy Issue' Average price in ISK per day: Sell price: Buy price: Build opt. IT will be easier to tank, the The Raven Navy Issue (commonly abbreviated RNI, and sometimes CNR) is a logical progression from the standard Raven, with more fitting, better capacitor and better base tank. I can run this stable at 90% - [Raven Navy Issue, Raven Navy Issue] Buy and sell order depth of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items available at a specific price Last updated: 29. In pvp this is entirely different, thats why they have such a low sensor strenght I am relatively new to eve (24 mil sp) and I have unlocked lvl 4 security missions. More posts you All Channels Ships and Modules Golem vs Raven Navy Issue in mission running Edited by: Gul Rashen on 04/01/2008 11:15:25 I made a couple of Missions in my CNR and in a Golem. 04. I maxed Lasers skills, 5/4/0 Gunnery, lvl 31 Focused Crystal Implant with rank 10 Mods but the DPS isnt where It was with Rails. Less expensive and easier to obtain. 19 14:55:49 - - Quote. I’ve run Level 4’s in the past but always in The Navy Issue Route. I could afford one, but I could not afford to lose it. A CNR cant do that. IMO: Golem is better for people who don't have an alt and come back later in a RNI = raven navy issue (what you said) but most people call it a CNR = Caldari Navy (issue) Raven But you are right. What do you think ? Yoinkerman: Posted - 2009. 8 (4/0) 7 4 8,500 MW 715 tf. Now it boils down to the Both have great range, of course, and both do the job better than a Raven. Discussion I'm looking to fit a new lvl 4 mission ship and just can't decide whether to take cruise missiles or torpedoes. 3s, Sys: 0. Faction Battleships Raven Class. Navy Raven is a good stepping stone between a normal Raven and a Golem. Margin finder; Market trends; Market hubs; Market orders; Order depth; Contract prices; Contract profit; Contract details; Hub trade history; Trade Volume Region; Trade Volume Type; Orderbook age; Description; Hull: Raven Class : Developer: Caldari Navy: Role: Battleship: A joint effort by the eight Caldari supercorporations, this State Issue of the powerhouse that is the Raven was created expressly to honour those whose valor in Buy and sell order depth of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items available at a specific price Last updated: 07. All Channels Ships and Modules Navy Raven vs Golem Originally by: Durzel. Bad: Still costs a lot. Plus, if you buy a blueprint, it does not require any exotic tech II materials to build it. In this case the DPS is twice as good using a CNR. Looking at these two builds, both do similar DPS on paper. I am willing to drop the needed cash to get either of these fits obviously. (I get the 3 out of 4 missile count from various level 4 missions. How big of an issue is the sensor strength though? I appreciate that using a Golem in PvP is probably not the best idea, but my understanding is that the Golem has pretty poor sensor strength That's why I bought myself a Navy Raven the second i got the requirements to fit cruise missiles and fly the damn thing (about 4m sp, 1mil of that in negotiations and security connections 5). Unless you are using a golem, go with cruise. You should be fine with a rattle a long time until you want to go for a Marauder . 8s: Order item quantity of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items in market orders per day and traded in whole region: Golem Tech II, Meta 5 In high-security space, the Raven Navy Issue is generally held out as the superior ship for top-end mission running, because its hull bonuses all apply to its weapons (improving their range and their impact against smaller targets), while the Scorpion Navy Issue splits between offensive and defensive bonuses. 30 06:38:00 - All Channels Ships and Modules Raven Navy Issue vs Scorpion Navi Issue vs Rattlesnake navy scorp -> navy raven-> golem For the next ship line machariel-> vargur As far as the rattlesnake, I find it slow and far to micromanagy to get anywhere close to its potential EFT dps. . 100 m/sec. I wanted to reflect that tech2 is not better than tech one but different. I’ve looked over several RNI fits and just haven’t seen exactly what I want. 50km engagement distance for lebel 4 is very bad. [Golem, Golem] Damage Control II Ballistic Control System II Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Adaptive Invulnerability Field II EM Ward Field II Thermal Dissipation Field II Gist A-Type Large Shield Booster Republic Fleet Shield Boost Amplifier Large Micro Jump Drive Republic Fleet Target Painter Buy and sell order depth of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items available at a specific price: Last updated: 07. Raven Navy Issue vs Scorpion Navi Issue vs Rattlesnake | Alternatives? Author Previous Topic Next Topic: Stitch Kaneland. You don't use torps for missions anymore, its all about the cruise missiles. The Rattlesnake can use bigger angrier drones and has more tank. Mach and Golem are skill intensive, RNI = raven navy issue (what you said) but most people call it a CNR = Caldari Navy (issue) Raven But you are right. Build buy: Genesis | DB: 1. The shooting time difference between the three ships is insignificant. The Tuskers. I’ve liked the RNI for a long time and want to give it a try. Better I know it's probably been debated before but I'm looking to upgrade my Raven From what I have seen, there is about 100 mil isk difference between Navy Use the CNR with CMs for those missions where the NPCs are at range and the Raven Navy Issue (aka CNR) The upgraded version of the standard Raven. 120: Posted - 2015. However, I am having problems running L4 security missions with it. 3s: Order item quantity of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items in market orders per day and CNI Raven’s and Raven’s with T2 fits are cost effective, but lack the punch of the Golem so will be slower through missions, but may not be of interest to gankers I know it's probably been debated before but I'm looking to upgrade my Raven and unsure which one is better Raven Navy Issue, Rattlesnake, or Golem. Golem; Torps vs. The Golem fire GIANT pulsating penises out to 50km and will eat your children as it strolls slowly across your yard. 7B while the Golem fit is a touch cheaper at around 1. I'm not a huge fan of the Tengu for running level 4 missions. Even the resist is better. There are several reasons for it. And while most people mean well, the truth is that most EVE PVE (and all the PVE that can be 'solo'd) isn't dynamic enough to force it's users to actually "improve" (unlike PVP, blowing up a lot teaches you how to avoid getting RNI = raven navy issue (what you said) but most people call it a CNR = Caldari Navy (issue) Raven But you are right. Cruise missile fits, for But in the interim I was wondering what will give me better service in L4s and in training up to flying a Golem a Scorpion Navy Issue or a Raven Navy Issue. Adam4EVE Commodity details for 'Raven Navy Issue' v0. Getting lvl 4s wrong when you are 'young' is a good way to throw isk down the drain for nothing. 8 (8/0) 7 5 It is also a good stepping stone to the Tech 2 Golem. High Amount of High Slots. 2024 19:22 | The Forge | DB: 0s, Sys: 0s: Current scope: Region 'The Forge' Select scope: Region: Tr. 123 m/sec. High OP, be VERY careful about who you listen to. I have level 5 in most drone skills, except 4 in Sentry, Heavy Drones, and Drone Interfacing. In pvp this is entirely different, thats why they have such a low sensor strenght Torpedo vs cruise discussion . The Raven also sees some use in PvP. T1 battleships simply cannot tank the damage unless you bling it. 30 06:38:00 - It would either be a Caldari navy raven or a golem I have a Navy raven sitting in a hangar from a while ago (totally unfit). In pvp this is entirely different, thats why they have such a low sensor strenght In high-security space, the Raven Navy Issue is generally held out as the superior ship for top-end mission running, because its hull bonuses all apply to its weapons (improving their range and their impact against smaller targets), while the Scorpion Navy Issue splits between offensive and defensive bonuses. I think its really hard to say what ship is in favor compaired to the other. Commissioned by Caldari Navy Special O Raven > Navy Scorp > CNR > Golem And since I hated my Golem (never owned a CNR) compared to my Navy Scorp, I figured there was no way I would like the CNR more, so I was just curious if there was something people liked about it other than the extra DPS because I can kill lvl 4 in my Navy Scorp pretty dang quick anyway, Navy Raven vs Golem Golem has higher alpha strike with its damage bonus. Likes You want the OP to train heavy missiles and fly a Raven then switch to a Price & build history of 'Raven Navy Issue' Average price in ISK per day: Sell price: Buy price: Build opt. 2s: Order item quantity of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items in market orders per day and traded in whole region: Golem Tech II, Meta 5 Raven Navy Issue, Rattlesnake OR Golem?: The CNR has 1 more launcher, a bit less tank. Before the Golem, I was using a Raven Navy Issue. The only lv4 mission boat that you can reasonably use torps with is a golem or MAYBE a raven navy issue. The Navy Scorpion is an improved Basically the Raven, Navy raven and navy scorp and golem all have the same theoretical max Praxis is going to have more combined dps, thanks to drones. From my understanding. 2024 03:43 | Verge Vendor | DB: 0s, Sys: 0s Price & build history of 'Raven Navy Issue' Average price in ISK per day: Sell price: Buy price: Build opt. I'm not near EFT ATM, so I can't back this up in any way. ) Raven Navy Issue vs. 1,225 m³, Raven Navy Issue. #Apocalypse#eveechoes #eveechoesguide #implants #eveechoesgameplay #LowSec#Hunt#paladinEVE Echoes is a next-gen mobile spaceship MMO game based upon hallmark Old player returning after a few years absence sorry about posting another RNI thread. 8s, Sys: 1. I recently Switched to Lasers from Rails I am not Impressed actually. Build buy: The Forge | DB: 0s, Sys: 0s: Order item quantity of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items in market orders per day and Golem vs Raven Navy Issue in mission running Meds: Gist B-Type X-L booster, 1 caldari navy boost amp, 4 hardeners, 1 cap recharger II Low: CPR II, 3 BCS II Rigs: 2 CCC Runs forever, and boosts 900 shield every 4 seconds. Tiddle Jr Galvanized Inc. High Amount of Medium Slots. Scorpion Navy Issue vs. I ran the numbers and the raven fit is costing 1. All my Description; Hull: Raven Class : Developer: Caldari Navy: Role: Battleship: The Navy Issue Raven represents the best the Caldari have to offer on the battlefield: an all-out assault vessel with tremendous electronic warfare capabilities. Skills required to fly it are essentially the same as a stock Raven. Hopefully you do get into a golem as that’s end game pve for missions and you can use way less tank as mauraders are a different ball game. What's Pilot #2 on your second If your main is on a Raven or Golem doing Guristas L4s, what ship and job would best compliment it Remote Repair Augmentor I Large Capacitor Control Circuit I Large Egress Port Maximizer I Hobgoblin II x5 Caldari Navy Wasp x5 Federation Navy Ogre x5 Salvage Golem. The tank i need isnt something thats really important, since i will be having someone with logistics, but i still prefer something that can give me the most dps, without sacrificing tank, kinda like a normal "mission running raven. Build buy: Derelik | DB: 1. Marauders Raven Class. the Rattlesnake does more, but is very The Navy Issue Raven represents the best the Caldari have to offer on the battlefield: an all-out assault vessel with tremendous electronic warfare capabilities. The Golem is the Caldari Marauder. The second problem is apploalcation. I personally run in a Scorpion Navy Issue, and even with 5 offense skills and the accelerated ejection bay, I found that the SNI ran faster against anything except maybe Guristas - where it was about equal. 7s: Order item quantity of 'Raven Navy Issue' Amount of items in market orders per day and traded in In the same scenario, if 3 missiles are taken out by defenders then that only leaves 1 missile hitting the target with a Golem vs 4 with a CNR. Pilot #1 is in a Raven. gvxqnvmpytfofbpdyabiwbzvcjcdlyyzdnemiaednwgddzhyaywnikbxlqfntyrslnxvdedwdmrywhu